[比賽] at Oklahoma City (2010/02/17)

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (Dallas Mavericks)時間15年前 (2010/02/27 12:02), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Dallas 86, Oklahoma City 99 Field Goals Rebounds Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts D.Nowitzki F 36:04 9-22 0-1 6-6 -18 3 6 9 6 2 0 2 0 0 24 Recap: Dirk全場22投僅9中,雷霆的防守也讓小牛投籃命中率只有3成23, 終場雷霆 以86:99擊敗小牛,拿下7連勝。 雷霆在第3節打出一波14-0的攻勢,因而追平比數,並且在第4節勝出。 小牛地第1節總共抓下21個籃板球,其中7個是進攻籃板球, 但小牛並沒有得 到任何二次得分。第2節比賽風雲變色,雷霆命中率高達7成39, 單節得到40 分,是他們本季單節得分新高。 卡帥說:看看我們打完半場得了54分,我們有足夠的分數,但是第3節我們投 不進去,我們有很多好的空檔,一些平常我們會進的球, 這真的很令人沮喪 。 "Look we had 54 points at halftime so we had enough points, but in the third quarter we couldn't hit shots," "We had good looks and a lot of shots we normally make. It was frustrating." http://www.nba.com/games/20100216/DALOKC/gameinfo.html#nbaGIboxscore Postgame Quotes: (On giving up 40 points to the Thunder in the second quarter:) "In the second quarter we had trouble getting stops. We had a nice little lead in the first quarter and had a good flow going. Everyone was touching the ball. We missed some shots we usually make. In the second quarter, we can't give up 40 points. I think that really got them (Oklahoma City) going. In the second half, I think our defense was actually alright. We held them to around 40 points, that's not bad. Offensively we couldn't get anything going." 第二節我們陷入了一些麻煩,我們在第一節有些微不錯的領先, 和一些不錯 的攻勢,每個人都能碰到球。我們錯失了一些平常會進的球, 第二節我們丟 掉了40分,我想這讓他們持續衝刺,下半場,我覺得我們的防守還不錯, 下 半場我們只丟掉40分左右,還不賴,進攻方面我們則是一無所獲。 (On how the new players from the trade adjusted in tonight's game:) "We knew it was going to take some time. We have four games in five nights coming out of the break and that is never easy. First game after the break is usually never easy. I think we can see the potential, especially there in the first quarter. Everybody was touching it and getting open shots. I can definitely see the potential." 我們知道他們要融入球隊會花掉一些時間,我們五天內有四場比賽, 而這真 的很不簡單,我想我們會看到潛能,特別是在第一節, 每個人都碰的到球, 並且得到空檔的出手機會,很明顯的會看到球隊的潛能的。 http://tinyurl.com/yd54pjv -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #1BY9a-fS (D_Nowitzki)