Re: [閒聊] 咖馬曹有洗白嗎

看板BaseballXXXX作者 (歐麥古德尼士)時間1小時前 (2024/09/28 09:16), 編輯推噓1(100)
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此篇引用棒板的某篇考古文 但大聯盟在台灣檢方的完整調查報告出爐前並不敢通過任何與曹錦輝相關的合約請求。為 了調查曹錦輝事件,大聯盟動用了他們自己的調查小組(調查禁藥使用的同一批人員)。 在一段非常長的調查後,許多資訊來源均確認曹錦輝已經被允許與大聯盟球隊簽署合約。 But MLB was hesitant to approve any deal until a full investigation had been conducted. In order to fully vet Tsao, MLB deployed its investigative unit— the same group that had been put together to untangle PED use, and had also helped curb illegal activities in the signing of Latin American amateur players. After a lengthy investigation, Tsao, according to several sources, was cleared to sign with a major league team. 對曹錦輝來說,這便是證明他清白的最大籌碼,但曹錦輝至今卻還沒有被任何球隊簽下。 一直到2014年的11月,當曹錦輝在15名大聯盟球探面前投出92-93miles的球速時,美國對 他的興趣才又開始油然再起。但這樣的表現也只夠為他帶來小聯盟合約的興趣。 This has been Tsao's biggest claim to innocence. But Tsao remained unsigned until now. It was only after Tsao's workout for MLB team scouts in November 2014 that interest in him arose again. During that tryout in front of about 15 teams, Tsao threw 92-93 mph and appeared in good shape. Yet that was only good enough to get him a minor league deal. 這跟一些跟風仔說的MLB沒在調查還是道德標準不高明顯始有出入 雖然都不重要了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

09/28 10:41, 33分鐘前 , 1F
09/28 10:41, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1czrZjDe (BaseballXXXX)
文章代碼(AID): #1czrZjDe (BaseballXXXX)