Re: Hopman Cup
Slovak Republic 3 d Germany 0
Dominika Cibulkova d Sabine Lisicki 7-6 (7/3), 6-4
Dominik Hrbarty d Nicolas Kiefer 6-3, 6-0 walkover
Cibulkova/Hrbaty d Lisicki/Kiefer 6-0, 6-0 walkover
男單打到第五局 Kiefer扭傷腳踝之後退賽 (好像蠻嚴重 得坐輪椅才能離開 希望他保重)
明天晚上決賽 vs 俄羅斯
"I was quite sick this morning with a head cold and I still have swelling in
my face. I had played two tough matches when I didn’t get to bed until after
three in the morning, but I'm still happy that we are in the final. We will
do everything we can to win now," Hrbaty said.
"I hate it also. It happened to me once when I was here before, but it's
really bad luck for him in the first tournament of the year. He was working
really hard, played well in the matches before and I hope he will be OK."
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