[情報] Goran Ivanisevic談法網八強冏納之戰

看板Tennis (網球)作者 (在過往中無盡徘徊)時間2年前 (2022/06/06 12:32), 2年前編輯推噓82(886146)
留言240則, 67人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
Ivanisevic exclusive: I can’t sleep now, but Novak will be ready for Wimbledon Ivanisevic:我現在睡不著,但 Novak 將為溫網做好準備 Goran Ivanisevic, Novak Djokovic’s coach, feels that the body language and energy were the deciding factors in his loss to Nadal in Paris – and also spoke about the crowd, the scheduling, and his powers of recovery Djokovic 的教練 Goran Ivanisevic 認為 肢體語言和能量是 Djo 在巴黎輸給 Nadal 的決定性因素 也談到了觀眾、日程安排和 Djokovic 的恢復 -- It has been four days since Novak Djokovic lost to Rafael Nadal in the quarter -finals of Roland-Garros, but the dust has not settled just yet. Djokovic 在法網的四分之一決賽中輸給 Nadal 已經四天了 但塵埃還沒有落定 Goran Ivanisevic, Djokovic’s coach, is still in the legends’tournament – and speaking to Tennis Majors there, he cannot wrap his head around some of the things he saw in the match with Nadal, but is very optimistic looking ahead to the grass season and Wimbledon. Djokovic 的教練 Goran 接受 Tennis Majors 採訪 他無法理解他在與 Nadal 比賽中看到的一些情況 但在展望草地賽季和溫網時,他還是表示樂觀 “I have to be brutally honest to begin with – I am in a funk and I can’t sleep,” he said. “I cannot say that I am disappointed, but I am sad. It was not a perfect match from either side. Rafa did not play a spectacular match, but the body language decided, from the first point until the last: Rafa’s body language and Novak’s body language.” "他說:"首先,我必須殘酷地說實話--我正處於一種迷茫之中,我無法入睡" "我不能說我很失望,但我很難過。這不是一場來自雙方的完美比賽 Rafa 沒有打出一場精彩的比賽,但身體語言決定了 從第一分到最後一分。Rafa 的肢體語言和 Novak 的肢體語言" There was no need for a follow-up question; one could see how deeply Ivanisevic cares about Djokovic. 沒必要再多追問,Ivanisevic 對 Djokovic 的關心是多麼深刻 “I warned him, I even told you guys (journalists) that the start of the match could be decisive, but again, a bad start… And then, after the turnaround in the second set, it is incomprehensible the way he played the third set. It was like he lacked energy and like he did not believe sufficiently that he could win. You cannot allow that to yourself against Rafa, because this is his tournament.” 我警告過他,我甚至告訴過你們(記者),比賽的開始可能是決定性的 但又是個糟糕的開始...然後,在第二盤的逆轉之後 他在第三盤的表現令人難以理解 他缺乏能量,就像他沒有充分相信自己能贏 你不能允許自己在與 Rafa 的比賽中出現這種情況,因為這是他的大滿貫 What do you feel was the reason for Djokovic’s body language, because that is something even the casual tennis fans noticed? 你覺得 Djo 的肢體語言是什麼原因?因為連普通球迷都注意到這點 Yes, everyone noticed. I do not know, we have not spoken yet. That is why I am so troubled by this match, I can’t sleep. What would happen had he won the fourth set, nobody knows, but that is just good old ‘what if’. He had two set points: the first one was an easy backhand unforced error, on the second he approached the net with the ball in the middle of the court, so Rafa passed him. Maybe it would have been different, maybe it would not, but I still do not understand the body language and the lack of energy. Novak had too many ups and downs, while Rafa was consistent and he absolutely deserved to win that match. 是的,每個人都注意到了。我還不知道,我們還沒有談過 這就是為什麼我還被這場比賽困擾著,我無法入睡 如果他贏了第四盤會發生什麼,沒人知道,但這只是美好的 "如果" 他有兩個局點:第一個是一個簡單的反拍非受迫性失誤 在第二個局點,他上網後被 Rafa 穿越 也許情況會不同,也許不會,但我仍不理解他的肢體語言和缺乏能量 Novak 有太多的起伏,而 Rafa 卻很穩定,他絕對值得贏得那場比賽 Before the match, you have told us that you are glad that 80 percent of the crowd will root for Nadal because Novak then has someone to get angry at, but it seemed that this time it affected him more than in the past. Would you agree? 賽前,你曾告訴我們,你很高興 80% 的觀眾會支持 Nadal 因為 Djo 就有了可以發火的對象,但似乎這次對他的影響比過去更大。你同意嗎? I mean, we knew that it was going to be like that. Before the match, I said 80 percent out of respect, but in reality it was 99.9 percent of the pro-Rafa crowd. The only thing that I do not like and the thing that is really unfair is for the crowd to boo Djokovic when he entered the court. I mean, he is the No 1 player in the world and he has won 20 Grand Slam titles. There is no reason to do such a thing – whether you love him or not, you should respect him. Afterwards, cheer for Rafa, of course we knew that it was going to be like that. I do not know if Novak was bothered by that or not – he has learned how to deal with it and that cannot be an excuse, in my opinion. 我的意思是,我們知道會是這樣的 賽前,我說 80% 的人是出於尊重,但實際上 99.9% 的人是支持 Rafa 的人 我唯一不喜歡的是,當 Djo 進入球場時,觀眾們發出了噓聲,這實在是不公平 我的意思是,他是世界第一的球員,他已經贏得了20個大滿貫冠軍 沒有理由做這樣的事情--無論你是否愛他,你都應該尊重他 之後,為 Rafa 加油,當然我們知道會是這樣的 我不知道 Novak 是否為此感到困擾--他已經學會了如何處理 在我看來,這不能成為一個藉口 I just want to say one more thing about which I did not want to talk about before the match. It is complete and utter nonsense that for Novak it was better to play the night match. If we go back two years, Nadal won Roland- Garros in October when the temperature was ten degrees. People were saying that Novak was the favourite in the evening, but there was no foundation for that, I even think that the night match suited Rafa. 我只想再說一件我在賽前不想說的事 說對 Novak 來說,打夜場比賽更好,這完全是胡說 如果我們回到兩年前, Nadal 在 10 月贏得了法網,當時的溫度是 10 度 人們過去說 Novak 是喜愛晚上的,但這是沒有根據的 我甚至認為晚上的比賽適合 Rafa Why do you think that is? 你為何會這麼認為? Because Novak needs to focus on himself. It was like ‘oh, Rafa’s ball won’t bounce (high)’, but Novak’s ball was not as effective as well. Novak likes it when it is warmer, because he can get more free points with his serve and because his ball travels to the ball quicker. People need to look at that as well – what is good for Novak, and not to look at what is not good for Rafa. Rafa had the ball in his hitting zone, so I do not think it was noticeable that the night match did not suit him. Again, I do not think the level of the match was super high, but Rafa’s energy was the deciding factor. 因為 Novak 需要專注於他自己 就像"哦,Rafa 的球不會反彈(高)",但 Novak 的球也沒有那麼有效 Novak 喜歡溫度較高的時候,因為他的發球可以獲得更多的分數 而且他的球會更快地到達球點 人們也需要看這一點--什麼對 Novak 有利,而不是看什麼對 Rafa 不利 Rafa 的球在他的擊球區,所以我不認為晚上的比賽不適合他,這一點很明顯 同樣,我不認為這場比賽的水平超級高,但 Rafa 的能量是決定性因素 You have mentioned body language and energy, but from a pure tennis point of view, what were the deciding factors? 你提到了肢體語言和能量,但從純粹的網球觀點來看,決定性的因素是什麼? I have read many comments and analyses emphasising Rafa’s offense with a forehand down the line. That is correct, but Novak’s backhand crosscourt was not as deep and penetrative as it usually is – a lot of the times, the ball landed in the middle of the court or in an ideal spot for Rafa to attack. Once Novak started using his backhand down the line more, the momentum in the second set changed, and then his crosscourt backhand became stronger as well. Rafa used what Novak gave to him – he is the king and an owner of this court, and he does not allow you to have lapses, you pay for them immediately. 我讀過很多評論和分析,強調 Rafa 正拍直線的進攻。這是正確的 但 Novak 的反拍對角不像平常那樣深沉和穿透力-- 很多時候,球都是落在球場中間或 Rafa 進攻的理想位置 一旦 Novak 開始更多地使用他的反拍直線 第二盤的情勢就發生了變化,然後他的反拍對角也有起色 而 Rafa 利用了 Novak 給他的--他是國王,是這個球場的主人 他不允許你有失誤,你會立即付出代價 If you look at the semi-final – Zverev was the better player, he probably should have been two sets to love up, but at the moment when that horrible injury occurred, he had not won the first or the second set. As I said, Rafa’ s energy was amazing, and it was like Novak did not have enough belief. 如果你看看半決賽--小Z 是更好的球員,他可能本應該兩盤領先 但在那個可怕的受傷發生的時刻,他還沒有贏得第一或第二盤 正如我所說,Rafa 的能量是驚人的,而 Novak 好像沒有足夠的信念 You still have not analysed the match in-depth with Novak? 你還沒有與 Novak 深入地分析比賽? No, because he was disappointed and tired. It is not the time nor the place to speak about the match in-depth immediately after it was finished. I empathise with Novak, he is the one that is playing and fighting, so he is feeling the worst, and I am very sad for him because I thought that he could have won that match. 沒有,因為他很失望,很疲累 現在不是時候,在比賽結束後立即深入談論比賽 我同情 Novak,他是那個正在比賽和戰鬥的人,所以他的感受最為糟糕 我為他感到非常難過,因為我認為他本可以贏得那場比賽 Djokovic had many disappointments in Paris, only to bounce back straight away and win Wimbledon. Do you think he will recover quickly? Djo 在巴黎有很多次失望,但直接反彈並贏得溫網。你認為他能迅速恢復嗎? Of course he can, and he does not have much of a choice, if we are being honest. He is the biggest favourite at Wimbledon, just like Rafa was here. Novak now needs to rest well and prepare for Wimbledon physically and mentally . I am sure that he can do it and I think he will win Wimbledon, I have a good feeling about that. He needs to focus on grass now. 他當然可以,如果我們說實話,他也沒有太多的選擇 他是溫網的最大熱門,就像 Rafa 在這裡一樣 Novak 現在需要好好休息,從身體和精神上為溫網做準備 我相信他能做到,我認為他將贏得溫網,我對此有很好的感覺 他現在需要專注於草地 Do you know the schedule yet? Will Novak play any tournaments before Wimbledon ? 你知道時間表了嗎? Novak 在溫網之前會不會參加任何比賽? Most probably not. We will see, but now the key thing for him is to recover mentally. As I have said in the past, Novak is a genius with a different mindset than most of us. Even though he needs less time than most to come back and to figure some things out, he still needs to do it. He has overcome tough losses in the past, and I am completely certain that he will be ready for Wimbledon. 很可能不會 我們將拭目以待,但現在對他來說,最關鍵的是恢復精神狀態 正如我過去所說,Novak 是個天才,他的心態與我們大多數人不同 即使他需要比大多數人更少的時間來回來與弄清楚一些事情,他仍然需要這樣做 他在過去已經克服了艱難的失利,我完全相信他將為溫網做好準備 https://reurl.cc/GxQm5p -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1654489969.A.A49.html ※ 編輯: rayisgreat ( 臺灣), 06/06/2022 12:56:53

06/06 12:42, 2年前 , 1F
第四盤盤末比較詭異 set point拿不下來
06/06 12:42, 1F

06/06 12:42, 2年前 , 2F
06/06 12:42, 2F

06/06 12:44, 2年前 , 3F
06/06 12:44, 3F

06/06 12:47, 2年前 , 4F
囧前面就發球沒帶 第四盤我就看不太出來
06/06 12:47, 4F

06/06 12:47, 2年前 , 5F
06/06 12:47, 5F

06/06 12:48, 2年前 , 6F
06/06 12:48, 6F

06/06 12:48, 2年前 , 7F
唯一解釋應該是他體力出狀況 精準度下降
06/06 12:48, 7F

06/06 12:48, 2年前 , 8F
真的很明顯 整個人遊魂感很重 豆相對專注
06/06 12:48, 8F

06/06 12:49, 2年前 , 9F
06/06 12:49, 9F

06/06 12:49, 2年前 , 10F
感覺生理影響心理 心理影響生理 第四盤很怪
06/06 12:49, 10F

06/06 12:49, 2年前 , 11F
06/06 12:49, 11F

06/06 12:49, 2年前 , 12F
06/06 12:49, 12F

06/06 12:49, 2年前 , 13F
06/06 12:49, 13F

06/06 12:50, 2年前 , 14F
豆的鬥志從來沒有老過 現在只是比較會斷電
06/06 12:50, 14F

06/06 12:52, 2年前 , 15F
long COVID吧,之前很多人都說了
06/06 12:52, 15F

06/06 12:52, 2年前 , 16F
06/06 12:52, 16F

06/06 12:53, 2年前 , 17F
06/06 12:53, 17F

06/06 12:54, 2年前 , 18F
06/06 12:54, 18F

06/06 12:54, 2年前 , 19F
他離場的時候完全不招手致意 而且臉很臭 加上後續其
06/06 12:54, 19F

06/06 12:54, 2年前 , 20F
06/06 12:54, 20F

06/06 12:54, 2年前 , 21F
他報導(例如他提到99.9%觀眾支持豆) 感覺上觀眾的噓
06/06 12:54, 21F

06/06 12:55, 2年前 , 22F
他後期有點大頭症 執著信念可以戰勝一切
06/06 12:55, 22F

06/06 12:55, 2年前 , 23F
聲真的影響了他 現在可能不能再把他視為理所當然的
06/06 12:55, 23F

06/06 12:55, 2年前 , 24F
自己失誤到爆掉 該拿沒拿變不敢打 囧短又放火
06/06 12:55, 24F

06/06 12:55, 2年前 , 25F
鋼鐵意志反派 好像他習慣了被噓所以就完全不受影響
06/06 12:55, 25F

06/06 12:56, 2年前 , 26F
06/06 12:56, 26F

06/06 12:56, 2年前 , 27F
06/06 12:56, 27F

06/06 12:57, 2年前 , 28F
06/06 12:57, 28F

06/06 12:58, 2年前 , 29F
06/06 12:58, 29F

06/06 12:58, 2年前 , 30F
反觀納豆團隊 只為了多打一場法網窮盡一切努力
06/06 12:58, 30F

06/06 12:59, 2年前 , 31F
06/06 12:59, 31F

06/06 12:59, 2年前 , 32F
雖然我是豆迷 但我也不喜歡進場就狂噓囧這種情況
06/06 12:59, 32F

06/06 12:59, 2年前 , 33F
06/06 12:59, 33F

06/06 13:00, 2年前 , 34F
06/06 13:00, 34F

06/06 13:00, 2年前 , 35F
樓上有看文嗎= = 囧的教練也覺得觀眾有影響喔= =
06/06 13:00, 35F

06/06 13:00, 2年前 , 36F
06/06 13:00, 36F

06/06 13:01, 2年前 , 37F
以前能做到的事情 現在做不到也不奇怪
06/06 13:01, 37F

06/06 13:01, 2年前 , 38F
不能因為19溫的囧鋼鐵心理 就預設他永遠鋼鐵心吧
06/06 13:01, 38F

06/06 13:01, 2年前 , 39F
06/06 13:01, 39F
還有 161 則推文
06/06 19:16, 2年前 , 201F
06/06 19:16, 201F

06/06 19:16, 2年前 , 202F
06/06 19:16, 202F

06/06 19:17, 2年前 , 203F
我也喜歡看囧扮演反派的角色 19年溫網逆勢奪冠就是
06/06 19:17, 203F

06/06 19:17, 2年前 , 204F
最好的例子 這才是該有的心境
06/06 19:17, 204F

06/06 19:17, 2年前 , 205F
06/06 19:17, 205F

06/06 19:18, 2年前 , 206F
06/06 19:18, 206F

06/06 19:18, 2年前 , 207F
06/06 19:18, 207F

06/06 19:19, 2年前 , 208F
而且他遇到的也不是最嚴重的 他如果遇到囧的噓聲不
06/06 19:19, 208F

06/06 19:19, 2年前 , 209F
06/06 19:19, 209F

06/06 19:22, 2年前 , 210F
囧囧應有被傷心到 相信溫網能回復
06/06 19:22, 210F

06/06 19:23, 2年前 , 211F
那些外在不可控的因素 包含球員球場抱怨了根本沒用
06/06 19:23, 211F

06/06 19:23, 2年前 , 212F
除非你的聲音夠大讓賽會聽到你聲音而更改 就跟這
06/06 19:23, 212F

06/06 19:24, 2年前 , 213F
次豆抱怨喜歡日場不喜歡在夜場比賽 如果輸了我也覺
06/06 19:24, 213F

06/06 19:24, 2年前 , 214F
得是他自己的球技跟傷勢問題比較大 而不是什麼日夜
06/06 19:24, 214F

06/06 19:24, 2年前 , 215F
06/06 19:24, 215F

06/06 19:24, 2年前 , 216F
第一句 更正 *包含球迷
06/06 19:24, 216F

06/06 19:27, 2年前 , 217F
我重述 我不認同囧進場的噓聲 我覺得球迷沒水準 但
06/06 19:27, 217F

06/06 19:27, 2年前 , 218F
是這又怎樣 也不是抱怨有用的
06/06 19:27, 218F

06/06 19:43, 2年前 , 219F
06/06 19:43, 219F

06/06 21:31, 2年前 , 220F
06/06 21:31, 220F

06/06 21:32, 2年前 , 221F
06/06 21:32, 221F

06/06 22:41, 2年前 , 222F
06/06 22:41, 222F

06/06 22:41, 2年前 , 223F
06/06 22:41, 223F

06/06 22:46, 2年前 , 224F
06/06 22:46, 224F

06/06 22:46, 2年前 , 225F
06/06 22:46, 225F

06/06 23:15, 2年前 , 226F
進場噓真的沒必要啦 這是觀眾素質的問題
06/06 23:15, 226F

06/06 23:16, 2年前 , 227F
喜望阿囧快點恢復 身為球迷想看精彩的球賽啊~~
06/06 23:16, 227F

06/06 23:16, 2年前 , 228F
話說囧是確定今年美網打不了了是嗎? 還有明年澳網
06/06 23:16, 228F

06/06 23:17, 2年前 , 229F
他到底可不可以入境啊? 之前有三年不能入境的說法
06/06 23:17, 229F

06/06 23:17, 2年前 , 230F
也有沒做這處罰的說法 到底哪個是對的?
06/06 23:17, 230F

06/06 23:20, 2年前 , 231F
輸球本來就會很多原因, 總不能說噓聲不是球員控制的
06/06 23:20, 231F

06/06 23:21, 2年前 , 232F
所以就不提, 更何況Ivan也提到其他因素不是單提這個
06/06 23:21, 232F

06/06 23:21, 2年前 , 233F
06/06 23:21, 233F

06/06 23:22, 2年前 , 234F
06/06 23:22, 234F

06/06 23:23, 2年前 , 235F
澳洲那個記得是照規矩就是要禁三年, 就看主管機關
06/06 23:23, 235F

06/06 23:24, 2年前 , 236F
要不要他理由放行 (畢竟Covid-19疫情管是特殊情況)
06/06 23:24, 236F

06/06 23:27, 2年前 , 237F
所以明年澳網囧能不能入境還是個謎囉? 話說澳洲都
06/06 23:27, 237F

06/06 23:27, 2年前 , 238F
改朝換代了 不知道新政府到時候怎麼決定...
06/06 23:27, 238F

06/06 23:28, 2年前 , 239F
06/06 23:28, 239F

06/07 07:43, 2年前 , 240F
99.9%是教練說的 還是無法確切得知囧的想法
06/07 07:43, 240F
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