[情報] Kobe承諾繼續代表美國出賽

看板worldbasket (世界盃籃球賽)作者 (小包)時間16年前 (2009/01/16 05:44), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Kobe Bryant said Wednesday night he is willing to commit to play for USA Basketball in 2010 at the FIBA World Championship in Turkey in an attempt to qualify for the 2012 Olympics in London, where Bryant expects to go for the gold again. Kobe周三晚間表示,他願意代表美國隊打2010年的土耳其世錦賽;這個錦標賽 也是2012年倫敦奧運的資格戰。Kobe也一直希望可以在倫敦再拿一面金牌 "The chance to represent your country, that's not even a thought-process for me," Bryant said Wednesday. "If they want me to be on it, I'm all game." Kobe說:"這是可以代表國家的機會,所以根本不用想阿!需要我,我就會在。" Teammate Andrew Bynum is also interested in playing for Team USA. 他的隊友Bynum也有興趣代表美國隊。 "If they contact me, that'd be something — yes, sir — that I'd be interested in doing," Bynum said. "There's really no greater honor than playing for your country, so I'd definitely be interested in doing that." Bynum說:"如果真的找上我了,我的答案就是「Yes, Sir」。代表國家出戰 是至高無上的榮耀,所以我當然很有興趣。" Bynum said his summer schedule is open except for another personal training regimen, and his aspiration is to improve to the point that he can make the Olympic team in 2012. Bynum說他今年的暑假計畫是針對自己還需要改善的地方再做加強,以讓他有機會 可以打2012年的倫敦奧運。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ksaon:轉錄至看板 NBA 01/16 05:44
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