[外電] CUB/TPE – Cubans pushed hard but finally pull away

看板worldbasket (世界盃籃球賽)作者 (羅得阿普)時間16年前 (2008/06/10 14:48), 編輯推噓2(200)
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CUB/TPE – Cubans pushed hard but finally pull away 古巴/中華台北 - 古巴一路奮戰最終獲勝 來源:http://0rz.tw/e14fO 09/06/2008 MADRID (FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament for Women) – Cuba have serious designs on reaching the Beijing Games but they almost came unstuck against Chinese Taipei on Monday. 古巴對於進軍北京奧運很認真的規劃,但在禮拜一遭遇中華台北頑強的抵抗,計畫差點 受挫。 Alberto Zabala’s team led 52-51 midway through the third quarter but finally woke up and beat the opponents from the Far East 96-79. Alberto Zabala教練帶領球隊在第三節中段時僅以52-51領先,但終於醒過來最終以96-79 擊敗來自遠東的對手。 Yakelyn Plutin had 19 points and 13 rebounds but the Cubans’ biggest contribution came from the red-hot three-point shooter Suchitel Avila, a player who will have a statue erected in her honour back in Havana if she continues to play as she did on Monday. Yakelyn Plutin得到19分13籃板,但是對古巴有著最大貢獻的是火熱的三分射手Suchitel Avila,這位球員如果持續的拿出禮拜一那樣的表現,可能在Havana會為她樹立一座紀念 雕像。 Avila erupted for 15 of her game-high 20 points in the fourth quarter when Cuba finally put away their opponents. Avila拿到全場最高分20分,其中15分是在第四節拿到,幫助古巴最終拉開分數。 She buried four of six shots from behind the arc and also grabbed five rebounds. 她在三分線上六投中四還拿下五個籃板。 Cuba will take on Belarus on Tuesday and Chinese Taipei will face the same opponents on Wednesday. 古巴將在禮拜二對上白俄羅斯,而中華台北則是在禮拜三對上同一個對手。 FIBA 早就該幫錢姊立個雕像了。 -- 世界籃球討論板 12 國家體育場 汗水, 鬥志, 膽識 9 PttBasket 籃球 Σ籃球/台灣籃球/美國職籃/相關討論 1 basket_ptt *THM Σ主題樂園 5 worldbasket 籃球 ◎世界籃球錦標賽和聯賽討論板 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/10 15:10, , 1F
是阿 他真是太威了
06/10 15:10, 1F

06/10 20:05, , 2F
06/10 20:05, 2F
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