[外電] 雙探花

看板Celtics (波士頓 塞爾提克)作者 (綠)時間7年前 (2017/10/28 00:18), 7年前編輯推噓39(39022)
留言61則, 30人參與, 7年前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
新聞出處(必填): https://goo.gl/2gHLGn 作者: By Taylor C. Snow Celtics.com October 25, 2017 The Future is Now: Brown, Tatum Make C's History 正在實現的未來:Brown和Tatum締造賽爾提克歷史 BOSTON – It became clear during Summer League that Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum could very well hold the keys to the future of the Boston Celtics franchise. 從夏季聯賽開始,Brown和 Tatum能夠握好賽隊通往美好未來鑰匙的態勢越來越清晰 Little did we know how quickly that future would turn into the present. 但我們很難預料那樣的未來要多久才會實現 Through the first eight days of the regular season, 21-year-old Brown and 19-year-old Tatum have already established themselves as two of the top scorers and most reliable defenders on Boston’s roster. On top of that, they’ve etched their names alongside each other in the Celtics’ record books. 經過了開季的前八天,21歲的 Brown跟19歲的 Tatum已經確立自己進攻箭頭 和可靠防守者的地位, 同時,他們也已一同將名字鐫刻在賽爾提克的史冊上 Tuesday night they became the first Celtics teammates under the age of 22 to score 20-plus points in the same game. With birthday boy Brown scoring a game-high 23 points, and Tatum right behind him with a career-high 22 points, the Celtics were able to down the New York Knicks with ease, 110-89. 星期二的夜晚,他們成為隊史上第一對不滿22歲,卻能雙雙攻下至少20分的搭檔 壽星 Brown得到全場最高的23分,而 Tatum則砍下生涯最高的22分 這使得賽爾提克以110-89輕鬆擊敗尼克 If you think Tuesday’s tandem performance was a fluke, think again. The two starting wings have been consistently effective throughout the first four games of the season, starting with opening night in Cleveland, where Brown logged a career-high 25 points and Tatum recorded a double-double (14 points and 10 rebounds) in his NBA debut. 要是你認為週二的聯手出擊只是曇花一現,那麼再想想看,這對先發側翼從開幕戰 對上騎士開始,Brown拿了生涯新高的25分 而 Tatum的初登場則有14分10籃板雙十表現 他們已經連續四場有這樣穩定高效率的表現了 Not a bad start for the “future of the franchise.” 這對未來的基石有了好的開始 Both Brown and Tatum have been asked to take on heavier loads than expected because of early injuries to Gordon Hayward, Marcus Morris and Marcus Smart. 因為 Hayward、Morris和 Smart的受傷,他們倆人必須肩負起比原本期望更重的責任 Brad Stevens has had no issue throwing Brown and Tatum into the fire for two reasons. One is that they both possess tremendous skill and determination for their age. The other is that, well… the coach doesn’t have many other options. 兩個原因讓 Brad Stevens一定得把 Brown和 Tatum推上火線: 一是他們所擁有超齡的優異技巧和堅毅決心 另外一個是,呃...教練沒有別的選擇了 “We’re in a situation right now where we’re going to expect a lot out of those guys,” Stevens said after Tuesday’s game. “We need them to be great. We need them to be able to respond to adversity ... We have high expectations for them; they should have high expectations for themselves, and they’re getting a great opportunity.” 「我們對這些人寄予超高的期望」星期二賽後 Stevens這麼說, 「我們需要他們變得更優秀、我們希望他們能夠對抗困境...我們對他們有很高的期許 他們也該對自己有很高的期許,這正是一個很好的機會」 Brown, who is averaging 18.8 points per game, claims that this is exactly the opportunity he has been hoping for and working toward. 每場平均18.8分的 Brown表示,這正是他所渴望、為此不斷努力的機會 “I talked to coach and my responsibility is a little bit bigger,” Brown said ahead of the game. “[The coaches] ask a lot of me, and I ask a lot of myself. This is what I asked for, so I’m not complaining now that it’s here. ” 「我跟教練談過了,我的責任變得有些重大」賽前 Brown這麼說, 「[教練]對我有所要求,而我也更加要求自己。我不會抱怨,因為這正是我所盼望的 現在成真了」 There’s also not a whole lot to complain about when you have a young, equally motivated teammate who you can feed off of night in and night out. Tatum says he’s trying his best to learn Brown’s game and figure out how they can benefit off of each other’s skills. 當你有個年齡相仿、同樣充滿幹勁的隊友整晚相互餵球,想必也沒有什麼好抱怨的了 Tatum說他總是盡力去向 Brown學習、試著讓彼此的技巧都有所進益 “We’ve got to be on the same page,” said the rookie wing. “We’re both young, talented guys. He has a year experience. And I’m just learning on the fly. We’re trying to push each other out there.” 「我們是一起的」這位新秀側翼說「我們都是年輕有天賦的人, 他有一年的經驗,而我正要借助他的經驗來讓自己起飛,我們努力推著彼此衝出一片天」 They certainly pushed each other Tuesday night. Both were like human highlight reels on the offensive end, throwing down dunk after dunk, and hitting shot after shot. 星期二晚上,他們確實推動著對方前進。在進攻端,兩人的表現有如人類精華片段, 一個接著一個的灌籃、命中一球又一球 The pair combined to shoot 18-of-31 from the field, including 7-of-12 from 3-point range. 這對搭檔合計投31中18,包含投12中7的三分球 Yet, as teammate Al Horford reflected back on the record-setting offensive performance, he said their defense is what impressed him the most. 然而,相較於足以在歷史記上一筆的進攻表現,身為隊友的 Horford說, 他們的防守才是最他印象深刻的 “A lot of people look at their offensive stuff,” said Horford. “But just defensively with their activity, being in the right positions every time, scrambling on defense – Tatum did that time and time again, and so did Jaylen. It was nice to see them have some success on offense, but defensively, I think that’s where I’m focused with them.” 「很多人看到他們的進攻能力」 Horford說「但看看他們付出在防守上的心力、 總是出現在對的位置奮力防守 ─ Tatum每次都能做到,Brown也是。 在進攻端有所成就是件好事,但防守才是我如何看待他們的重點」 Brown and Tatum’s well-rounded, collective efforts are also earning praise from Kyrie Irving. The 25-year-old point guard, who hit stardom at a young age, has been impressed with the rapid progression the duo has shown during the beginning stages of the season. Brown與 Tatum的成熟、團結向上也獲得了 Irving的讚賞, 這位在很年輕的時候就晉升為球星的25歲控球後衛, 對這兩人在一開季就展現出來的迅速成長印象深刻。 “They’re taking big strides every single day in practice, and they’re showing it in the games,” said the four-time All-Star, who logged 20 points Tuesday night. “It’s still early, but you’ve got to give them credit. They ’re coming out ready to play and they’re demanding a lot of themselves, which I really appreciate.” 「他們每一天的練習都在大躍進,並且展現在比賽中」 在週二的比賽中奪下20分的四屆全明星這麼說,「現在一切還言之過早, 但你不得不讚賞他們,他們已經準備好了,而且對自己的標準很高, 這是我最欣賞他們的地方」 The strong starts by Brown and Tatum have enforced the common preseason belief that the pair could become the future of the Celtics franchise. But their strong starts have also created an even more exciting notion among Celtics players and fans. Brown和 Tatum的強勢出擊,讓季前期待他們成為賽爾提克未來這樣的想望實現了, 而且還為賽爾提克的球員和球迷帶來更令人振奮的想像 Horford confidently put it into words shortly after Brown and Tatum’s record-setting performance: “They’re here, and they’re making their mark right now.” Horford 信心十足的為 Brown與 Tatum這場名留青史的表現作結: 「他們來到這裡了,他們正在寫下屬於他們自己的歷史」 -- 一段時間沒翻譯外電,英文又退步了... 花了比以前更久的時間 但是這篇實在太勵志了,即使隔了一場比賽,還是很想分享給大家 看到裡面Brown跟Tatum惺惺相惜,一起成長茁壯 如果真的雙雙成為球隊未來的招牌(前提是安吉不棒打鴛鴦...) 然後18到手,真的就是一段流傳千古的佳話了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Celtics/M.1509121091.A.1C1.html

10/28 00:22, 7年前 , 1F
10/28 00:22, 1F

10/28 01:17, 7年前 , 2F
10/28 01:17, 2F

10/28 01:19, 7年前 , 3F
推 太讓人期待了
10/28 01:19, 3F

10/28 01:24, 7年前 , 4F
10/28 01:24, 4F

10/28 01:24, 7年前 , 5F
10/28 01:24, 5F

10/28 01:38, 7年前 , 6F
10/28 01:38, 6F

10/28 01:40, 7年前 , 7F
看Duke出產的進攻殺器就知道, 大學防守大多打擺子
10/28 01:40, 7F

10/28 01:40, 7年前 , 8F
10/28 01:40, 8F

10/28 01:42, 7年前 , 9F
Kyrie Irving: 有人叫我?
10/28 01:42, 9F

10/28 02:26, 7年前 , 10F
感謝翻譯 好文必推
10/28 02:26, 10F

10/28 02:44, 7年前 , 11F
10/28 02:44, 11F

10/28 05:23, 7年前 , 12F
感謝大大的翻譯 讓我們有更多我賽的外電好文可以閱讀
10/28 05:23, 12F

10/28 05:29, 7年前 , 13F
10/28 05:29, 13F

10/28 06:53, 7年前 , 14F
10/28 06:53, 14F

10/28 07:52, 7年前 , 15F
10/28 07:52, 15F

10/28 07:57, 7年前 , 16F
推 有雙J好爽啊
10/28 07:57, 16F

10/28 08:00, 7年前 , 17F
10/28 08:00, 17F

10/28 08:22, 7年前 , 18F
10/28 08:22, 18F

10/28 08:33, 7年前 , 19F
10/28 08:33, 19F

10/28 10:27, 7年前 , 20F
OK4繼續賣 盤過來我們就有3探花了..
10/28 10:27, 20F

10/28 10:29, 7年前 , 21F
10/28 10:29, 21F

10/28 10:31, 7年前 , 22F
還是你想要連三年的探花 OK4+Brown+Tatum
10/28 10:31, 22F

10/28 10:34, 7年前 , 23F
18再探花就有5探花 Horford+OK4+Brown+Tatum+Doncic
10/28 10:34, 23F

10/28 10:34, 7年前 , 24F
10/28 10:34, 24F

10/28 10:35, 7年前 , 25F
好喔 XD
10/28 10:35, 25F

10/28 10:38, 7年前 , 26F
10/28 10:38, 26F

10/28 11:47, 7年前 , 27F
10/28 11:47, 27F

10/28 12:12, 7年前 , 28F
Okafor不是到期約 傷病特例可能沒辦法交易吧
10/28 12:12, 28F

10/28 13:44, 7年前 , 29F
組個狀元+探花F4 XD
10/28 13:44, 29F

10/28 13:45, 7年前 , 30F
10/28 13:45, 30F

10/28 14:44, 7年前 , 31F
10/28 14:44, 31F

10/28 15:52, 7年前 , 32F
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10/28 17:25, 7年前 , 33F
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10/28 18:56, 7年前 , 34F
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10/28 23:35, 7年前 , 35F
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10/28 23:43, 7年前 , 36F
不需要 找他來也會因為防守變板凳末端XD
10/28 23:43, 36F

10/28 23:55, 7年前 , 37F
OK4理論上可以貼簽+傷兵換, 76人先放棄TO再交易即可
10/28 23:55, 37F

10/29 00:03, 7年前 , 38F
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10/29 00:44, 7年前 , 42F
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10/29 00:45, 7年前 , 43F
不可能沒代價啦XD 再怎麼說也是個#3
10/29 00:45, 43F

10/29 00:45, 7年前 , 44F
1. 用現有球員交易,保留DPE,三月前都還可以再操作交易
10/29 00:45, 44F

10/29 00:46, 7年前 , 45F
2. 10月31日前請76人放棄球隊選項,直接用DPE交易吃下來
10/29 00:46, 45F

10/29 00:46, 7年前 , 46F
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10/29 00:47, 7年前 , 47F
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10/29 00:47, 7年前 , 48F
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10/29 00:47, 7年前 , 49F
現有球員的部分, Yabu + Nader 的薪資可以二換一
10/29 00:47, 49F

10/29 00:48, 7年前 , 50F
兩位 Marcus 也可以分別做薪資對等的一換一
10/29 00:48, 50F

10/29 00:50, 7年前 , 51F
單純舉例符合規定的代價有哪些 實際上當然不會出到這樣
10/29 00:50, 51F

10/29 00:54, 7年前 , 52F
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10/29 00:54, 7年前 , 53F
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10/29 00:54, 7年前 , 54F
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10/29 00:54, 7年前 , 55F
也別誤會了 舉例可能的代價而已 沒有不喜歡誰
10/29 00:54, 55F

10/29 00:56, 7年前 , 56F
1和2最大的差別就是 2年約 和 1年約
10/29 00:56, 56F

10/29 01:25, 7年前 , 57F
OK4 給Stevens 帶看看 我還蠻期待的
10/29 01:25, 57F

10/29 02:16, 7年前 , 58F
10/29 02:16, 58F

10/29 06:36, 7年前 , 59F
10/29 06:36, 59F

10/29 07:14, 7年前 , 60F
10/29 07:14, 60F

10/29 11:19, 7年前 , 61F
10/29 11:19, 61F
※ 編輯: BosCgreen (, 10/29/2017 23:10:46
文章代碼(AID): #1Pyrn371 (Celtics)
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