[轉錄] 2008 All Star Game 第一階段票選

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat)時間17年前 (2007/12/14 10:16), 編輯推噓3(302)
留言5則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
2008 NBA ALL-STAR BALLOTING WESTERN CONFERENCE Forwards: Carmelo Anthony (Den) 482,127; Dirk Nowitzki (Dal) 443,117; Tim Duncan (SA) 423,608; Carlos Boozer (Utah) 175,248; Shawn Marion (Pho) 154,641; Josh Howard (Dal) 146,909; Kevin Durant (Sea) 113,314; Luis Scola (Hou) 101,981; Shane Battier (Hou) 95,757; Grant Hill (Pho) 83,544. http://www.nba.com//allstar_firstreturns_071213.html 轉貼自 NBA 板,hardaway 的 po 文。 只貼西區前鋒部分唷,其他部分大家可以點連結或去 NBA 板看文。 順便給大家看一下上球季的第一階段票數:p Kevin Garnett (Minnesota) 453,536 Tim Duncan (San Antonio) 423,228 Dirk Nowitzki (Dallas) 405,613 Carmelo Anthony (Denver) 364,419 Shane Battier (Houston) 265,340 Lamar Odom(L.A. Lakers) 155,289 Shawn Marion (Phoenix) 130,710 Josh Howard (Dallas) 118,399 Carlos Boozer (Utah) 113,289 Pau Gasol (Memphis) 100,192 http://www.nba.com/news/asreturns1_061214.html -- 這是 Dirk 第一次票數在前兩名耶!!超感動的啦!! 大家要常常去投喔~^^ 要用投的把他投進先發這樣 XD -- I think it'll get a little easier over time. Seeing him in another uniform, it's not so strange anymore. But I can't say it'll ever be like playing just another opponent. It'll never be that way. - Dirk Nowitzki on good friend/former teammate Steve Nash -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/14 10:42, , 1F
加油加油 ^^
12/14 10:42, 1F

12/14 11:30, , 2F
司機跟小豪跟去年比起來 票數都有進步耶
12/14 11:30, 2F

12/14 13:30, , 3F
12/14 13:30, 3F

12/14 13:31, , 4F
贏Duncan耶 有機會 要加油
12/14 13:31, 4F

12/14 13:31, , 5F
原本以為會是TD+Dirk 看來Anthony的威脅更大
12/14 13:31, 5F
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文章代碼(AID): #17OUUGvH (D_Nowitzki)