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看板UTAH-JAZZ (猶他 爵士)作者 (Gentleman monmo)時間14年前 (2011/02/13 14:45), 編輯推噓3(308)
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本來是想找摩艾臉外電的原文 不過原文也是語焉不詳 只知道"率領"是中文自己加的 他的原意只有說"教皇應該對於Boozer來而且贏球感到不爽" 至於他到底怎麼認為Boozer跟教皇的不爽有何關聯倒是沒有解釋 我個人是傾向"公牛"這個對手是個癥結 但摩艾的結論跳太快... 教皇不可能因為對手是Boozer而且贏球就不爽 但可能因此牽連到一些心結的激化 這點Deron亦然 否則我們才剛贏球 輸公牛也不多 今年敗的更慘/連敗都沒事 怎會贏完金塊小輸給東爵就鬧這麼大......... 倒是因此找到一些東爵舊將的外電 還不錯看 只節錄關於爵士的部分 Like everyone else in the NBA, the Bulls were surprised to learn Thursday that longtime Utah Jazz coach Jerry Sloan suddenly decided to step down after 23 years on the job. Boozer表示驚訝 “I was shocked and sad a little bit,” forward Carlos Boozer said. “The NBA, we lost a great one when he retired.” 一些震驚難過 NBA失去偉大人物 There have been media reports citing a growing rift between Sloan and former Illinois star Deron Williams — including an incident Wednesday night during a game with the Bulls — as the reason Sloan left so abruptly. But Boozer, who spent six seasons with the Jazz before signing with the Bulls over the summer, doubts the accuracy of those reports. Boozer緩頰 表示對對外界新聞也持疑 “I can’t speculate because I’m not in that locker room anymore, but I’ll tell you this: From all my time being there, no one could push Jerry out of coaching,” he said. “He was in a position where he could leave whenever he wanted to leave. 我無法評估因為我已經不在裡面 但以他過去的經驗 他認為任何人都無法趕方丈出門 只有方丈自己想走的可能 “I don’t believe that Deron pushed him out. I don’t believe that management pushed him out. That’s what I believe, but I’m not there. All I know is, when I was there, he ran it.” 他認為胖子跟高層都無法趕人 New Jazz man Replacing a Legend is never easy, but Sloan’s departure has provided an opportunity for former DePaul star Tyrone Corbin to be a head coach for the first time. Corbin was promoted from assistant coach, and there’s a feeling he could keep the job beyond this season. “I was fortunate enough to coach him,” said Bulls coach Tom Thibodeau, who was an assistant with the Minnesota Timberwolves when Corbin was a player. “He’s a great guy, a great teacher, a great communicator, and I think the fact that he played in their system and worked under Jerry is going to be a great asset for him.” 么午T教練在灰狼當助教時 Corbin在他手下打過球 一些鼓勵跟讚美 =========================================================================== 另一篇 You may have heard reports Jerry Sloan quit the Jazz after 23 years because of a rift with point guard Deron Williams? Carlos Boozer and Ronnie Brewer have. And the former Jazz players are not buying it. Boo跟小酒替胖子緩頰 "I can't speculate because I'm not in the locker room anymore," said Boozer, who signed with the Bulls after playing six seasons for Sloan. "But I'll tell you this: From my years being there, nobody can push Jerry out of coaching. He was in a position where he could leave whenever he wanted to. "I don't believe Deron pushed him out or that management pushed him out. … All I know is that when I was there, (Sloan) ran it." 跟前面那篇一樣 Brewer said that until Wednesday, "I thought (Sloan) was going to coach another five years because he was so passionate about the game, he enjoyed coming to work every day and was such a fixture on the sideline." 小酒原先認為教皇還會再執教另外5年 他享受他的工作 Brewer, who played his first three seasons for Sloan, said of the reports that Williams caused his ouster: "I think it's a little more than that. I know D-Will. He's a good guy. The guys in that locker room are good guys. And I think they were shocked and disappointed as well. 他認為外界新聞有些些過火 他跟小胖熟 認為他是好人 那邊的球員也都是好人 所以他認為球員應該也會震驚跟失望 "I really don't know how much to read into that. But it's basketball and when you have a team, it's like a family atmosphere. As everyone knows, families argue and sometimes have disagreements. You have that on every team, but you have to be able to move on and look forward." 他說他知道不多 但認為團隊籃球總會有爭論 但還是會往前進 Williams, a former Illinois star, said much the same to KFAN radio in Salt Lake City: "I don't want to say we've had a rocky relationship, but we've had our disagreements over the years, probably no more than any other coach and player have. … We're both very stubborn and I think that's where we clashed. But one thing we always agreed on is that we wanted to win." 小胖說他跟教皇都很固執 不會說關係有多好 也是有分歧 但總是一樣的想要贏 Bulls coach Tom Thibodeau has so much respect for Sloan, he accepts Sloan's "it's time to move on" explanation. "With Jerry, there's nothing he hasn't been through," Thibodeau said in reference to the clashing-with-Williams report that came out of Tuesday night's loss to the Bulls. "I think he was being totally honest, it was time to move on. You don't let one disagreement … he has handled everything that comes his way with dignity and class. "He stands for everything that's good about the game and the profession. He's an all-time great. He might even be the best. To do it the way he did it for that long is incredible." T教練相當推崇教皇 他認為教皇見過各種大風大浪 而最後的處理也是走的相當有尊嚴跟格調 認為他是史上偉大的教練 甚至可能是最偉大的一個 Boozer said he left Sloan, a Bulls icon as a player who won 1,127 games at the helm for the Jazz, a voice mail: "I wished him the best of luck and told him it was an honor playing for him. Good luck finding happiness in retirement." Boozer發短訊給教皇 告訴他希望他一切好運並且告訴他在他手下打球是他的榮幸 並祝他退休一切愉快 Boozer also texted Sloan's replacement, former De Paul star Ty Corbin, to say good luck. 他也發給Corbin 祝他好運 "I don't think anybody saw anything like this coming," Boozer said of Sloan's departure. "He's old school. He only asks one thing: play hard — and stay together. That's what he taught us every day, and that's what we did." Boozer認為沒有人樂見教皇離去這樣的事情 過去他的諄諄教誨就是努力打球 團結 這些是他每天教的也是我們在做的 -- 這次倒是還講的很得體 即使Deron對他冷淡 ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: monmo 來自: (02/13 14:49)

02/13 14:50, , 1F
其實你就這樣想就好了:摩艾最好是平常會跟阿爵的外電> <
02/13 14:50, 1F

02/13 14:54, , 2F
在他瑣碎的印象裡 搞不好教皇就視Boozer是個判將恨得牙癢癢的
02/13 14:54, 2F

02/13 14:55, , 3F
要找機會教訓 所以才會有這種輸球導致不爽的分析
02/13 14:55, 3F

02/13 15:01, , 4F
這兩天看外電 有點諷刺的是反而是這種時候 能感覺到北美籃球圈
02/13 15:01, 4F

02/13 15:03, , 5F
02/13 15:03, 5F

02/13 15:03, , 6F
還是蠻多人重視小胖可能有的成就 跟CP3暑假放話一樣會有些聲
02/13 15:03, 6F

02/13 15:06, , 7F
02/13 15:06, 7F

02/13 15:07, , 8F
音是優先考量保護他們的未來 比較客觀跟有耐心在評斷
02/13 15:07, 8F

02/13 15:08, , 9F
主要是負責公關活動的 他的個性讓他進入籃球事務破壞休息室氣
02/13 15:08, 9F

02/13 15:09, , 10F
氛的風險應該還不小 之前想爭取教練就公開把球員缺點點一遍..
02/13 15:09, 10F

09/11 08:19, , 11F
09/11 08:19, 11F
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