Re: [閒聊] Twitter
~ Doug Collins:
- "Shooting can be a great bromide and it can be a great downer,"
"Very seldom do you ever see teams play through bad shooting for long
stretches of time."
"Shooting is such a big part in what we do—it’s so important to us,"
"投射對我們來說是非常巨大的一部分 - 對我們來說至關重要。"
"During one timeout I told them, ‘We’re going to win the game, guys, if we
win in two areas. One is points in the paint and the other is rebounding,"
Coach Collins names Kwame Brown tonight's Sixers-Jazz Ace of Spades.
Collins這場比賽選出來的黑桃A士是 Kwame Brown。
~ Jason Richardson
- "We’re a good shooting team, we just haven’t been shooting the ball well
"I think it gave us a lot of energy and we really wanted to get off this
streak. We didn’t want to lose at home."
~ Thad Young
- "We wanted to hit them first,"
"They’re a big, physical team and they can run you out of your plays.
So by scoring, we established our presence first and made ourselves felt.
If we do that early more often, we’re going to win a lot more games."
~ Bob Cooney
- Dorell Wright with just 5 minutes of run tonight. Not hurt. Collins doesn't
like matchup, i guess
Dorell Wright今晚只打了5分鐘。他沒受傷,
我猜是 Collins 不喜歡這個組合吧。
- Andrew Bynum Update
Bynum has a bone bruise in both knees to go along with some swelling.
Bynum 膝蓋現狀: 雙腳都因為瘀傷而腫脹。(原本情報只有一邊)
Bynum and the Sixers'brass haven't altered the center's
timeframe to return to practice on Dec. 10.
Bynum 和七六人教練團並沒有更改他定在 12/10 的歸期。
According to general manager Tony DiLeo, Bynum will be "re-evaluated"
in mid-December and likely given yet another MRI exam.
GM Tony DiLeo表示:
I Hope Philly treats Bynum well,
since he did not receive appreciation from many Lakers fans....
Good luck big Drew, now go to start your own legacy.
[T.P]- Andrew Bynum- Goodbye LA
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