[閒聊] 井上隆智穗:井出老弟,你跟我比還差得 …

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者時間18年前 (2006/05/05 05:38), 編輯推噓3(300)
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井出的前輩,F1日本車手井上隆智穗 (Takachiho Inoue) 1994、1995年分別效力於Simtek和Footwork (原本的Arrows,後來改為Footwork ,日本人不玩後又改回Arrows) 1. 1995年Monaco和匈牙利的兩起留名F1歷史的意外 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taki_Inoue He scored no championship points, and is remembered for two bizarre incidents while driving for Footwork in 1995. The first occurred after a practice session at Monaco, when his stalled car was being towed back to the pits when it was hit by a course car, causing it to roll into the barriers, although Taki was fit to race the next day. The second happened in Hungary on live TV worldwide - attempting to assist the marshals in putting out the engine fire which had forced him out of the race, a vehicle driven to the scene by a marshal hit him, injuring his leg, although he recovered for the next race. 2. 照片: (1) 1995 Monaco http://www.f1rejects.com/drivers/inoue/large/95-f1-monaco.jpg
(2) 1995 匈牙利 http://www.f1rejects.com/drivers/inoue/large/95-f1-hungaroring-2.jpg
這人當年比起井出還要扯 比起他來井出還好得多 Orz 井出現在變成車隊的第三車手,希望他能藉此累積些經驗 :) -- Mika Hakkinen -- Born: September 28, 1968 F1 driver: 1991-2001 Career: 20 wins, 51 podium finishes, 26 poles, 25 fastest laps, 420 points 1998 F1: West McLaren Mercedes, World Champion, 100 points (8 wins, 11 podium finishes, 9 poles, 6 fastest laps) 1999 F1: West McLaren Mercedes, World Champion, 76 points (5 wins, 10 podium finishes, 11 poles, 6 fastest laps) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/05 06:23, , 1F
05/05 06:23, 1F

05/05 23:39, , 2F
05/05 23:39, 2F

05/06 01:05, , 3F
跟我想的一樣耶 哈哈 井出之上
05/06 01:05, 3F
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文章代碼(AID): #14MdHS7- (FORMULA1)