[情報] IVA排球基礎教程

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半年前 International Volleyball Academy 陸續於Youtube頻道更新排球基礎教程, 目前已經更新到27集,此系列的教程體系清晰的剖析排球運動, 在此整理每一集的標題及影片連結(之後陸續更新), 推薦給版友! ps影片有附英文字幕,如果有需要,除了YT內建的翻譯功能, 也可使用Chrome的擴充元件「沈浸式翻譯」幫助閱讀理解 頻道連結:https://www.youtube.com/@InternationalVolleyballAcademy EP01:First Thing You Need To Master To Be Good At Volleyball https://youtu.be/3Mpc4rcr-Es?si=_VigO2c_3il_tw23
EP02:Top Exercises to Improve Catching and Throwing in Volleyball https://youtu.be/fa72B32SVs4?si=oU-f8sl4iEYoxroT
EP03:You Need to Follow These Key Principles to Bump a Volleyball https://youtu.be/13wXAnGqeP4?si=7-Dg3rw2C8ZQfHKj
EP04:Unlock the Secret to Perfect Fast Ball Receiving in Volleyball https://youtu.be/k_ivRYjXkDc?si=n5rYPyojCDHn7TYr
EP05:Your First Steps to Mastering the Volleyball Spike https://youtu.be/vAOoGO4ZHlc?si=yPuCip9GivHKtSxN
EP06:Learn the Key to a Powerful Volleyball Spike https://youtu.be/vy8TDxbtZIQ?si=Lf5cPf3_kBow5Rpi
EP07:Perfect Your Volleyball Setting Skills With These Drills https://youtu.be/wANCgdy1egQ?si=j5mYiGvzSbGwu_Xh
EP08:Unlock Advanced Volleyball Setting Skills with Ease https://youtu.be/XJfp1uC13J8?si=3Zygpd79Pw02Vk57
EP09:Top Setting Games That Will Make Your Volleyball Training Enjoyable https://youtu.be/uKTETW2e22M?si=CDQbwipiZWjVfDpg
EP10:Learn How To Receive Fast Serves in Volleyball https://youtu.be/tPriXMVxarE?si=Q0tlwodc7liPUWKs
EP11:Fun and Effective Volleyball Games That can be Played Even in Pairs! https://youtu.be/3JseK9LH7ww?si=GQhZasmluf6zLBam
EP12:Perfect Your Timing and Deliver Powerful Spikes in Volleyball! https://youtu.be/NUOVT2qZC1w?si=u11vqvm9p9bZZeq0
EP13:How to Block in Volleyball? Your Journey to Block Defense Mastery Starts Here! https://youtu.be/QUiJJ05h3A4?si=kNvULv3IQTKsK4oa
EP14:Mastering Volleyball Block: Footwork and Timing https://youtu.be/uC-wRMJXOIg?si=BDUKf5z6AMORw-KI
EP15:How to Dive in Volleyball Without Hurting Yourself? https://youtu.be/K4nsPFKxsMk?si=_JuLXdQAXtpYB0Pb
EP16:Volleyball Defense: How to Dig Hard Attacks https://youtu.be/RwzZ438kwj8?si=blE2mKqn9BUp4wtd
EP17:Learn the Pancake and Keep Every Ball in Play! https://youtu.be/ospTG9tfT68?si=RuxfRAmosKmasJ5i
EP18:The Serve: The First Attack Of Any Game https://youtu.be/mHUnKkgnlaQ?si=kmmUk6e18I2_Anz5
EP19:A Brilliantly Simple Way to Teach Children Volleyball! https://youtu.be/u112OxLenTA?si=4oBSdG_mD81QNIlL
EP20:Why Every Young Player Needs to Try This Volleyball Game! https://youtu.be/Lfcp99Z_roY?si=UfWngv7t_mpFKloZ
EP21:Essential Core Exercises for Volleyball Players! Build a Strong Core for Peak Performance https://youtu.be/gCmjld4jnd4?si=ezK934ivRw4-Mrkq
EP22:Jump Higher & Dig Better! Leg Training for Volleyball Players https://youtu.be/esFzVr6uzgQ?si=QWFT12wnDNiehkoH
EP23:Get Match-Ready! Volleyball Games That Transition You from Practice to Play https://youtu.be/28BrlbUwBiM?si=4QKPapi5sDgejFTZ
EP24:Essential Volleyball Fundamentals for Every Player! https://youtu.be/C3tjb_3btR0?si=JJeswshZk6mUZz15
EP25:The Ultimate Jump Serve: How to Make Opponents Fear Your Serves! https://youtu.be/l3rlU_T9OSs?si=ghOB6FwnIQG0lZpZ
EP26:Advanced Serve Techniques for Power and Precision in Volleyball https://youtu.be/fbMcX0Nj2H4?si=1cbeKt4SV5GJdAa4
EP27:Mastering the Float Serve: Techniques, Variations, and Pro Tips https://youtu.be/o-C6Ss3L6ko?si=xLPGM4djMHGdsawl
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Volleyball/M.1733020383.A.0E8.html ※ 編輯: gkhank ( 臺灣), 12/01/2024 10:35:30

12/01 13:12, 3天前 , 1F
12/01 13:12, 1F

12/02 20:24, 1天前 , 2F
12/02 20:24, 2F

12/03 08:57, 1天前 , 3F
12/03 08:57, 3F

12/03 21:41, 19小時前 , 4F
12/03 21:41, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1dIyhV3e (Volleyball)
文章代碼(AID): #1dIyhV3e (Volleyball)