[資料] 2014國際籃球規則

看板BASKET-RULES作者 (未知的未來)時間10年前 (2014/04/26 15:00), 10年前編輯推噓14(1403)
留言17則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
http://www.fiba.com/downloads/Rules/2014/OfficialBasketballRules2014_Draft7_24APR2014.pdf 原文在這裡 昨天剛公布在FIBA官方網站 將在今年10月1日實施 台灣應該是明年開始實施 不過今年SBL可能會用2014年的規則 今年改的部分不太多 主要改的部分如下 1.進攻免責區的線 是進攻免責區的一部分 2.國際賽將可使用0號 00號 和1~99號的背號 3.請求暫停的部分 下半場[第四節]最後兩分鐘 只能請求兩次暫停 18.2.5 Each team may be granted: ‧ 2 time-outs during the first half, ‧ 3 time-outs during the second half with a maximum of 2 of these time-outs in the last 2 minutes of the second half, ‧ 1 time-out during each extra period. 4.24秒計時 當球以投籃 最後一次或僅只一次罰球 或傳球的方式觸及籃圈且未中籃 若由球觸及籃圈之前的控球隊再次得到控制球 24秒將重設至14秒 29.2.2 After the ball has touched the ring on an unsuccessful shot for a field goal, a last or only free throw, or on a pass, the shot clock shall be reset to 14 seconds, if the team which regains control of the ball is the same team that was in control of the ball before the ball touched the ring. 5.技術犯規的部分 當一位球員被判兩次技術犯規 應被取消比賽資格 技術犯規的罰則 將改成一次罰球 加中線界外球或跳球開始比賽 36.3.3 A player shall be disqualified for the remainder of the game when he is charged with 2 technical fouls. 36.4.2 The opponents shall be awarded 1 free throw, followed by: ‧ A throw-in at the centre line extended, opposite the scorer’s table. ‧ A jump ball in the centre circle to start the first period. 6.違反運動道德 增加第四個黑點 第四節和延長賽最後兩分鐘發界外球 球還在裁判或發球員的手上時 防守球員對進攻方球員發生身體接觸 此身體接觸應被宣判違反運動道德犯規 37.1.1 An unsportsmanlike foul is a player contact foul which, in the judgement of an official is: ‧ Not a legitimate attempt to directly play the ball within the spirit and intent of the rules. ‧ Excessive, hard contact caused by a player in an effort to play the ball. ‧ Contact by the defensive player from behind or laterally on an opponent in an attempt to stop the fast break and there is no defensive player between the offensive player and the opponent’s basket. ‧ Contact by the defensive player on an opponent on the court during the last 2 minutes in the fourth period and in each extra period, when the ball is out-of-bounds for a throw-in and still in the hands of the official or at the disposal of the player taking the throw-in. 7.擴大使用重播畫面判決 46.12 Be authorised to approve before the game and use, if available, an Instant Replay System (IRS) to decide before he signs the scoresheet ‧ at the end of the period or extra period - whether a shot for a successful field goal was released before the game clock signal sounded for the end of the period. - whether and how much time shall be displayed on the game clock, if: . An out-of-bounds violation of the shooter occurred. . A shot clock violation occurred. . An 8-second violation occurred. . A foul was called before the end of playing time. ‧ when the game clock shows 2:00 minutes or less in the fourth period and in each extra period, - whether a shot for a successful field goal was released before the shot clock signal sounded for the end of the period. - whether a shot for a field goal was released before any foul was called. - to identify the player who has caused the ball to go out-of-bounds. ‧ during any time of the game - whether the successful field goal shall count for 2 or 3 points. - after a malfunction of the game clock or the shot clock occurs, on how much time the clock(s) shall be corrected. - to identify the correct free-throw shooter. - to identify the involvement of team members and team followers during a fight. 各節或延長賽結束: 1.判定中籃的球是不是在時間到之前離手 2.發生球出界 24秒違例 八秒違例 時間到之前的犯規宣判 比賽時間應剩下多少 第四節和延長賽最後兩分鐘 1.判定中籃的球是不是在24秒計時器響起之前離手 2.判定投籃的球是不是在犯規宣判之前離手 3.判定誰將球碰出界 任何時間 1.這個中籃是兩分球還是三分球 2.若計時器和24秒計時器失去功能後 判斷時間應顯示幾分幾秒 3.判定正確的罰球者 4.判定鬥毆時誰有參與[有出拳的 或是替補員有離開球隊席區的] 8.球隊名次判定 以往如果有兩隊以上戰績相同且對戰成績互咬 是採用得失分商率判定名次 現在將改用得失分差距來判定名次 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BASKET-RULES/M.1398495639.A.954.html ※ 編輯: utcf1049 (, 04/26/2014 15:02:16

04/26 16:02, , 1F
04/26 16:02, 1F

04/26 16:17, , 2F
04/26 16:17, 2F

04/26 20:23, , 3F
請問技術犯規罰則中 罰球完中場跳球是甚麼情形會發生啊
04/26 20:23, 3F

04/26 21:35, , 4F
04/26 21:35, 4F

04/26 23:18, , 5F
感謝分享 第二波只剩14秒這樣進攻速度又可以加快很棒
04/26 23:18, 5F

04/26 23:49, , 6F
@liang0906 看敘述是在第一節跳球前所宣判的技術犯規吧
04/26 23:49, 6F

04/27 14:01, , 7F
04/27 14:01, 7F

05/04 13:48, , 8F
05/04 13:48, 8F

05/04 17:32, , 9F
05/04 17:32, 9F

05/04 17:32, , 10F
05/04 17:32, 10F

05/04 17:33, , 11F
05/04 17:33, 11F

05/04 17:33, , 12F
05/04 17:33, 12F

05/05 13:59, , 13F
http://ppt.cc/7fqK 補充圖片
05/05 13:59, 13F

05/07 07:57, , 14F
05/07 07:57, 14F

05/28 12:35, , 15F
05/28 12:35, 15F

06/04 23:39, , 16F
06/04 23:39, 16F

06/18 08:50, , 17F
對不起 我推的圖是舊的,,,,,
06/18 08:50, 17F