[外電] Melo在G4錯過了美夢成真的機會和很多投籃

看板C_Anthony作者 (瓜瓜)時間12年前 (2013/04/29 09:39), 編輯推噓25(25093)
留言118則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
Melo misses opportunity and (lots of) shots BOSTON -- Carmelo Anthony's dream didn't come to fruition on Sunday. Not even close. In fact, Game 4 turned into a bit of a nightmare for the Knicks' star. Anthony missed 25 of his 35 attempts on Sunday, including several in crunch time, and the Knicks lost in overtime to Boston, 97-90. Leading up to Sunday's game, Anthony said it would be a "dream come true" to complete a first-round sweep of the Celtics on Sunday. Now the Knicks have to win a home game on Wednesday to finish off their longtime rivals. Melo季後賽的橫掃夢想在對老賽的G4沒有實現。事實上,G4對Melo有點變成一場噩夢。 Melo在G4的35次出手投丟了25球,其中包括一些在關鍵時刻的延長賽,讓尼克在延長賽以 97-90輸給老賽。 延長賽曾說如果可以在首輪橫掃老賽就是“夢想成真”,現在尼克在必須回到主場贏得一 場比賽來終結他們的宿敵。 "We have to be confident going back home. We were confident here," Anthony said after scoring 36 points. "We felt like we gave ourselves a shot to win the basketball game." Melo 說:我們會帶著信心回到主場,我們在那裏更有自信,我們覺得在那裏只要一出手 就能贏得籃球比賽。” Early in Sunday's game, it looked like the Knicks would have no such shot. New York hit just 29 percent of its attempts in the first half and trailed by 19 at the break. Anthony went 3-for-15 and turned it over five times. But he didn't have much help. The Knicks clearly missed J.R. Smith's scoring in the first half. All Knicks not named Anthony shot a combined 8-for-23. 在G4的比賽中,尼克沒有這樣的投籃表現。尼克在上半場的命中率只有29%,在上半場 落後高達19分(Melo 15投3中),進入延長賽後他情況並沒有太大的幫助,尼克顯然在上半 場錯過了JR的得分。除了Melo以外的尼克球員是23投8中。 It seemed like Anthony at times was trying to compensate for the absence of Smith, who was suspended for his Game 3 elbow to Jason Terry's chin. 似乎像Melo試圖彌補JR缺陣的傷害(他在G3時因肘擊Jason Terry而被禁賽一場。 "I missed him out there," Anthony said. "But J.R. being out there doesn't change the way I shoot the basketball. I just normally hit those shots. I’ve been taking them the whole series, they weren't falling tonight." Melo說:“我們今晚沒有JR,但是JR沒有改變我的投籃方式,我只是正常投籃,整個系列 賽我都這麼做,只是今晚沒有成功。” Shots started to fall in the third quarter. Not for Anthony, though. For Raymond Felton. 在第三節尼克開始回擊,回擊的人不是Melo而是肥頓。 Felton poured in 16 points in the third as the Knicks cut a 20-point deficit to just three entering the fourth quarter. Anthony seemed to get on track, hitting three of six shots to supplement Felton. 肥頓在第三節貢獻了16分幫助尼克在落後20分的情況下在進入第四節時只落後3分,Melo 似乎在第三節上了軌道(6投3中)。 But he lost touch in the fourth quarter and overtime, misfiring on 10 of his last 14 shots. 但在第四節和延長賽中,他又失常了,他最後14投投丟了10球。 "He missed some shots," Woodson said of Anthony, who entered play Sunday averaging an NBA playoff-high 32 points per game. "As a team [though], we couldn't make shots." 武僧說:他錯過了一些投籃(在季後賽場均高達32分),但做為一個團隊,就是我們無法 投進。 Woodson was diplomatic in deflecting the blame from Anthony. But it was hard to ignore the way Melo struggled in crunch time. 武僧沒有責怪Melo,但難以忽視Melo在關鍵時刻打的很掙扎。 All seven of his misses in the fourth quarter came with the Knicks trailing Boston by five points or fewer. Anthony missed three straight shots with the score tied at 82. He also went 2-for-5 from the free-throw line in the fourth, including two misses with 1:50 to play that could have snapped the 82-all tie. 他在第四節的七失誤讓尼克以5分或更少的分數尾隨老賽,在82平時Melo連續投丟了3球, 在第四節的罰球5罰僅2中,在第四節1:50 82平時他還有兩次失誤。 "I was trying to do whatever I can to win the basketball game. I was just trying to be aggressive, but I missed a ton of shots," Anthony said. Melo說:”我試圖盡我所能贏得籃球比賽,我只是試圖保持侵略性,但我錯過了投籃。 Credit goes to Brandon Bass, who bothered Anthony all afternoon. But you also have to wonder if the Knicks forced Anthony into too many isolation sets, or vice versa. New York had great success with Felton running the pick-and-roll in the third but seemed to lean on isolation plays in the fourth quarter and overtime. Brandon Bass的防守困擾了Melo整個下午,但你也會懷疑是否尼克讓Melo進行了太多單打 肥頓的擋拆在第三節取得了巨大成功,但在第四節和延長賽似乎只倚靠個人單打。 For the game, Anthony operated in isolation on 49 percent of his possessions, according to data compiled by ESPN Stats and Information. It's worth noting that the Knicks were outscored by 10 points with Anthony on the floor. 對於本場比賽,Melo的得分(49%來自個人單打),這是值得注意的,當Melo回到場上,尼 克只得到10分。 Compared to Game 2, when Anthony was in isolation on 26 percent of his plays and the Knicks were plus-22 when he was on the floor, Sunday's ratio seems counterproductive. 跟G2相比,Melo只有26%的單打,當他在場上時,尼克得到22分,但G4的比例似乎剛好相 反。 Especially when you consider that Anthony's isolation sets late in the game seemed to come at Felton's expense. Coming off of a brilliant third quarter, Felton attempted just six shots combined in the fourth quarter and overtime. He had 16 points on eight shots in the third. 尤其是當你考慮到Melo的單打花掉了肥頓的努力,在輝煌的第三節後,肥頓在第四節和延 長賽,他只出手投籃六次。他得了16分(8投)在第三節。 "At the end of the day you're going to live and die with your go-to guy," Felton said. I was able to get in the paint and hit some big shots, but when the game is on the line you're going to be getting the ball to No. 7. That's what we've been doing all year. There's no need to change it now." 肥頓說:當一天結束,活或死取決於領袖的表現,我是能夠切入禁得分和投進一些三分球 ,但是當比賽進行時,你就想辦法傳球給得到球No. 7,這就是我們整季一直在做的事, 沒有必要現在去改變它。 The Knicks went to No. 7 again and again in overtime, but to little avail. Anthony missed three of his four attempts in the extra session, including a 3-pointer with the Knicks down three and 20 seconds to play. 尼克在延長賽一次又一次把球給No. 7.,但效果不佳。Melo在延長賽4投投丟了3球,包括 一次在最後20秒尼克僅落後3分的3分球出手。 "We as a team didn't shoot the ball well. I didn't shoot the ball well. But we look forward to Wednesday. I can tell you that," he said. Melo說:我們全隊投籃都不好,我的投籃不好,但我們期待著週三主場見真章。 ....................................................... 在看到G4 Melo的表現(35投10中)就知道一定有類似的外電,果然沒猜錯XDDDDD Melo跟JR是同類型的人,傲驕、嘴硬但一定會偷偷改,這場就當繳學費,在G4就發生可以 改正總比後面才發生好 反正我的信念只有一個,不管別人怎麼說依然『不離不棄 永遠支持Melo』 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/29 11:30, , 1F
JR哪有,JR打不好會道歉,只有瓜瓜才嘴硬 XDD 去年記者問他
04/29 11:30, 1F

04/29 11:31, , 2F
04/29 11:31, 2F

04/29 11:32, , 3F
果一兩個月就宣布他減肥成功,真的就是顆嘴硬瓜 XD
04/29 11:32, 3F
哈…這是現在的JR,以前的JR不但不認錯還跟教練三天一小吵、五天一大吵,只是Melo至 今仍然傲驕,不喜歡人前認錯,可以找一下在Melo金塊時不接受教練的調度被球隊(不是 聯盟)禁賽時說的話更加有趣,真的是至今未變的天真(另一說是呆)

04/29 11:59, , 4F
04/29 11:59, 4F
看到今天金塊被勇士3:1,忍不住想說一下,以前都說金塊是因為圍繞Melo建隊所以過不了 首輪,但現在金塊沒有Melo如果仍然沒有過首輪,難道卡爾教練不用負責嗎?雖然我也挺 敬愛和感謝卡爾教練(除了Melo離開後他公開批評Melo的那段時間),畢竟他也把Melo帶成 了籃球巨星,但一直覺得把當初金塊沒有成功的季後賽都歸責於Melo一個人其實很不公平

04/29 16:53, , 5F
karl嘛......一樣同melo 我也看了他好幾年..
04/29 16:53, 5F

04/29 16:53, , 6F
04/29 16:53, 6F

04/29 16:54, , 7F
主要是他會放手讓球員去打 不會給太多限制
04/29 16:54, 7F

04/29 16:56, , 8F
相信很多球員會希望在karl底下打球 可以找到自己的一片天
04/29 16:56, 8F

04/29 16:57, , 9F
也有不少球員在金塊打出第二春 甚至雙面刃JR也在金塊留好幾
04/29 16:57, 9F

04/29 16:58, , 10F
年 但季後賽戰績不好 原因大至上有二
04/29 16:58, 10F

04/29 16:59, , 11F
其一 金塊陣容年年都在變 固定班底melo為主5人左右
04/29 16:59, 11F

04/29 16:59, , 12F
陣容變動頻繁 不利於磨合 再者年年禁區有人報銷
04/29 16:59, 12F

04/29 17:00, , 13F
04/29 17:00, 13F

04/29 17:01, , 14F
其二 karl打的是快速攻守轉換 對手會把節奏打慢
04/29 17:01, 14F

04/29 17:02, , 15F
在半場進攻 是少不了幾枚射手 然而karl在金塊執教這幾年
04/29 17:02, 15F

04/29 17:03, , 16F
04/29 17:03, 16F

04/29 17:04, , 17F
04/29 17:04, 17F

04/29 17:04, , 18F
在西冠那一年 最大的原因不是槍蜥加盟 是NENE那年無傷痛
04/29 17:04, 18F

04/29 17:06, , 19F
nene 配合K罵 鳥人 半場進攻有了依靠了 不在是ISO MELO..
04/29 17:06, 19F

04/29 17:07, , 20F
西冠那一年 季後賽R1 K罵守CP3是大功臣
04/29 17:07, 20F

04/29 17:08, , 21F
季後賽R2 K罵跟鳥人輪流盯司機 加上全員帶準心..
04/29 17:08, 21F

04/29 17:08, , 22F
季後賽R3 跟湖人打的難分難解 敗在該死的發邊線球..
04/29 17:08, 22F

04/29 17:10, , 23F
真的要拿來跟武僧比較 karl是慈母 武僧是嚴父
04/29 17:10, 23F

04/29 17:10, , 24F
各有各的優點 現在尼克底下射手(能投三分)比較多
04/29 17:10, 24F

04/29 17:11, , 25F
04/29 17:11, 25F

04/29 17:13, , 26F
唯一不變的是...到哪都會出現ISO MELO
04/29 17:13, 26F

04/29 17:14, , 27F
melo真的不是那種兼顧籃板 兼顧助攻 又兼顧得分的全能球員
04/29 17:14, 27F

04/29 17:15, , 28F
我認為以他的天分 他專攻一項都會很出色 但他的得分手段
04/29 17:15, 28F

04/29 17:15, , 29F
實在又夠多 不拿來當箭頭養又說不過去...
04/29 17:15, 29F

04/29 17:16, , 30F
04/29 17:16, 30F

04/29 17:17, , 31F
助攻能力可以看他早期在金塊的比賽 神來一筆妙傳很多..
04/29 17:17, 31F

04/29 17:18, , 32F
然後在聯盟打滾10年了 定位就是終結者 也養出這樣的"獨瓜"
04/29 17:18, 32F

04/29 17:19, , 33F
我最常看到的就是melo扛起整隊的進攻 然後被操翻 輸球被酸
04/29 17:19, 33F

04/29 17:21, , 34F
每每這樣就覺得他真的很衰...場上被一堆小動作 包夾伺候
04/29 17:21, 34F

04/29 17:21, , 35F
04/29 17:21, 35F
謝謝ILNARA專業解說,心有戚戚焉 ^^ 其實也不是想把責任全推給卡爾教練啦,畢竟他也是Melo的恩人之一,如果Melo不是一進 聯盟就讓卡爾執教,能不能成為頂級球星也說不定 XD 只是覺得媒體都偏頗報導金塊季後賽打不好是Melo的緣故就…, If the Nuggets lose this series I'm blaming Carmelo 媒體現在還故意搞笑:如果金塊本季過不了首輪還是要怪Melo XD 無傷病的NENE真的不錯(只是他常有傷病),現在薪資又高,不然很想他也一起來組尼克金 塊隊(但光薪資就知道不可能@@)

04/29 17:31, , 36F
karl在金塊到現在 真的缺點就是外圍防守
04/29 17:31, 36F
還有 44 則推文
04/30 02:35, , 81F
過去都是Camby Nene一搶到籃板 立刻傳給接應的後衛
04/30 02:35, 81F

04/30 02:36, , 82F
04/30 02:36, 82F

04/30 02:37, , 83F
以前偷跑的人幾乎都是melo 所以才會有他以前不太防守的印象
04/30 02:37, 83F

04/30 02:41, , 84F
而現在karl要以快打快 壓縮到Koufos跟McGee的上場時間
04/30 02:41, 84F

04/30 02:42, , 85F
失了籃板 karl的進攻就打對折了..
04/30 02:42, 85F

04/30 02:43, , 86F
過去有一季的季後賽打馬刺 跟現在是同樣的情況
04/30 02:43, 86F

04/30 02:43, , 87F
popo完全是變形蟲 用快解決的karl的快..
04/30 02:43, 87F

04/30 02:45, , 88F
現在的勇士很像05-07年左右的金塊 順風球的極致..
04/30 02:45, 88F

04/30 02:46, , 89F
金塊的快攻得分跟禁區得分高 是因為那套戰術偷跑後
04/30 02:46, 89F

04/30 02:46, , 90F
回防人少 當然直接快攻得分 回防的中鋒慢了 就塞禁區硬打
04/30 02:46, 90F

04/30 02:48, , 91F
但現在的金塊要打慢 其實也很為難 gallo受傷後就沒有穩定
04/30 02:48, 91F

04/30 02:49, , 92F
的得分點了 金塊也是輸給傷兵...
04/30 02:49, 92F

04/30 03:07, , 93F
不過金塊打半場 雖然優勢不這麼大 但間接封印勇士的進攻
04/30 03:07, 93F

04/30 03:07, , 94F
打快 就真的要賭勇士投不進.....
04/30 03:07, 94F

04/30 03:08, , 95F
老實說 我也喜歡看karl的球隊打球 爆來爆去看的真的很爽
04/30 03:08, 95F

04/30 03:09, , 96F
但季後賽最重要的是 堅強的防守跟穩定的得分點
04/30 03:09, 96F

04/30 03:09, , 97F
04/30 03:09, 97F

04/30 03:10, , 98F
當然也會有例外 就是丹東尼+Nash
04/30 03:10, 98F

04/30 03:10, , 99F
Nash就像永不停歇的兔子腳 而且那時太陽的防守其實很強
04/30 03:10, 99F

04/30 03:11, , 100F
不是強在單防 是團防跟"設陷阱"..
04/30 03:11, 100F

04/30 03:14, , 101F
04/30 03:14, 101F

04/30 03:15, , 102F
然後尼克補給他 半場進攻威能強大的melo...
04/30 03:15, 102F

04/30 03:15, , 103F
04/30 03:15, 103F

04/30 03:17, , 104F
04/30 03:17, 104F

04/30 03:17, , 105F
一定知道自己打法的優劣 但總想證明自己的打法是可行的
04/30 03:17, 105F

04/30 03:18, , 106F
04/30 03:18, 106F

04/30 03:19, , 107F
幾乎是王道沒錯 但如karl和丹東尼這類鬼才創造出很多進攻
04/30 03:19, 107F

04/30 03:20, , 108F
技巧 使得球賽變的更華麗更刺激 也奠定他們各自的球風
04/30 03:20, 108F

04/30 03:21, , 109F
如此一來也跟著...傲嬌了XD 就會變成...
04/30 03:21, 109F

04/30 03:21, , 110F
不用我的打法 那請別的教練好了...用我就聽我的..
04/30 03:21, 110F

04/30 03:22, , 111F
而且喜愛快速球風的球迷不在少數 我自己也是..
04/30 03:22, 111F

04/30 03:23, , 112F
但季後賽要贏到最後 真的好難 因為他們都在挑戰王道..
04/30 03:23, 112F

04/30 10:37, , 113F
謝謝樓上超專業回答 : )
04/30 10:37, 113F

04/30 12:11, , 114F
幹你發文好嗎 這樣看很累
04/30 12:11, 114F

04/30 12:51, , 115F
04/30 12:51, 115F
剛發現ILNARA從04/30凌晨02:30推文專業回答到凌晨03:23 真是太感人了,萬分感謝 ILNARA =^_^=

04/30 16:52, , 116F
04/30 16:52, 116F

04/30 16:52, , 117F
打到一半 去拉了 拉玩回來繼續打XD"
04/30 16:52, 117F
可以不用回答的那麼…讓百分百感人的氣氛瞬間破滅-︵- ※ 編輯: carmelo07 來自: (04/30 17:07)

04/30 17:17, , 118F
哈哈 其實要感謝屎在滾的肚子XD
04/30 17:17, 118F
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