Re: [情報] Freddie Freeman左肋骨不適

看板Baseball (棒球)作者 (小陳)時間12小時前 (2025/03/18 22:09), 12小時前編輯推噓9(901)
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※ 引述 《WanYC》 之銘言: : Dodgers first baseman Freddie Freeman was scratched from today’s lineup with le : ft rib discomfort. : : : : 原本擔任先發第三棒一壘手的Freddie Freeman : 因左邊肋骨不適在賽前臨時退出先發陣容 : : MVP三連星這場只剩大谷了 賽後有Freddie Freeman的傷況更新 Freeman said this is the first he's felt something there since last October. Doc tors told him it might just be scar-tissue build-up from it healing, and he note d he has been swinging more the last couple days No plan for an MRI now. But if he can't play tomorrow, they could do one when te am returns home 自由人說他第一次覺得怪怪是去年十月的時候 醫生跟他說這可能只是在傷痕癒合時產生的疤痕組織 自由人也說他揮棒揮得比過去幾天還多 目前沒有照MRI的計劃 但如果明天自由人無法出賽 可能就會在回洛杉磯之後照MRI Freddie Freeman said during his last round of BP today, he felt discomfort in th e same area of his ribs he hurt during last year’s playoffs He said this is much less severe, and still lobbied to play today. Said there’s a 75% chance he’s back in tomorrow, depending how it feels 自由人說從他今天最後一輪的live BP開始 他發現跟他去年比賽時肋骨不舒服的地方一樣 他說這次情況沒有那麼嚴重 他也是想今天比賽 明天大概有75%的機會可以比賽 這取決於他的感覺如何 ※ 授權方式: 創用 CC 姓名標示-非商業性 4.0 國際 授權條款授權 -- Sent from my iPhone 13 Pro PiTT // PHJCI -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

03/18 22:09, 12小時前 , 1F
03/18 22:09, 1F

03/18 22:10, 12小時前 , 2F
03/18 22:10, 2F

03/18 22:10, 12小時前 , 3F
03/18 22:10, 3F
※ 編輯: WanYC ( 臺灣), 03/18/2025 22:13:40

03/18 22:13, 12小時前 , 4F
還有吃到毛蟹 但毛蟹不合他胃口 以後再去日本就會知道他
03/18 22:13, 4F

03/18 22:14, 12小時前 , 5F
不用再點毛蟹了 海膽可以
03/18 22:14, 5F

03/18 22:15, 12小時前 , 6F
有到日本吃頂級日料 值了
03/18 22:15, 6F

03/18 22:27, 12小時前 , 7F
03/18 22:27, 7F

03/18 22:30, 12小時前 , 8F
大谷日本或米國 就不知不覺變成球隊一哥 要扛勝負了
03/18 22:30, 8F

03/18 22:39, 11小時前 , 9F
哭啊 fb重金選來躺
03/18 22:39, 9F

03/18 22:47, 11小時前 , 10F
03/18 22:47, 10F
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