[轉播] 為老闆而戰~!!!

看板UTAH-JAZZ (猶他 爵士)作者 (Prisoner of Love)時間16年前 (2009/02/22 00:25), 編輯推噓117(123669)
留言198則, 54人參與, 最新討論串1/1
很抱歉 恕我耍點任性 先開明天的轉播文 因為想夾帶一點感想 先放上官方網站的發布 有2篇 這篇提到比較多爵士所以我選了這一篇 Larry H. Miller Biography Owner and Chairman of the Board Larry H. Miller Group of Companies The 2008-09 National Basketball Association season marks Miller 24th year as owner of the Utah Jazz, a franchise that has grown considerably and become a winner both on and off the court under his ownership.? Miller旧success as owner of the Jazz is just one chapter in his amazing saga of business achievement and community involvement.?Miller purchased a 50 percent interest in the team from then owner Sam Battistone on April 11, 1985; then, on June 24 , 1986, Miller bought the remaining 50 percent of the franchise. His unwavering personal commitment to professional sports in Salt Lake City has created the foundation for a strong franchise in one of the league旧 smallest markets and has been rewarded with achievements such as consecutive trips to the NBA Finals in 1997 and 1998 and hosting the NBA All-Star game in 1993. A native of Salt Lake City, Miller is the owner of the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies, whose primary business is a network of automobile dealerships spanning the Rocky Mountain West.? His career in the automotive industry grew from roots in the parts business in both Salt Lake City and Denver before he purchased his first dealership in 1979. Miller entered the sports industry with his purchase of the Utah Jazz in 1985. In 1993, he added to his Sports & Entertainment Group of Companies with the purchase of a Salt Lake independent television station, KJZZ-TV.?In 1999, he entered the movie theater and restaurant business, developing the Jordan Commons complex in Sandy, Utah; and in 2001, he agreed to manage the Gateway Theatre complex in downtown Salt Lake City.?Miller added to his theater business in the fall of 2004 when he took over the movie complex at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, Utah, and then again with the opening of the Megaplex 13 at the Junction in Ogden, Utah, in the summer of 2007. In March 2003, Miller opened the Zions Bank Basketball Center, a premier basketball training and practice facility located in Salt Lake City.?The main feature of the Center is two full-size NBA courts, totaling 22,200 square feet of court. His commitment to sports in Utah also led him to purchase the Salt Lake Bees (then the Salt Lake Stingers) in February of 2005. The Bees are the AAA- affiliate of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Under his leadership, the team quickly rose to the top of the Pacific Coast League, both in standings and overall franchise success. The Bees and Angels recently extended their affiliation through 2012. In April 2005, Miller broke ground on one of his most ambitious projects yet ? Miller Motorsports Park (MMP). Located 30 minutes west of Salt Lake City in Tooele County, Utah, MMP is the nation旧 longest and widest road-course style racetrack in the United States. Miller旧 most visible contribution to Salt Lake City is his privately owned EnergySolutions Arena, which under his supervision, was completed in 1991 in a then-record 15 months and 24 days. He has received awards from Sports Illustrated, and the American Import Auto Dealers Association for his work in the automobile industry.?In 1992, Larry was honored by the International Softball Congress when he was inducted into the ISC Hall of Fame as one of the top pitchers in the country.? He has also been awarded honorary doctorate degrees from the University of Utah, Weber State University, Salt Lake Community College and Utah Valley State College. He was named Utah旧 1997 Master Entrepreneur of the Year and has received numerous other honors from business, civic and non-profit organizations. A devoted family man, Miller and his wife, Gail, are the parents of five children (four sons and a daughter) and have 20 grandchildren. They make their home in Salt Lake City. 今天看到我們家老闆過世的消息是很震驚的 畢竟彷彿才前不久的事情 老牌播報員的慶祝活動 老闆病情惡化還是坐著輪椅出席 再更不久前 老闆的截肢消息才剛宣佈 64歲過世 以現代人來說 算早了 不過老闆這一生過的還真是轟轟烈烈 那麼多公司 而這年紀也已經抱過曾孫了 閱讀越多老闆的資料 會越覺得我們家老闆真的很屌 論屌論脾氣之硬之大說是不下Cuban都不為過 雖然說屌法跟Cuban那種花俏路線是不太一樣 但是所做的事情也都是很能讓人佩服的 雖然球迷間常認為建構出爵士現在這種球風的 不外乎教皇Sloan跟馬史二人組 不過在我心中 這風格的打造 是這三位加上老闆 四人取得共識的精神體現 爵士的風格 幾乎也就是老闆的處事態度 80幾家公司 而幾乎是全心愛著猶他州 愛著鹽湖城 老闆不管是球隊 還是事業 雖然猶他是個小市場小地方 但是他就是讓這裡的尊嚴不做一絲一毫的折扣 也才打造出現在這支雖小 常被忽略輕視 但是硬頸 講求人情義理又拼命 古怪 卻有著全世界或許不多 但是往往都異常忠實球迷的球隊 沒有他 我相信不可能出現Sloan執教20多年的輝煌信任 他與教皇之間20多年不變的信任與相挺 可以說是極其商業化NBA裡 或許跟老史助攻王 抄截王一般難以超越的奇蹟 就是憑藉著這份老闆與總教頭間的情義信任 才能奠定同樣流傳堅持 質樸不屈的爵士風骨 不曉得 他是否知道我們打敗了東霸天的消息 如果他確切的知道我們連續在他過世前 連續打敗東西霸天 或許愛球隊如他 也可以帶著微笑離開吧....... (文後補充:老闆知道我們打贏了去年冠軍 我想這是幸福的 Gail Miller said she got to tell her husband Thursday night that the Jazz had just beaten the NBA champion Boston Celtics, 90-85.) 在球隊歷經這個球季最輝煌的高潮 並且即將迎來傷兵全員歸隊 開始努力衝刺 邁向下一個球季階段的同時 老闆的過世 彷彿是為這個轉捩點 添加了更多的戲劇性 尤其是 明天還將是Deron又要對上CP3 上一次官網大肆宣傳的戲碼 我想追思儀式一定會隆重而盛大 或許球員們都會在手臂或胸前 別起黑色的絲帶 不曉得 我們有沒有可能看到20多年不動如山的冰山教皇 也因為老闆的過世 臉色泛起一些些的情緒&悲傷 老史 老馬 老何 會不會也出席這一場別具意義的比賽呢? 很慶幸至少在老闆過世前 老史老馬的球衣都已退休 過去跟老闆也有過摩擦 但最終很高興老馬跟老闆還是讓前塵成為過往雲煙 如果這幾位都能出席 我想多少都會發表一些追思吧 剛打完東西霸天 準備迎接CP3 而且還剛好是跟我們關係剪不斷理還亂的紐奧良 而剛好今天黃蜂又打到OT... 為這場戲醞釀了山雨欲來的張力 原本有看到Boozer一度可能出賽 或許這將是最好的紀念 但最後還是被否定了 但仍然希望 以Deron為首 明天大家能夠含悲好好出擊 為了老闆在天之靈 打一場最好的比賽 尤其是最適合出現在這場合的對手CP3 迎頭痛擊黃蜂! 將這場勝利獻給我們脾氣最死忠 卻就是如此堅毅的老闆吧!!! -- 大家願意賞臉 明天比賽Live就請在這篇推噓文吧 讓我們在老闆的力量底下 把勝利給搶下來!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/22 00:27, , 1F
02/22 00:27, 1F

02/22 00:29, , 2F
02/22 00:29, 2F

02/22 00:30, , 3F
02/22 00:30, 3F

02/22 00:31, , 4F
02/22 00:31, 4F

02/22 00:34, , 5F
02/22 00:34, 5F
※ 編輯: monmo 來自: (02/22 00:35)

02/22 00:36, , 6F
02/22 00:36, 6F

02/22 00:38, , 7F
02/22 00:38, 7F

02/22 00:44, , 8F
官網有老史跟老漁的發言 老漁果然是好男人揪甘心!
02/22 00:44, 8F

02/22 00:50, , 9F
幹,看完我有種肅然起敬的雞皮疙瘩感!! 真˙男人推!!!
02/22 00:50, 9F

02/22 00:51, , 10F
02/22 00:51, 10F

02/22 00:54, , 11F
02/22 00:54, 11F

02/22 01:00, , 12F
02/22 01:00, 12F

02/22 01:04, , 13F
02/22 01:04, 13F

02/22 01:05, , 14F
02/22 01:05, 14F

02/22 01:05, , 15F
02/22 01:05, 15F

02/22 01:05, , 16F
附帶一提 明天賽前會有追思跟老闆Vedio的播放!
02/22 01:05, 16F

02/22 01:07, , 17F
殺! 殺! 殺!
02/22 01:07, 17F

02/22 01:10, , 18F
02/22 01:10, 18F

02/22 01:20, , 19F
02/22 01:20, 19F

02/22 01:20, , 20F
小胖明天幹64分就有雙重意義了 不過教皇可能會看到中風
02/22 01:20, 20F

02/22 01:21, , 21F
02/22 01:21, 21F

02/22 01:24, , 22F
叫我噓我就噓 我還是爵士迷嗎?
02/22 01:24, 22F

02/22 01:29, , 23F
02/22 01:29, 23F

02/22 01:31, , 24F
不要啦 幹64分的梗是CP3的不要學 贏64分比較妥當
02/22 01:31, 24F

02/22 01:32, , 25F
最好不要是Boozer宣稱6月4號復出 這樣就推他去陪葬不送了
02/22 01:32, 25F

02/22 01:36, , 26F
02/22 01:36, 26F

02/22 01:42, , 27F
Actus:叫我噓我就噓 我還是爵士迷嗎?
02/22 01:42, 27F

02/22 01:43, , 28F
02/22 01:43, 28F

02/22 02:01, , 29F
02/22 02:01, 29F

02/22 02:10, , 30F
沒有老闆的信任也不會有史龍的奇蹟 愛球隊的好老闆
02/22 02:10, 30F

02/22 02:12, , 31F
Miller, a man who truly loved Utah.
02/22 02:12, 31F

02/22 02:27, , 32F
02/22 02:27, 32F

02/22 02:41, , 33F
02/22 02:41, 33F

02/22 02:57, , 34F
這球隊好像在重要日子會輸 ..
02/22 02:57, 34F

02/22 04:00, , 35F
02/22 04:00, 35F

02/22 07:50, , 36F
02/22 07:50, 36F

02/22 08:00, , 37F
02/22 08:00, 37F

02/22 08:00, , 38F
MILLER TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02/22 08:00, 38F
還有 120 則推文
02/22 11:07, , 159F
02/22 11:07, 159F

02/22 11:07, , 160F
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02/22 11:09, , 165F
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02/22 11:10, , 169F
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02/22 11:10, , 170F
02/22 11:10, 170F

02/22 11:12, , 171F
小胖晃慣了,忘記對CP要用輾的 @@?
02/22 11:12, 171F

02/22 11:13, , 172F
02/22 11:13, 172F

02/22 11:14, , 173F
02/22 11:14, 173F

02/22 11:14, , 174F
02/22 11:14, 174F

02/22 11:22, , 175F
02/22 11:22, 175F

02/22 11:23, , 176F
02/22 11:23, 176F

02/22 11:24, , 177F
02/22 11:24, 177F

02/22 11:28, , 178F
哈哈哈哈 推用輾的
02/22 11:28, 178F

02/22 11:32, , 179F
02/22 11:32, 179F

02/22 11:37, , 180F
02/22 11:37, 180F

02/22 11:37, , 181F
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02/22 11:37, , 182F
02/22 11:37, 182F

02/22 11:43, , 183F
02/22 11:43, 183F

02/22 11:45, , 184F
今日請用推文! 小胖放破放太兇!應該用身體鼎他讓他難出手
02/22 11:45, 184F

02/22 11:52, , 185F
cp3一球在手 希望無窮!
02/22 11:52, 185F

02/22 11:53, , 186F
02/22 11:53, 186F

02/22 11:53, , 187F
02/22 11:53, 187F

02/22 11:54, , 188F
02/22 11:54, 188F

02/22 12:06, , 189F
加油啊 不能嘘好不習慣.
02/22 12:06, 189F

02/22 12:11, , 190F
Okur......you are my hero
02/22 12:11, 190F

02/22 12:11, , 191F
02/22 12:11, 191F

02/22 12:16, , 192F
02/22 12:16, 192F

02/22 12:21, , 193F
看來是半夜寫完日本遊記 現在睡醒
02/22 12:21, 193F

02/22 12:26, , 194F
02/22 12:26, 194F

02/22 12:27, , 195F
02/22 12:27, 195F

02/22 12:27, , 196F
02/22 12:27, 196F

02/22 12:47, , 197F
02/22 12:47, 197F

09/11 07:27, , 198F
妹妹這球被判的很冤枉= https://daxiv.com
09/11 07:27, 198F
文章代碼(AID): #19e2hUdC (UTAH-JAZZ)
文章代碼(AID): #19e2hUdC (UTAH-JAZZ)