[外電] Arbitration ruling coming Friday or Monday

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https://tinyurl.com/jhfa95fd The question of who owns the Timberwolves and Lynx should be answered either Friday or Monday, according to sources close to the team. 根據球團相關人士透露,關於誰將擁有灰狼隊和山貓隊的問題,預計將在本 週末前後得到解答。 Attorneys for current majority owner Glen Taylor and attorneys for minority owners Marc Lore and Alex Rodriguez made their arguments in front of a three-member arbitration panel in November in Minneapolis. Those arguments came after months of legal posturing over Taylor’s claim in March of last year that the teams were “ no longer for sale.” 去年11月在明尼亞波利斯,目前主要股東Glen Taylor的律師,以及小股東 Marc Lore和Alex Rodriguez的律師,在一個有三名成員的仲裁小組面前,各 提出了他們的論點。此前,雙方就Taylor於去年3月宣稱球隊「不再出售」一 事,進行了數個月的法律攻防。 The arbitration process was built into their purchase agreement, and the final decision will be binding and likely unappealable. 仲裁程序屬購買協議的一部分,最終決定將具有約束力,且可能無法上訴。 When Taylor canceled the sale via a press release, Lore and Rodriguez were trying to secure financing on a final call option of a 40% ownership stake from Taylor that would have given them majority ownership of both teams. 當Taylor透過新聞稿宣布取消出售時,Lore和ARod正試圖取得最後40%所有權 股份的買入選擇權融資,那將使得他們成為兩支球團的主要股東。 The central question the panel was set to answer was whether Taylor had the right to cancel the sale. When Lore and Rodriguez agreed to buy the team in 2021, the two sides agreed to a series of call options on tranches, or portions, of ownership. 預料仲裁小組面對的核心問題是,Taylor是否有權取消出售。當Lore和ARod 在2021年同意購買球隊時,雙方協議了一系列分批或部分股權的買入選擇權。 The final call option was scheduled for Dec. 31, 2023. It needed to be finalized “not more than ninety [90] days” later, according to the purchase agreement. It was widely reported that Lore and Rodriguez lost funding from private equity firm Carlyle not long before those 90 days were up. 最後的買入選擇權訂於2023年12月31日。根據購買協議,需要在「不超過90 天」條件完成。據外界報導,Lore和ARod在上述90天期限即將屆滿前,失去 了私募股權公司Carlyle的資金。 On March 27, 2024, Taylor released his statement that the Timberwolves were no longer for sale and that Lore and Rodriguez had missed the deadline. 2024年3月27日,Taylor發表聲明表示不再出售灰狼隊,Lore和ARod錯過最後 期限。 Lore, a billionaire tech entrepreneur, and Rodriguez, a former baseball star-turned-investor, said they secured the necessary funding for the deal and submitted the paperwork to the NBA on time. They also noted the purchase agreement allowed for the 90-day deadline to be extended an additional 90 days if “NBA Approvals or other required approvals of any Governmental Entity have not yet been obtained.” Lore是億萬身價科技企業家,ARod則是前職棒明星身份的投資者,他們表示 已掌握交易所需的資金,並及時將文件提交NBA總部。他們還指出,購買協 議在「尚未獲得NBA總部或其他任何必要政府機構批准」情況下,允許將90 天期限再延長90天。 If Taylor prevails in arbitration, he will keep ownership. If the arbitrators rule in favor of Lore and Rodriguez, they likely will be given the right to a 90-day window in which to finish paying Taylor for control of the franchise. The NBA Board of Governors would have to approve the sale. Taylor is also owner of the Minnesota Star Tribune. 如果Taylor在仲裁庭勝訴,他將保留所有權。如果仲裁員的裁決對Lore和 ARod有利,他們可能將獲得90天期限,完成向Taylor支付收購球隊的費用。 NBA理事會必須批准這筆交易。Taylor同時也是Star Tribune的擁有者。 --- 看起來球團所有權歸屬肥皂劇即將告一段落, 不管如何,避開豪華稅二層的大方向應該不變, 而且重中之重, Taylor每季開打前邀請球隊去他家吃通心粉的傳統要維持吧。XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Timberwolves/M.1739084906.A.236.html
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