[閒聊] FOZZY - Judas【中文歌詞翻譯】

看板Wrestle (摔角 - 角力)作者 (Fridrich)時間7年前 (2017/08/16 17:18), 7年前編輯推噓10(1001)
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圖文好讀版: http://wehsienko777.pixnet.net/blog/post/343515802-『音樂』─-fozzy---judas-中文歌詞翻譯 一年一度的SummerSlam 在這個禮拜天即將到來 話說Chris Jericho所屬的樂團 FOZZY好像也出了新歌《Judas》 因此就來翻譯一下,在歌詞與情境做取捨 如有甚麼建議歡迎留言討論~ ————————————— https://youtu.be/lqURPBtGJzg
#可開啟CC字幕 FOZZY - Judas, 叛徒 (I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming) (我成了,成了,成了...) (I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming) (我成了,成了,成了...) You are beautiful on the inside 你的內在令人動容 You are innocence personified 你是位純潔的聖人 And I will drag you down and sell you out 我則會拖累你 出賣你 Run away 快逃吧 I am cold like December snow 我就像十冬臘月般 I have carved out this soul made of stone 把靈魂雕塑成 木心石腹般 And I will drag you down and sell you out 我則會拖累你 出賣你 Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light 我被黑暗壟罩,逐漸失去光芒 Encircled by demons, I fight 惡魔群聚而襲,我憤而反抗 What have I become? 我到底怎麼了? Now that I've betrayed 如今我眾叛親離 Everyone I've ever loved, I pushed them all away 將我曾所愛的每一個人 都推而遠之 And I have been a slave to the Judas in my mind 我成了個奴隸,喪心病狂的叛徒 Is there something left of me to save 是否還有機會拯救 我那 In the wreckage of my life? My life 殘破不堪的人生?我的人生 I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming 我成了,成了,成了... I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming 我成了,成了,成了... Judas in, Judas in my mind 叛徒,喪心病狂的叛徒 I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming 我成了,成了,成了... I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming 我成了,成了,成了... Judas in, Judas in my mind 叛徒,喪心病狂的叛徒 Judas in my mind 喪心病狂的叛徒 Oh, this guilt is a heavy cross 這種內疚感就像沉重的十字架 There is blood on the path I walk 我所到之處總是 血跡四濺 And each step I take is haunting me 一路走來都令我 難以忘懷 Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light 我被黑暗壟罩,逐漸失去光芒 Encircled by demons, I fight 惡魔群聚而襲,我憤而反抗 What have I become? 我到底怎麼了 Now that I've betrayed 如今我眾叛親離 Everyone I've ever loved, I pushed them all away 將我曾所愛的每一個人 都推而遠之 And I have been a slave to the Judas in my mind 我成了個奴隸,喪心病狂的叛徒 Is there something left of me to save 是否還有機會拯救 我那 In the wreckage of my life? My life 殘破不堪的人生?我的人生 I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming 我成了,成了,成了... I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming 我成了,成了,成了... Judas in, Judas in my mind 叛徒,喪心病狂的叛徒 I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming 我成了,成了,成了... I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming Judas in, Judas in my mind 叛徒,喪心病狂的叛徒 Judas in my mind 喪心病狂的叛徒 Judas in my mind 喪心病狂的叛徒 What have I become? 我到底怎麼了? Now that I've betrayed 如今我眾叛親離 Everyone I've ever loved, I pushed them all away 將我曾所愛的每一個人 都推而遠之 And I have been a slave to the Judas in my mind 我成了個奴隸,喪心病狂的叛徒 Is there something left of me to save 是否還有機會拯救 我那 In the wreckage of my life? My life 殘破不堪的人生?我的人生 I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming 我成了,成了,成了... I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming 我成了,成了,成了... Judas in, Judas in my mind 叛徒,喪心病狂的叛徒 I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming 我成了,成了,成了... I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming 我成了,成了,成了... Judas in, Judas in my mind 叛徒,喪心病狂的叛徒 Judas in my mind 喪心病狂的叛徒 ————————————— 補個摔角點好了 年初時 Chris Jericho和Kevin Owens 其實兩人是BFF超級好朋友 當時Y2J還幫KO奪下Universal champion 之後在KO的幫助下Y2J也成功從 Roman Reigns奪下美國冠軍腰帶 https://youtu.be/wBuSICNx1EQ
不過好景不長,兩人生變是因為 當時金寶嗆聲要在《Fastlane》 跟KO來場打一場 想當然而,身為冠冕者的Kevin Owens 當然不接受(被擊敗前共衛冕冠軍腰帶 189天,目前公認最長持久者) 不過在當Y2J被激將後 便同意金寶跟KO來場 Universal champion賽事 https://youtu.be/YCGEkNme8Q0
可想而知KO當然氣瘋了,在下週RAW上 KO正式背叛Y2J宣洩不滿,兩人從此決裂! https://youtu.be/s83qeS54K0s
三月的《Fastlane》Y2J便干擾KO 使金寶正式奪下 Universal champion冠軍腰帶 https://youtu.be/YAVdR0qPOuE
而此次《Judas》不論是發布的時間點 及歌曲內容,都跟上述劇情頗為相近 因此Y2J粉絲便開玩笑地說 這首歌的出發點其實是從 KO的角度來寫的XD 大概就這樣,歡迎補充 Enjoy Your Stay! (ó ì_í)=óò=(ì_í ò) ----- Sent from JPTT on my HTC_M10h. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wrestle/M.1502875137.A.BF2.html

08/16 18:58, , 1F
08/16 18:58, 1F

08/16 19:35, , 2F
08/16 19:35, 2F

08/16 21:04, , 3F
You know what happens when you translate this son
08/16 21:04, 3F

08/16 21:05, , 4F
08/16 21:05, 4F

08/16 21:55, , 5F
You know what happens? Huh?
08/16 21:55, 5F

08/16 22:27, , 6F
you just made the list
08/16 22:27, 6F

08/17 00:42, , 7F
推 這首很好聽
08/17 00:42, 7F

08/17 01:33, , 8F
08/17 01:33, 8F

08/17 05:19, , 9F
08/17 05:19, 9F

08/17 07:54, , 10F
08/17 07:54, 10F
※ 編輯: Fridrich (, 08/17/2017 16:47:38

08/18 04:39, , 11F
You just made the playlist!
08/18 04:39, 11F
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文章代碼(AID): #1Pb0u1lo (Wrestle)