[情報] Loeb: a career in numbers

看板WRC (世界拉力錦標賽)作者 (男達よマダオであれ)時間12年前 (2012/10/08 11:36), 編輯推噓11(1106)
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素人自翻 有錯的地方請指正qq Sebastien Loeb has made it nine FIA World Rally Championship titles in succession with victory on Rallye de France Alsace today, a result that crowned Citroen as manufacturers' champions for an eighth time. Loeb在法國站奪冠後達成WRC九連霸的壯舉 同時也讓Citroen拿下第八次的車隊冠軍 With Loeb embarking on a partial WRC campaign with Citroen in 2013, the statistics below demonstrate the French legend’s impact on the sport and the success he and co-driver Daniel Elena have achieved since they first emerged on the world stage back in 2001 by winning the forerunner to the Junior World Rally Championship. Loeb在2013將只會參加部份的WRC賽事 以下的統計數字展現了這位法國傳奇對這項競賽 的影響力以及他與副駕駛Daniel Elena於2001年JWRC參賽以來的各項成就 (雖然是這樣寫 不過有些數字是從1999年開始算的樣子) Loeb’s WRC career in numbers: 9: World titles shared with co-driver Daniel Elena 與副駕駛Daniel Elena一起拿下9次車手冠軍 75: Number of WRC event wins 75個WRC分站冠軍 2: Rallies remaining before he calls time on full-time WRC career 在2001 JWRC剩2站賽事時成為全職的WRC車手 162: Number of WRC starts to date 參加過162次WRC分站賽事 1999: Year of Loeb’s WRC debut in Catalunya Loeb於1999年Catalunya站第一次參與WRC賽事 4: Rounds missed after breaking shoulder in 2006 - he still claimed title 在2006年還剩4站時 騎登山車摔斷右手 但最後還是拿下車手冠軍 874: Fastest stage times set 874次stage最速 1525: WRC points scored 拿過1525個WRC積分 100: Percentage of stages won on Tour de Corse in 2005 於2005年Tour de Corse贏了該站100%的stage 23: Different world championship rallies won 拿過23個不同分站的冠軍 6: Record held by Loeb for most WRC event wins in a row, achieved twice 最多連拿過6個分站冠軍 而且還達成2次(2005, 2008-2009) 2002: Year of Loeb’s first WRC victory - Rallye Deutschland Loeb在2002年Rallye Deutschland拿下WRC生涯第一冠 9: Number of occasions Loeb has won Germany’s WRC qualifier 9次德國站排位賽第一 11: Victories scored during the 2008 season 在2008年贏下11個分站 3: Types of Citroen World Rally Cars he has driven to victory 開過3種Citroen的拉力車款拿下勝利 (Citroën Xsara WRC, Citroën C4 WRC, Citroën DS3 WRC) 8: Different team-mates during WRC career WRC職業生涯一共有過8個不同的隊友 4: Team bosses worked under 4個車隊老闆手下工作過 1: Amount of co-drivers employed during WRC career 在WRC職業生涯只跟1個副駕駛合作過 5: Rallies won at the start of the 2009 season in succession 在2009年開季5連勝 13: Rounds tackled in 2010, number of times points scored 2010年跑了13個分站 每站都有拿分 感想: 以後的人看到Loeb的紀錄大概會覺得是上古神獸吧 XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: asd1 來自: (10/08 11:38) ※ 編輯: asd1 來自: (10/08 11:39)

10/08 11:40, , 1F
10/08 11:40, 1F

10/08 11:54, , 2F
9連霸真的是集運氣與實力於一身 加上對手賞臉 XD
10/08 11:54, 2F

10/08 12:34, , 3F
10/08 12:34, 3F

10/08 17:22, , 4F
10/08 17:22, 4F

10/08 18:24, , 5F
10/08 18:24, 5F

10/08 18:43, , 6F
10/08 18:43, 6F

10/08 18:48, , 7F
當初看精華 他就到家裡透過影像連線跟車隊一起慶祝
10/08 18:48, 7F

10/08 18:48, , 8F
10/08 18:48, 8F

10/08 18:59, , 10F
10/08 18:59, 10F

10/08 19:14, , 11F
在家看電視 拿冠軍~ lol
10/08 19:14, 11F

10/08 19:32, , 12F
太誇張了 真神人...
10/08 19:32, 12F

10/09 00:07, , 13F
10/09 00:07, 13F

10/09 23:56, , 14F
10/09 23:56, 14F

10/09 23:57, , 15F
10/09 23:57, 15F

10/13 17:00, , 16F
10/13 17:00, 16F

10/13 23:11, , 17F
10/13 23:11, 17F
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文章代碼(AID): #1GSafK-j (WRC)