Fw: [情報] Dominick Barlow雙向合約加入老鷹

看板Spurs (聖安東尼奧 馬刺)作者 (CoWuCoWu)時間1月前 (2024/07/31 12:58), 1月前編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 5人參與, 1月前最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1cgSHiwI ] 作者: love1500274 (CoWuCoWu) 看板: NBA 標題: [情報] Dominick Barlow雙向合約加入老鷹 時間: Wed Jul 31 12:58:16 2024 https://x.com/wojespn/status/1818359406448558160 Free agent F Dominick Barlow has agreed on a two-way deal with the Atlanta Hawks, Todd Ramasar of @LifeSportsAGNCY tells ESPN. He played 61 games with the Spurs the past two seasons. Dominick Barlow 以雙向合約加入老鷹 --- https://x.com/KeithSmithNBA/status/1818986731971956941 Julian Champagnie's contract with the San Antonio Spurs becomes fully guaranteed for $3M today. 香檳的合約今天轉為完全保證 3M -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1722401900.A.E92.html

07/31 15:09, 1月前 , 1F
07/31 15:09, 1F

07/31 19:13, 1月前 , 2F
07/31 19:13, 2F

08/01 00:16, 1月前 , 3F
08/01 00:16, 3F

08/01 06:41, 1月前 , 4F
08/01 06:41, 4F
※ 編輯: love1500274 ( 臺灣), 08/02/2024 01:20:19

08/02 08:14, 1月前 , 5F
08/02 08:14, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1cgSHpnk (Spurs)
文章代碼(AID): #1cgSHpnk (Spurs)