PO 完才發現還有重要的事沒提及
那就是 如果你完成訂票手續 你會立即收到confirm 信 (確認信)
信中會給你 1. 你的User name (就是你當初訂票時所填的e-mail信箱)
所以填e-mail信箱時 要特別特別謹慎 勿填錯啊
否則 你也收不到這封confirm 信
2. Password 密碼 很重要
For security reasons, please change your password using "Change log-in"
after logging in for the first time.
Tickets will be allocated following the conclusion of the first sales
period in mid-to-end April 2005. If the number of applications exceeds
the number of tickets available for your chosen category at a specific
match, allocation will be made randomly (via a draw).
If you are successful and are allocated tickets,
you will be advised of your allocation by e-mail.
Charges will only be applied to your account/credit card
if you are successful in the allocation or draw.
In the event of non-payment, your application will immediately be cancelled.
Please ensure that you have sufficient funds in your account to
cover all potential costs at the appropriate time and check that
you have submitted accurate payment details.
Applications from persons subject to stadium banning orders will be refused,
retrospectively if necessary.
If you apply for tickets for more than one match,
it is possible that you will not be allocated tickets
to all such matches. In this event, you will be obliged to
accept the tickets for the matches for which you have been allocated
i.e. the fact that you may not receive all the tickets
which you applied for will not be a valid reason to cancel your entire
application. Please note however, that if you are successfully
allocated tickets for a match, you will receive all of the tickets
which you applied for.
不懂英文的朋友 對不起 我英文也不好 我怕翻錯 而造成您終生遺憾
那個密碼 只要你登入 你就可以改的 不過 User name 不行
什麼??? 樓上的朋友問說要去那登入啊??
Home -> Tickets -> Customer Self Service
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 編輯: Valeriekuo 來自: (03/30 01:15)
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