[外電] 11/18 七六人 vs 黃蜂 戰報

看板Sixers (費城76人隊)作者 (傻呆傻呆傻呆呆)時間6年前 (2018/11/18 12:41), 編輯推噓23(23031)
留言54則, 21人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
原文連結:https://goo.gl/sDVWVW The Sixers wanted a player who could create his own offense in crunch time. Jimmy Butler showed on Saturday night in Charlotte he is very much that player. Butler’s contested three-pointer with 0.3 seconds remaining in overtime gave the Sixers a 122-119 win over the Hornets. Brett Brown cleared out for Butler and let him go to work after his new star missed an open mid-range jumper for the win at the end of regulation. Somehow, some way, the Sixers survived a career-high 60 points from Kemba Walker. 七六人一直需要一個在關鍵時刻能夠跳出來的人。 Jimmy Butler 在稍早的比賽用表現告訴大家,我就是你們要找的那個人。 延長賽終了前 0.3 秒 Jimmy Butler 命中關鍵的三分球帶領球隊以 122-119 擊敗黃蜂隊 。雖然在正規賽終了前 Butler 錯失了中距離跳投,七六人教練仍然要其他隊友清開空間 讓他執行延長賽關鍵一擊。 在 Kemba Walker 得到生涯新高 60 分的高效表現下七六人依然得到最後的勝利。 ‧ It doesn't matter that Butler only shot 4 for 11 from the floor. Regardless of what's happened earlier in the game, you can tell him, "Get me a shot" and he will deliver when it matters. It's a quality the Sixers have been missing, and it's a quality he clearly possesses. 無關於Jimmy Butler 只有 11 投 4 中的命中率,不論稍早的比賽內容如何你都可以跟他 說「給我把球投進!」,他也不會讓你失望,這正是七六人一直想要的也是 Butler 正在 做的事情。 ‧ To say that no lead is safe with the Sixers is only a slight exaggeration. They led by as many as 17 points in the second quarter but finished the second quarter poorly and didn’t start the third well either. Saturday night was the third straight game they squandered a lead of at least 16 points. The Sixers also blew leads of 10 points with under four minutes left in the fourth quarter and five points with under two minutes remaining in overtime. Big leads dwindle all the time in the NBA, and the excuse of playing the second game of a back-to-back on the road is valid, but the larger pattern of allowing opponents back into games is a problem. 如果說不管領先多少對七六人來說都不算安全是略微誇張了一點,不過七六人在第二節一 度領先 17 分,但是第二節剩下的時間和第三節開局他們打的並不好。稍早的比賽已經是 七六人連續第三場浪費至少 16 分領先被追上的比賽了,他們甚至在正規賽終了前四分鐘 和延長賽終了前兩分鐘浪費 10 分和 5 五分的領先優勢。以現在的 NBA 來說大幅領先的 優勢沒有以前那麼明顯(對應現在快速和三分的球風),加上稍早比賽是 back-to-back 的第二場這兩個原因也許可以作為今天被追上比分的理由,但是這樣不斷被對手追上的比 賽模式絕對是個需要被討論的問題。 ‧ Brett Brown said after Friday’s win that Ben Simmons faces the “biggest adjustment” playing with Jimmy Butler (see story). Whereas Simmons tended toward deferring to his teammates in his first two games with Butler, in Charlotte he found the right balance between borderline reckless drives to the rim and intelligent, classic point guard facilitation. Brett Brown 昨天比賽的賽後訪問說到 Ben Simmons 面對 Jimmy Butler 的加入面臨了 很大的改變,和 Jimmy Butler 共事的前兩場比賽 Simmons 選擇去配合隊友和球隊的狀 況,在今天的比賽中他在切入突破和球權轉移之中取得了不錯的平衡。 There was also another beautiful example of Simmons already being on the same wavelength as Butler. 下面這球就是 Simmons 和 Butler 已經在場上找到共同頻率的一個例子 https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1063950309700104192 And a reminder that Simmons is a pretty special athlete. 以及這球 Simmons 展現他優異的體能條件 https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1063960101382496256 Simmons posted a season-high 23 points, with 11 rebounds and nine assists. He made 9 of 11 free throws. Simmons 得到賽季新高的 23 分外加 11 籃板和 9 助攻,罰球命中率更是高達 11 投 9 中。 ‧ Walker can score against any player in the NBA, and that includes Butler. The Sixers held Walker to 33.3 percent shooting in their first two matchups against Charlotte, but it was only a matter of time before Walker had a big night against the Sixers. Walker is just too quick, too crafty, and simply too good to stop. Walker 已經可以在聯盟的任何一個球員防守下得分,就連 Butler 的防守也是,在本季 兩隊前兩次交手時七六人將 Walker 的命中率限制在 33.3%,但是今天對他完全不一樣, 打的又快又聰明根本無法有效的限制他。 At a certain point, though, you wonder why the Sixers didn’t start sending immediate double teams at Walker or trapping him on pick-and-rolls to make his job more difficult. 你甚至會想問教練團為什麼不對他採取包夾或是在擋拆的時候給他更多的干擾。 ‧ For the second straight night, the Sixers’ offense started out hot. After scoring 38 points on 13 of 15 shooting in the first quarter Friday vs. the Jazz, the Sixers put up 42 in Charlotte. 二連戰的第二場七六人開局手感依然火熱,上一場對爵士的比賽首節以 13 投 13 中得到 38 分,今天比賽則是在第一節就得到了42分。 Embiid had 18 of those points, starting off 7 for 18 from the floor and scoring at all three levels. Unsurprisingly, Cody Zeller proved to be a much easier matchup than Rudy Gobert. 其中包括了 Embiid 18 投 7 中的 18 分並且命中了三分出手,Rudy Gobert 給人的防守 強度比 Cody Zeller 來的高太多了。 https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1063949908464545792 ‧ Brett Brown has, for the most part, been very consistent with his first-half rotations — Embiid always plays the first five or so minutes before being taken out. In each of his first three games, Butler has played approximately the first eight minutes of the game and the last eight minutes of the half. Brett Brown 在上半場的調度非常的固定,Embiid 擔任先發或是打一段時間先暫時倫替 下場,Butler 在這三場比賽的上半場幾乎都是被安排在首節的前八分鐘及上半場結束前 八分鐘上場。 Embiid told reporters after Wednesday’s loss to the Magic that he was “ pissed” about being subbed out after five minutes despite hitting three early three-point shots. There is again an argument to be made that Brown should have diverted from his typical plan against the Hornets and stuck with Embiid, given the big man’s great opening stint. Embiid 在週四輸給魔術隊的賽後訪問中提到他對於儘管狀況很好投進了三個三分卻仍然 在開賽後五分鐘被輪替下場這件事感到不滿。這個現象在今天的比賽中再次被大家討論, 大家認為教練應該修正他這一套輪替原則不要如此限制 Embiid 的表現。 At this stage of the season, however, there’s no reason to overextend Embiid early in games. After years of having to worry about minutes restrictions, Embiid has played more minutes than any player in the NBA. Even if a couple more minutes for Embiid in the first half of a game might help the Sixers on occasion, it’s just not worth it in November. 但是以這季的狀況來講其實沒必要在特別去增加 Embiid 比賽前期的上場時間,經過前幾 個賽季因為傷病史的考量對他的上場時間有嚴格的控管,本季 Embiid 的上場時間已經是 聯盟最久的了(588分鐘),所以即使讓 Embiid 多上場幾分鐘隊球隊有明顯的幫助,以 目前來看是沒有必要的。 ‧ Speaking of minutes restrictions —With the Sixers on the second night of a back-to-back, Wilson Chandler was limited to 12 minutes, all in the second half. Mike Muscala started in his place. 討論到上場時間限制,在 back-to-back 的第二場比賽 Wilson Chandler 被限制在 12 分鐘以內,這場比賽一直到下半場才上場。Mike Muscala 則是回到受傷前的出場安排。 While Muscala only had six points, this was one of his better defensive games of the season. He acquitted himself reasonably well when switched onto the Hornets’ guards. 雖然 Muscala 只有得到 6 分,但是這場比賽是本季防守表現最好的一場,換防後面對黃 蜂隊的後衛也守的十分出色. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 下面是我們幾個小編一起經營的七六人臉書粉絲頁 分享我們看到的最新消息或是外電在粉絲頁上 歡迎大家蒞臨指教~~~ 費城76人主場Sixersball https://www.facebook.com/Sixersfans/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Sixers/M.1542516073.A.4AB.html

11/18 12:59, 6年前 , 1F
個人感覺Brett Brown每場調度像是全都是賽前決定好 臨場不靈
11/18 12:59, 1F

11/18 12:59, 6年前 , 2F
11/18 12:59, 2F

11/18 13:06, 6年前 , 3F
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11/18 13:06, 6年前 , 4F
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11/18 13:22, 6年前 , 5F
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11/18 13:24, 6年前 , 6F
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11/18 15:05, 6年前 , 11F
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11/18 16:19, 6年前 , 14F
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11/18 17:14, 6年前 , 18F
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11/18 17:15, 6年前 , 19F
Brown只學到Pop的皮毛吧 口袋有的東西差太多了
11/18 17:15, 19F

11/18 17:32, 6年前 , 20F
11/18 17:32, 20F

11/18 18:18, 6年前 , 21F
Pop是現役最偉大教練耶 Brown只能算略高於平均吧
11/18 18:18, 21F

11/18 18:48, 6年前 , 22F
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11/18 18:48, 6年前 , 23F
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11/18 18:48, 6年前 , 24F
手遞手傳球順便中鋒掩護… 幾乎每球都大致上這麼打
11/18 18:48, 24F

11/18 18:48, 6年前 , 25F
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11/18 20:00, 6年前 , 26F
總覺得太陽jj 76人要不要去問看看拿tjm 或許在加個選
11/18 20:00, 26F

11/18 20:00, 6年前 , 27F
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11/18 20:24, 6年前 , 31F
我們後面還有一個Zhaire要養 應該對太陽JJ興趣不高…
11/18 20:24, 31F

11/18 20:26, 6年前 , 32F
放個馬後炮一下 當初大橋沒換掉的話陣容好像更漂亮?
11/18 20:26, 32F

11/18 20:36, 6年前 , 33F
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11/18 20:44, 6年前 , 34F
太陽JJ上季尾聲打得不錯啊 而且他天花板很高
11/18 20:44, 34F

11/18 20:45, 6年前 , 35F
比較搞不懂他們有了JJ,Warren 又弄Ariza, Bridges
11/18 20:45, 35F

11/18 20:46, 6年前 , 36F
來卡同樣位子做什麼 難怪時間都不夠分 不爽正常
11/18 20:46, 36F

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11/18 20:46, 6年前 , 42F
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11/18 20:48, 6年前 , 43F
的確以目前盤來JB後陣容來看 有完成度較高的Bridges
11/18 20:48, 43F

11/18 20:49, 6年前 , 44F
應該會比較好 但那時候沒人知道後面會發生的事
11/18 20:49, 44F

11/19 00:11, 6年前 , 45F
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11/19 03:38, 6年前 , 51F
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11/19 06:25, 6年前 , 52F
威錢加二輪換Ariza啊 應該差不多錢?
11/19 06:25, 52F

11/19 06:26, 6年前 , 53F
11/19 06:26, 53F

11/19 20:05, 6年前 , 54F
要拿JJ, 一定會被要求出Fultz
11/19 20:05, 54F
文章代碼(AID): #1RyErfIh (Sixers)
文章代碼(AID): #1RyErfIh (Sixers)