Re: [問題]上籃時嚇人被吹T?

看板BASKET-RULES作者 (八星)時間14年前 (2011/03/30 19:24), 編輯推噓4(402)
留言6則, 6人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
Art. 36 Unsportsmanlike foul 違反運動道德犯規"U" The number of free throws shall be awarded as follows: ˙If the foul is committed on a player not in the act of shooting: two (2) free throws. 非投籃動作,兩罰+中線。 ˙If the foul is committed on a player in the act of shooting: the goal, if made, shall count and, in addition, one (1) free throw. 投籃動作,且中籃,得分算,一罰+中線。 ˙If the foul is committed on a player in the act of shooting and the goal is not made: two (2) or three (3) free throws. 投籃動作,未中籃,兩罰/三罰+中線。 Art. 38 Technical foul 38.4.2 Two (2) free throws shall be awarded to the opponents, followed by: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ˙A throw-in at the centre line extended, opposite the scorer’s table. ˙A jump ball in the centre circle to start the first period. 凡技術犯規一律兩罰+中線。 ============================================================================== 對投籃動作中的球員大叫使其未中籃,宣判技術犯規的條文並非廢止, 在2010規則註釋中依然有相關解釋, 大致分為"中籃(未得利)=警告"和"未中籃(得利)=T", 然而實務執行上的確有其困難, 牽涉到球員本身能力、干擾行為程度加上因人而異的主觀認知, 因此個人建議是: 1.當臨場認為介於似是而非的模糊地帶,利用死球時間口頭提醒; 2.明顯且無庸置疑時,按照規則處理。 個人看法,歡迎討論! -- ζ 到了最後 在身邊的 只剩菸跟影子.. ξ -● ν) √■_ˍ▁▂▃▄▄▃ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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