Re: Never give up! Brad Ziegler

看板Athletics作者 (Celery)時間16年前 (2008/07/04 07:18), 編輯推噓1(101)
留言2則, 1人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
The latest Gettin' Ziggy with it (Season 2, Vol 5) Ziggy talked about the game against the Angels on June 8th and his other major league experiences so far. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/05 14:58, , 1F
文內有他跟猴兒的合照 (有點模糊)
07/05 14:58, 1F

07/05 14:58, , 2F
而6月8日是他生涯首勝 小愛再見滿貫哪場..
07/05 14:58, 2F
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