Re: [大威] 法網第一輪

看板Williams作者 (VStarr)時間17年前 (2008/05/27 06:01), 編輯推噓0(000)
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賽後訪問 天啊居然只有四個問題= = Q. Did you scare yourself today, in the second set especially? 你把自己嚇著了嗎? 特別是第二盤? VENUS WILLIAMS: No. I mean, sometimes tennis isn't always won as quick as you want. I think she really played some good tennis. She made some good shots and fought really hard, fought hard for that second set, and it was just important to close it out in the third. 噢不有時候比賽不會像你希望的贏的那麼快 他打的很好也很努力拼 而對我來說最重要的是第三盤得結束比賽 Q. How were you feeling before starting the game? 你在賽前感覺如何? VENUS WILLIAMS: Oh, I felt good. I mean, I knew she was going to bring a lot of balls back and try to play aggressive when she could. I've seen her play. So I felt good about the match before, yeah. 還不錯 我知道他會接回很多球 有機會的時候也會很想進攻 我之前有看過他的比賽所以我賽前感覺還不錯 Q. No pressure at all? 完全沒壓力? VENUS WILLIAMS: You know, the only pressure I have is the pressure I put on myself, so I try not to put too much. 你知道我唯一的壓力就是自己給的 我試著不要對自己施壓太多 Q. Tell us about the conditions today. 談談今天比賽的條件 VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, it was strange with the raining and no raining. It was just important to concentrate, because you can only beat your opponent. You can't beat the weather. So if it rains, it rains. But thankfully I got through before it started. 有點怪 因為毛毛雨一直下下停停所以專注是很重要的 你可以擊敗對手 但不能擊敗天氣 所以如果真的要下雨我也沒輒 還好我在下大雨前結束比賽 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #18EpD3Vl (Williams)