[情報] T-mac對自己的身體狀態感到相當滿意

看板T-mac作者 (康康)時間12年前 (2011/12/04 21:23), 編輯推噓24(2402)
留言26則, 21人參與, 最新討論串1/1
剛剛在他的FB粉絲團看到的 內文如下 Tracy McGRADY (T-MAC) Free agent guard Tracy McGrady told the Detroit Free Press on Friday that he is finally back to his seven-time All-Star form. McGrady says now is the time that he will finally be able to play as he used to when he was one of the NBA's best. That said, where McGrady plays this season remains a mystery."I told Joe D that I was going to take the year and get completely healthy," McGrady said. "I am back, I have my athleticism, my knee is a lot stronger, my body is in shape. I have no restrictions. Everything will fall into place." 看起來他對自己感到相當滿意 有機會回復到他當年的身手 還對J.DUMARS表示 他身體完全復原了 今年他將會有很好的展現 如果真的是這樣也太令人高興了 原文在這:http://www.facebook.com/TMac1TMac 不離不棄 是我麥迷 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: tmac240 來自: (12/04 21:24)

12/04 21:53, , 1F
12/04 21:53, 1F

12/04 21:54, , 2F
12/04 21:54, 2F

12/04 22:21, , 3F
12/04 22:21, 3F

12/04 22:24, , 4F
12/04 22:24, 4F

12/04 22:24, , 5F
12/04 22:24, 5F

12/04 22:57, , 6F
不離不棄 是我麥迷
12/04 22:57, 6F

12/05 00:14, , 7F
不離不棄 是我麥迷!!!
12/05 00:14, 7F

12/05 00:50, , 8F
12/05 00:50, 8F

12/05 01:36, , 9F
12/05 01:36, 9F

12/05 12:09, , 10F
不離不棄 是我麥迷!!!!!!!
12/05 12:09, 10F

12/05 13:37, , 11F
不離不棄 是我麥迷!!!!!
12/05 13:37, 11F

12/05 15:49, , 12F
不離不棄 是我麥迷!!!!!!!!! 樓上帳號...XDDD
12/05 15:49, 12F

12/05 21:23, , 13F
不離不棄 是我麥迷!!!!!
12/05 21:23, 13F

12/06 01:59, , 14F
不離不棄 是我妹迷!
12/06 01:59, 14F

12/06 02:11, , 15F
不離不棄 是我妹迷!!!!!!
12/06 02:11, 15F

12/06 05:17, , 16F
不離不棄 我是麥迷!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12/06 05:17, 16F

12/06 13:20, , 17F
不離不棄 我是麥迷
12/06 13:20, 17F

12/06 16:02, , 18F
不離不棄 是我麥迷~
12/06 16:02, 18F

12/06 17:09, , 19F
不離不棄 是我麥迷
12/06 17:09, 19F

12/06 22:36, , 20F
03~04年是他的巔峰期 可惜那年魔術墊底
12/06 22:36, 20F

12/06 23:35, , 21F
NBA版一堆酸民 究竟有多少人是真的看過以前的梯妹打球
12/06 23:35, 21F

12/07 00:51, , 22F
12/07 00:51, 22F

12/07 09:06, , 23F
不離不棄 我是麥龜弟迷!!!!! 踢妹加油阿!!!
12/07 09:06, 23F

12/07 09:51, , 24F
12/07 09:51, 24F

12/10 08:26, , 25F
12/10 08:26, 25F

12/18 02:08, , 26F
不離不棄 是我踢妹
12/18 02:08, 26F
文章代碼(AID): #1EstHj62 (T-mac)
文章代碼(AID): #1EstHj62 (T-mac)