[閒聊] U18女籃亞洲青年錦標賽開戰,中國女青狂 …

看板worldbasket (世界盃籃球賽)作者 (錦繡江山三千里)時間16年前 (2008/11/05 14:55), 編輯推噓2(200)
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http://bbs.hoopchina.com/461247.html 當作閒聊話題吧 大陸媒體沒有一絲關於這次女籃青年賽的報道 都是網友從外媒英文報道中知道的 老實說真的挺恐怖的 前面看到中國青年女排的身高已感到吃驚了 這次看到中國青年女籃真的覺得有點過了 19th FIBA Asia U18 Women Championship [Nov 2-9 Indonesia] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Level I 2008.11.2 Malaysia 72 - India 64 2008.11.2 Japan 96 - Chinese Taipei 67 2008.11.2 China 100 - South Korea 45 2008.11.3 India vs. China 2008.11.3 South Korea 90 - Chinese Taipei 76 2008.11.3 Japan 90 - Malaysia 50 2008.11.4 Chinese Taipei 92 - India 63 2008.11.4 Japan 78 - South Korea 65 2008.11.4 China vs. Malaysia 2008.11.5 India vs. Japan 2008.11.5 Malaysia vs. South Korea 2008.11.5 China vs. Chinese Taipei 2008.11.6 South Korea vs. India 2008.11.6 Japan vs. China 2008.11.6 Chinese Taipei vs. Malaysia Level II 2008.11.2 Thailand 74 - Philippines 67 2008.11.2 Singapore 62 - Indonesia 45 2008.11.3 Thailand 76 - Hongkong of China 54 2008.11.3 Singapore vs. Kazakhstan 2008.11.4 Kazakhstan vs. Indonesia 2008.11.4 Hongkong of China vs. Philippines 2008.11.5 Philippines vs. Singapore 2008.11.5 Indonesia vs. Thailand 2008.11.6 Singapore vs. Hongkong of China 2008.11.6 Thailand vs. Kazakhstan 2008.11.7 Kazakshtan vs. Philippines 2008.11.7 Hongkong of China vs. Indonesia 2008.11.7 Thailand vs. Singapore 2008.11.8 Indonesia vs. Philippines 2008.11.8 Hongkong of China vs. Kazakhstan 以下是菲律賓媒體對於菲律賓青年女籃觀看中國青年籃比賽的報道(轉自interbasket.n et): 星期一是菲律賓青年女籃的休息日,整個球隊都去觀摩第一檔次球隊中國隊和印度隊之間 的比賽. 誰知道呢?如果我們在接下來的比賽中取得全勝,我們菲律賓青年女籃將可以從第二檔次 球隊晉級到第一檔次球隊之中,當然我們必須能夠擊敗第一檔次球隊之中的最弱的球隊, 從現在來看這支球隊很有可能是印度隊.他們今天被強大的中國青年女籃碾的粉碎. 我們在半場比賽結束的時候離開的,當時的比分是48:8中國隊領先了40分.中國隊的最後 得分肯定會接近100分,因為他們此前逃命狂屠了和他們實力最為接近的韓國青年女籃55 分.. 這就是中國隊的比賽方式:對對手毫不留情,決不手軟,第一檔次的球隊遇到中國絕對是凶 多吉少. 我們得知中國隊中有一個6尺8寸(203CM)的中鋒,另外至少有3個6尺5寸(196CM)和3個6尺 3寸(190CM)的球員.只有一個球員身高低於6尺(182CM),而且也是很接近6尺.而且這些球 員一點都不瘦,一個個都很高大和健壯. 在菲律賓即使是男子大學籃球隊也沒有一個有象中國青年女籃這樣的平均身高. 在比賽開始的半個小時之前,中國隊開始了他們的熱身活動.他們在烈日下進行了20分鐘 的熱身訓練,接著他們到室內做跟多更重的熱身訓練,這些中國青年女藍隊員我一個都沒 有見過,在他們要參加比賽他們都開始更換球衣,因為他們的衣服都已經被汗水浸透了. (不知道這菲律賓的銅子關於中國隊隊員數據是否準確?竟然有一個203CM,3個196CM以上 ,3個193CM以上的球員?比國家隊都高啊! 請問哪位大大有這次中國青年女籃的名單和身高?) Last Monday, the RP girls』 rest day, the whole team went to Gor Angkasapura to scout Kazakhstan and watch the Level I game between China and India. Who knows? If we sweep the rest of our games, we could make history and land in Level I. But to qualify for Level II, we will have to beat first whoever finishes last in that bracket. Most likely, it』s going to be the Indians, who were pulverized by the tall Chinese last Monday. We left after the first half of their game, with China already ahead by 40 p oints, 48-8. The Chinese』s final margin should be close to a hundred. That』 s because they beat their closest rival Korea by 55 the day before. That』s the way the Chinese play: unrelenting, no mercy. And the prospect of facing the Chinese in Level I is not at all encouraging. Consider this: The Chinese center is 6-foot-8. They have as many as three 6- 5s and three 6-3s in the lineup. Only one player is below 6 feet, but she is only about an inch below 6 feet. Far from being petite, they are all big an d burly. None of the collegiate men』s teams in the Philippines are as tall as they a re. Thirty minutes before game time, the Chinese started their warmup. They jogg ed under the hot sun and performed drills for 20 minutes. From there, they w alked onto the hardcourt and performed more drills, most of them I』ve never seen before. By gametime they had to change their jerseys because these wer e soaked with sweat. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/05 15:08, , 1F
天阿,55分 /__\a
11/05 15:08, 1F

11/05 15:16, , 2F
11/05 15:16, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #194KD-Fu (worldbasket)
文章代碼(AID): #194KD-Fu (worldbasket)