[心得] 紐約好友waitrop選秀會奇遇記

看板UTAH-JAZZ (猶他 爵士)作者 (知覺集合束)時間21年前 (2003/06/29 00:27), 編輯推噓0(000)
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紐約好友waitrop選秀會奇遇記 原文載於jazzhoops.net留言版 It's very luky for me. I am international student in New York, and I went to the Draft Night yesterday . Of course, I wear Jazz jersey. I stay in the there until I here Jazz choose Mo Williams. Then I was going to go home. When I went through the hall, I meet Pavlovic. I was so exited and I said "Hi". He heared and saw me, and he looked very surprised and he gave me (a little strange) smile. Probaly, he was so surprised this situation and he didn't think there was an Jazz fan there. Then I gave him my "hand", that means I try to shake hands with him and said "Nice to meet you, have a nice career in Jazz". In beginning, the security tried to stop me, but you know what happened? Pavlovic voluntarily raised his hand and shaked hand with me. All the security and people in there were surprised at this situation. Then he went to front stage that I couldn't get in. So I couldn't say what I want say to him. I want to ask an question to you guys. Is it right or wrong that I shaked hands with him? ------------------ 以下是他對此次選秀的一點點心得。 I will give you my opinion about this Draft. Maciej Lampe is the biggest steal in this draft, if New York could handle his contract. Ohe of the reason is his is very big not only tall but also looks strong enough to play C/PF. Second, he has very strong mind. When he slided into 30. He didn't cry or do any stupid thing. And he was very friendly to all the fans, looks like he was not annoyed by this pick and not try to fight all the world. Therefore, I respect him. There is a guy whom I think is the worst in this draft, he is Zaur Pachulia. He was picked in 42. I think it's reasonable position for him, but he looked very angry. He even do some unfriendly action to the fans. Probably , he think he is the first round pick and very arrogant. Even "IF" he can play the ball well, his mind has very big problem, epsecially he doesn't play the ball as well as what he thought. Let's talk about Aleksandar Pavlovic. He is very big and strong, looks like bigger than 6-7. His arm is very long, how long is it? You can image that we can shack hands through the security. And I think his mind is good, at least he is very friendly for me Actually, he can just ignore me or refuse me or some crazy thing like Zaur Pachulia did , instead of that, he gave me a smile and shook hands with me. At least, he is very friendly to everyone. However, I has a question about him. Because he is too big to play SG, I really wonder if he can play SG well and if he is quick enough. In addition, because of his size, can he handle/ dribble the ball as well as a SG does? Otherwise, he looks like a strong rebounder and can play inside very well. ---------------- 以下是我們通信的內容,他比較詳細地描述了經過。 > > 昨天選秀剛選完,相信已經握到Sasha手的你會比 我更滿意這樣的選秀結果。還有,你的英文 >程度進步好多啊! 哇! ^o^ 你怎樣有機會進去看 選秀會啊??? 羨慕啊~~~~還有你是不是在那認識 >了幾位美國的爵士球友呢? 我住紐約,哪來的爵士球友,都是我辜軍奮戰啦!當然如果你 硬是要算Layden. 怎樣有機會進去看選秀會? 當然就是到現場排隊買票摟! 我應該跟你說過其實我去年就有去,但是買到假票沒看到 ,所以今年就毛起來提早一個小時去排隊,Draft買票有幾個 優點,一便宜,一張只要15塊美金,是一般比賽門票的1/3價, 另一點原因是只能現場買票,大家一律平等,除了一些非常 非常有錢有勢的人之外,其他管你是誰都要來排隊,所以只 要你來排隊就一定有票,也不用太早來排,以我這次的經驗 ,大概提早1~2個小時來排就一定有票.我還多買一張,居然 沒人要陪我看,害我多買一張 英文程度是進步很多,每天生活在英文中,當然是進步很多, 但是那也是從很爛進步成普通爛 選秀結果我並不滿意,你知道我一直對Stevenson很有期待 的,這次選Sasha擺明就是OOXX.當我第一時間聽到Jazz選 Sasha時,我氣到根本不想去走到去看他或跟他拍手,你知道 那個NBA最有名的走廊吧!每個球員進退場都一定要經過也 市球迷與球員"唯一"能夠接觸的地方,當然如果你是坐在最 前排,那我也無話可說,我又不有錢有勢,也不是球員親戚朋 友,所以這條走廊就是我今天要寫故事的地方.我就坐在走 廊隔壁不遠的地方,很可惜因為是新手,所以不知道這麼好 康的事,錯過James等人,原本都已經準備好要跟爵士的新秀 拍手甚至要簽名,但是當我聽到他的名子時,根本就不想見到 他,等到我聽完第二輪時就發生了用英文寫的那段,絕對沒有 虎爛,不信自己寫信去問Sasha. 其實有一些不太好意思的事我沒寫上去,本來我在這個"走廊" 遇到他時,我的氣還沒消,但是當我看到他的身材和手長後我 有點改變印象,他的身材和手長比媒體報的要大很多,我看了 這麼多新秀,我可以肯定他很高很壯,手也很長手掌很大,有 Sweetney的等級,但是沒那麼壯,大概是6-8,230左右(還有幾 個人事明顯縮水,Carlos Delfino,Zaur Pachulia),請看此照片 ,http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/photo?slug=magic_draft_flpe104&prov=ap, 打死我都不信Zaur有6-11. 拉回主題,所以我當時很意外,就隨口說出"Hi!".很明顯我的舉 動跟其他球迷有徹底的不同,沒有崇拜,瘋狂,或擠入護衛中的 舉動,只是像他鄉遇故知的隨口打聲招呼,我當時是想怎麼這 麼巧遇到他,我們大概是整個球場唯一爵士隊的人(當然如果你 硬是要算Layden),有點無奈與欣欣相惜的語氣與表情,可能是 我的演技太逼真了,或是我穿上球衣之後太像Stockton或爵士球 員了,現場居然所有人都呆掉傻住了! 沒有人有反應或試著阻止 接下來可怕的事發生,都站著不動(不然我怎麼有機會大力握手 呀!),Sasha原本是若有所思的看這地板,聽到有人說Hi!居然還台 起頭來看,還給我個非常奇怪的微笑,這情況絕對是有夠奇怪的 了!讓我來分析: 1.我跟他說Hi,他怎麼知道有人在對他打招呼,而且怎麼可以馬 上知道就是我,要知道當時人那麼多,有人隨便說聲 Hi, 怎麼知 道是在對他,而且人又那麼多,怎麼知道就是我,我又叫的不大聲 ,就像是對老朋友一般叫,你會對老朋友大叫嗎? 不過當時走來上 只有我一個人是真的,我們居然就這樣搭起來,真是意外 2.這情況真的怪到極點,兩個爵士的人(很有可能是唯一的兩個) 在紐約主場"狹路"相逢,Sasha大概也被這個情況嚇到了,怎麼會 在這個情況遇到爵士的球迷,而且還不是美國人,而且舉動讓人難 以估計,如果是瘋狂球迷或是只是要簽名或摸一下的球迷,那麼護 衛是可以應付,但是我當時的舉動實在是太奇怪了! 而且他大概也能體會爵士的人在花園廣場的感受,所以他就給我 一個非常奇怪的微笑,很明顯先是尋找是誰叫他,然後有點驚訝的 表情,然後一臉無奈,然後是詭異又會心的一笑,短短的時間, 臉上 的表情真是豐富,當我看到他的表情與微笑,我就覺得小弟弟你有 前途!大哥哥我祝你成功,所以就很自然的伸起手來,他居然也很自 然的伸起手來,幾乎是同一時間,看來他也是身有感慨想跟我握個 手吧! 我說這一定是要同一時間伸手,不然你當人家警衛在幹假的 喔,如果Sasha沒在我手伸出去前也伸出手來,我大概連他的衣服都 碰不到就被警衛架開,有可能就像爵士網友說的,會被Banned掉. 然 後我們就面對面很大力的握手(時間不短),這真是太神奇了! 從頭到尾都沒有一個警衛阻止或推擠我,他們就在我身旁或手旁邊, 我們就像老朋友般握手,然後離開,你說我還能跟他要簽名嗎? 我可 不想被Layden抓去紐約監獄呀!然後呢,當然就是所有在場的人都嚇 呆了,如果現場有記者,我保證我會是台灣運動新聞的頭條.所有在場 的人都對我行注目禮,當我發覺跟Sasha要簽名沒希望後(我說過,他跑 到前面我就進不去),我就趕快回家,我覺得我接下來的人生還很長,我 可不想在現場有任何麻煩!很明顯,隨Sasha離開的護衛不算,在場的警 衛都變臉了, 我甚至秀出我的門票都沒用,哪裡也不能走了!被列入觀 察名單,所以我才會問握手這件事是對是錯 我要睡覺了!先寫到這,睡醒再寫我對這次選秀與新秀們的看法,基本上 英文第二篇就是我的基本看法. 如果你覺得我這篇奇遇記很有趣,也歡迎轉貼,不用向我報備了 -- 疑惑 使人生變的有趣 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #-_S8AmD (UTAH-JAZZ)
文章代碼(AID): #-_S8AmD (UTAH-JAZZ)