Re: 4/29 一些球員

看板Asian-MLB作者 (Ichi Fan)時間16年前 (2009/05/01 00:26), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串9/17 (看更多)
: ◆ From: : 推 DragonKill:悲慘的一天 04/30 12:41 : 推 k33536:IBB了XDDDD 04/30 12:41 : 推 dannyylib:ICHIRO果然是敬遠結束了無BB之旅 XD 04/30 12:41 : → DragonKill:M181 >< 04/30 12:42 : 推 neutromind:IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB!!! OBP終於領先AVG了 XPPP 04/30 12:45 : 推 milkykaoru:大松井狀況不錯 04/30 12:46 : 推 Minamii:不知道什麼時候才會有真的四壞.. 04/30 12:53 : 推 Westmoreland:敬遠= = 04/30 12:55 : 推 doublebass:真的靠敬遠XD 04/30 13:04 : 推 legendmtg:敬遠XDDDD 04/30 13:16 : → legendmtg:上原....orz 04/30 13:16 : → Roshiel:一朗:看來要把敬遠球打成安打才行了 04/30 13:35 : 推 runwild:KUO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/30 14:03 : 推 zwchih:上原投差都拿勝 投好都吞敗 冏 04/30 14:03 : 推 ROMEL:上原在NPB的一發病看來在MLB會更嚴重~~ 04/30 15:05 : 推 mott:上原才一場投差吧 其他場都值得拿勝投 04/30 15:16 : → ROMEL:突然想到 上原將來有無可能開始學著丟二縫線速球? 因為看到 04/30 15:16 : → ROMEL:他那低得嚇人的GO/AO 所以有此想法 04/30 15:17 : 推 Fernandeo:如果是故意不選保送,真的坐實了隊友的指控 :( 04/30 19:19 : → Fernandeo:一番重要的是上壘率吧 ~ 04/30 19:21 : 推 chordate:你是說秋信守的指控嗎=.= 04/30 19:34 : → chordate:拜託一朗在米國打幾年了,誰不知道他的打擊型態啊 04/30 19:34 : 推 chordate:如果一個人能打這麼多安打,誰也不會計較他BB太少 04/30 19:35 : 推 Fernandeo:我很願意祝福他這個球季靠安打和敬遠就有.380 的 OBP :) 04/30 19:51 : 推 Roshiel:樓上是韓國人嗎 XD 去年MLB一番平均上壘率是.334 04/30 20:03 : → Roshiel:一朗歷年來就算是最鳥蛋的05年OBP都有.350,當一番 04/30 20:05 : 推 Westmoreland:我寧可希望他兩百安能連續下去 04/30 20:05 : → Roshiel:絕對是超過標準的 04/30 20:06 : 推 Roshiel:剛剛試著算了一下,如果一朗真的故意完全不選BB,把所有 04/30 20:10 : → Roshiel:BB全部拿掉以後,OBP正好是.333,也就是說若用OBP來評估 04/30 20:11 : → Roshiel:一朗打一番,他BB全部亂揮變K都會是個稱職的一番 04/30 20:11 : 推 Fernandeo:「韓國人」這種話都出來了,我想這個話題也沒有討論空 04/30 20:21 : → Fernandeo:間了。 04/30 20:22 : 推 Westmoreland:韓國人有哪裡不好嗎? 04/30 20:31 : → Westmoreland:你所謂隊友的指控不就是韓國人點出來的 04/30 20:32 : → Westmoreland:也沒人逼你討論耶 不用委屈自己 04/30 20:33 : 推 Anakin:去年MLB一棒上壘率是.344,美聯是.347 04/30 21:23 : 推 Westmoreland:Ichiro Carrer OBP.376 04/30 22:13 : → Westmoreland:Carrer April/March OBP .345 04/30 22:15 : 推 DragonKill:R 大 : 您太認真了 XD 04/30 22:25 : 推 phoenixtwo:可憐的一朗被敬遠了 04/30 22:35 : 推 Rentch:一朗應該要試著打敬遠球阿XD 05/01 00:00 大家那麼熱烈討論Ichiro有沒有選四壞球。 其實WBC日本球評也在講,要看他有沒有狀況有沒有恢復就是要看他有沒有選BB,不然 實在不符合第一棒的職責。不過直到WBC打完他也沒有選BB,但是也沒人再討論他盡不 盡責了。 他也說過很多時候他沒有改變,但是改變的是周圍的人,就選四壞球來說,我在這版 找到兩篇2005年的文章,現在他應該還是一樣的想法吧! A respected batter once stopped by Ichiro Suzuki's locker with some pregame advice. The player noted that if Ichiro simply learned to be more patient and not chase so many bad pitches, he would have a legitimate shot at hitting .400. Ichiro listened to his teammate's reasoning, thanked him for his thoughts - then continued with the same approach he has used since his days in Japan: swing at anything he considers hittable. "I've heard that (advice) in Japan, and I've heard it here, too," Ichiro says, "but frankly, I find it very naive. True, if you look at one at-bat in isolation, there are instances where you could say if I had just laid off a particular pitch, I could have walked. But if I actually tried to apply that thinking to my batting for an entire season, it would be detrimental. If you could have all of your hits and then selectively apply patience to some of the other at-bats, that would be great. But it doesn't work that way." The man who just wants to hit hints that even 30 walks might be 30 too many. "I don't know of many fans who go to the ballpark hoping to see a hitter draw a walk," Ichiro says. "So, if the debate is about walks, then rather than thinking of ways to increase them, I think it would be far more productive to figure out ways to lower them by turning those at-bats into hits. If you put your energy toward productive thinking like that, you'd be increasing your potential as a hitter. I'd rather be known as the kind of player who thinks and works like that." "The nature of batting is such that even if a pitcher gives you 10 tosses right down the middle, you're still not going to bat 1.000," he says. "That's just the way it is, and I accept that. Now, since pitchers don't just lob it in there like that, there are also times they're just going to outright beat you. I accept that, too. But now you've got the rest of your at-bats. Pitches I believe I should have been able to connect on for a hit but didn't for some reason are my mistakes. That's what I want to reduce. " 這是另一篇: "I want to play a fun style of baseball, and walks aren't fun. It's not that I don't like walks. I don't like myself if I go up there wanting to get a walk. Walks are important in some situations." After a long pause, his mind races back to walks. "I think a lot of the people who say I should walk more never played the game," he says. "I don't think they really know the game or understand the game. When you take away your thoughts about hitting, you lose something. You should always be thinking about hitting the baseball, not walking. "It's how you walk. You don't go up there thinking you're going to get a walk. You go up there thinking about getting a hit. That's a huge difference. People forget what you do in the batter's box - you hit." 大家參考看看囉! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/01 03:34, , 1F
M大姊!好久不見QQ 我現在也在機場服務XD
05/01 03:34, 1F
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