[比賽] at Miami (2009/12/12)

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (Dallas Mavericks)時間15年前 (2009/12/12 20:31), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Dallas 106, Miami 93 Field Goals Rebounds Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts D.Nowitzki F 38:24 10-18 2-2 3-3 +20 0 5 5 1 5 0 2 1 1 25 Recap: 小牛以106:93 在客場擊敗熱火,在例行賽取得壓倒性的10連勝。 而這是一場靠著壓倒性的防守所取得的勝利。 小牛在開局取得13:1和24:7的領先優勢,由於熱火開賽的前10投1 球未進。下半場熱火不曾將比數追到7分內, 第4節小牛甚至一直 維持著10分以上的領先優勢,直到比賽結束。 Dirk穩穩地攻下25分。今天的焦點都在隊友Dampier身上。蛋皮攻 下本季新高的20分,外帶17籃板及2火鍋。這是蛋皮本季第5次dou -ble-double, 去年他老兄整季打完也才6次。 第4節Dirk並沒有站上罰球線, 所以他在第4節及延長賽的100%罰 球命中率記錄仍然維持著(45罰)。 http://tinyurl.com/ybmmkh5 Postgame Quotes: Dirk: “We wanted to start off well and get everyone involved. I think all night we did a decent job on [Dwyane] Wade. He gets his points because he is so gifted and talented but I think we tried to bother him on his shot and keep him out of the lane. Offensively I thought we moved the ball and played together. We have a lot of weapons out there.” 我們想要有好的開始,並使所有人專注於比賽。我想我們整晚把防守D.Wade的工作 做得還不錯。他得到了他會得到的分數,因為他很有才能。但我認為我們已經嘗試 去干擾他,並且使他不在他的節奏內。進攻方面,我們球流動的非常好,我們有很 多的進攻武器去摧毀敵人。 “When you have five or six guys in double figures you know it was a good offensive night.” 當我們有5到6個人得分在雙位數以上時,你可以知道我們今晚的進攻非常棒。 “We knew they were going to fight back. Any time you have a player like Wade and talented players around him, they aren’t just going to lay down. They made a nice little run there in the second when our defense let up a little bit. I thought that in the second half we had the game under control.” 我們知道他們會再把比數追上來,尤其是隊中有個D.Wade他身旁有些才能出眾的球 員時,他們不會就此投降。他們在第 2節打出不錯的攻勢,當我們在防守有所疏失 時。但是我想我們在下半場將他們給控制住了。 http://tinyurl.com/yd54pjv -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: JoshHoward5 來自: (12/13 10:30)
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文章代碼(AID): #1B8uqXD8 (D_Nowitzki)