Re: [閒聊] 嘎?φ(._. )>

看板FAPL作者 (Berlin)時間11年前 (2013/07/24 07:02), 編輯推噓13(1304)
留言17則, 17人參與, 5年前最新討論串49/1450 (看更多)
先看段影片 義甲Atalant的新引援Giulio Migliaccio 在球會的街頭遊行上乘坐在一台坦克上 輾過噴有球會兩大死敵Bresia和Roma代表色的汽車 義大利足協隨即展開調查 而Migliaccio也馬上在球隊官網上發表道歉聲明 'I was inadvertently the protagonist. In a party atmosphere, in among a huge crowd of fans, including lots of women and children, I was invited on board a tank which has been going around for years at the Festa della Dea, parading players and staff to salute the people. 'I certainly could not have imagined that, at a certain stage, we would have crushed two cars taken from the scrap yard. I only realised when we were already going over them and, since I could not see since I was high up and at the back, I did not know that they had the symbols of two football clubs on them. 'I’m very sorry about the incident. You just have to think that, in my not-so-brief career as a footballer, I have always been instilled with the values of the sport and with maximum correctness on the field, so much so that I’ve only received one red card, for two yellows, in almost 500 games as a professional footballer.' -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/24 08:59, , 1F
坦...坦克!? 從哪弄來的坦克啊...bbb
07/24 08:59, 1F

07/24 09:13, , 2F
07/24 09:13, 2F

07/24 09:38, , 3F
07/24 09:38, 3F

07/24 09:51, , 4F
是玩家收藏的二戰古董坦克八 這種活動警察會准許喔..
07/24 09:51, 4F

07/24 10:09, , 5F
雪曼吧 不知道哪搞來的
07/24 10:09, 5F

07/24 10:29, , 6F
對 好像是雪曼...
07/24 10:29, 6F

07/24 10:39, , 7F
07/24 10:39, 7F

07/24 11:10, , 8F
07/24 11:10, 8F

07/24 12:49, , 9F
站在砲管的那個光頭應該就是他 畫質不好看不清楚
07/24 12:49, 9F

07/24 14:34, , 10F
07/24 14:34, 10F

07/24 15:15, , 11F
一定有共犯 不過在軍隊裡最菜的背黑鍋
07/24 15:15, 11F

07/24 16:02, , 12F
完全沒有坦克 請容許我再重申一次 完全沒有坦克
07/24 16:02, 12F

07/24 21:07, , 13F
07/24 21:07, 13F

07/24 22:56, , 14F
各位學長 被告只有一名
07/24 22:56, 14F

07/25 00:26, , 15F
07/25 00:26, 15F

12/09 11:04, 6年前 , 16F
各位學長 被告只有一名
12/09 11:04, 16F

04/17 21:35, 5年前 , 17F
04/17 21:35, 17F
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文章代碼(AID): #1HxmkAL2 (FAPL)