[情報] Q & A with Fernando Alonso

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※ 原文:http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/65765 Q & A with Fernando Alonso By Jonathan Noble Saturday, March 15th 2008, 07:54 GMT 以下簡單翻譯,有錯誤or不妥處還麻煩大家指證喔 ^^; Q. So, how was qualifying? 排位賽如何? Fernando Alonso: Well, not fantastic. We did the maximum we could. And this was the result. We were not able to be in the Q3 but we will try tomorrow to do a good race, and next Saturday in Malaysia try to do a better job. 不是太好,我們盡力了,而結果就是如此 我們沒辦法進到Q3,但明天會試著完成最好的比賽 希望下禮拜在馬來西亞能表現得更好 Q. Did the red flag (in Q2) come at a bad moment for you? Q2的紅旗對你有造成不好的影響嗎? FA: Yes, a very bad moment. I crossed the line and did a 1:26.0. I saw it come up on the display, so I said - okay I am in. But they cancelled that lap obviously because there was a red flag 100 metres before I crossed the line. But we cannot use that excuse to motivate ourselves. The result has been bad because we were not competitive, even on our second run. 造成了很糟的影響,那時我已經衝線且作出了1:26.0的時間 但就因為這在我衝線前100公尺的紅旗,造成我這次做的時間不算 但也不能以這作為藉口,畢竟我們在第二次跑的時候也表現得不夠好 Q. You said at the launch that you felt Renault were one second behind the front cars. Today it seems you were right. Have you seen progress them, and can you see progress on the horizon? 你曾說過雷諾比起前面的車子還慢了些,今日看來確實如此,那你認為車隊有進步嗎? FA: Yeah. For sure. We are something like eight tenths behind the fastest in Q2 because we were able to do a 1m25.9s in Q2. The quickest time was a 1m25.1s, so we are something like eight tenths behind the top one. That is a little bit of a nice surprise because we are a little bit closer than we thought, and because the competition is very high and, not only us, we were able to reduce the gap. Many teams are closer to Ferrari and McLaren and it is good competition at the moment. 當然有,在Q2我們看來只比最快的車慢了0.8秒,最快是1:25.1,我們卻能做出1:25.9 我們比想像中的好了些,這點滿令人驚喜的 競爭是很激烈的,進步的不只有我們,希望我們能拉近與前車的實力 很多車隊都漸漸地接近Farrari和McLaren了,這是滿好的競爭 Q. Renault were actually the ninth fastest car today. Is that a little bit depressing? 雷諾今天只有第九快,你有對此感到沮喪嗎? FA: Well, that is something to look at closely. It is true that I was nearly able to get into Q3 but the team result overall is not fantastic. Twelfth and 21st is not a good result at all. We still have work to do, we knew that. 恩,這的確是值得注意的地方 我確實差點就進了Q3,但最後的結果卻不太妙 只拿到第12和21真的不夠好,我們知道我們還有需要努力的地方 For Nelsinho it was a difficult weekend, with very little practice yesterday because of some mechanical problems. And it is a tricky circuit here in Melbourne also. We will improve also for Malaysia. Okay we didn't arrive for Q3, but we are closer to the top teams than we thought before we came here. 對Nelsinho來說,昨天他因為一些調校的問題,練習的時間不多 而Melbourne又是極需技巧的賽道,所以對他而言,這場比賽會比較艱辛 我們在馬來西亞會更進步,儘管我們今天沒辦法進到Q3 但這表現已經比我們來到這裡之前所預計的還要好了 Q. Did it surprise you that Ferrari were not in the top three? 法拉力沒拿下前三你有感到驚訝嗎? FA: Yeah, a little bit surprised. As I said before, (Felipe) Massa was fifth in Q2 and with a good lap from me, maybe we were four tenths or five tenths behind Massa. That is something really that we didn't expect at all. 恩,有一點 Massa在Q2時排第五,而且大約比我快了0.4~0.5秒 這結果確實有點出乎我們的意料之外 I think McLaren have been strong but BMW Sauber are more or less at the same level, because Kubica was P1 in first qualifying, P2 in second qualifying, so the second position in Q3 is not a result of any fuel load or anything like that. The BMW was quick in Q1 and Q2 as well, so maybe Ferrari we were expecting a little bit more, but maybe tomorrow they will be very strong. 我認為麥凱倫已經很強了,但BMW似乎和他們差不多 Kubica在Q1拿下P1,在Q2拿下P2,所以在Q3能拿下第二絕不是因為輕油載 或許我們對法拉力的期待有點太高了,但也可能他們明天會變得超強 Q. What result would satisfy you tomorrow? 明天的結果要怎樣你才會感到滿足? FA: I think with the starting position, aiming for points will be our target. We have to be realistic and knowing that we are not quite ready yet, but we will try to improve for sure the 11th position. So whatever is the position, we will try to be in the points tomorrow, knowing that people behind me, like (Kimi) Raikkonen and (Mark) Webber will be difficult to keep behind. So we have a double job tomorrow – try to recover places and not to lose it to Raikkonen and people like that. 就這起跑位置而言,能拿到積分是我們的目標 我們必須面對事實,知道自己尚未完全上軌道,但我們還是對積極爭取更好的位置 無論位置如何,明天都得試著爭取積分,況且在後面的Kimi和Webber也不是省油的燈 我們明天有兩個任務:一是試著展現早前的水準,二是不要輸給後面的車 Q. Do you think the long-run pace of the car will be better than the single-lap pace? 你認為長跑的賽事會比單圈的表現來得好嗎? FA: Yes, I think so. But starting behind is always difficult because you stress a little more the tyres. You are running with less downforce, you are running behind people and, with this year's regulations, you need to take care of the tyres even more than last year. 會吧,但從後面起跑總是比較艱困,因為輪胎要承受較大的壓力 下壓力較小,又在別人後面,加上今年的規則,勢必要比去年更注意輪胎的狀況 It is very easy to do a mistake on braking or losing the traction, so it will be an interesting race. For sure, the first race of the championship has some new rules, and there are many things to take care of tomorrow. 今年很容易轉向過度或不足,所以將會是很有趣的比賽 在新的賽季中,有些新的規則,明天將會有很多細節是需要注意的 Q.Are you interested to know what the start will be like tomorrow? 你會想知道明天的起跑的狀況嗎? FA: Yes, it will be interesting. I think nobody knows at the moment. All the teams try to recover and analyse all the systems that their competitors have in the tests, but the real first time we will see will be tomorrow. 當然,那一定很有趣,而且應該沒人知道會怎樣 所有的車隊都想知道並分析對手系統的測試結果,但這只有在明天比賽時大家才會看到 It is difficult to do a good start because all of them are quite tricky, but it is quite easy to do a bad start. So you need to do a very simple thing: don't risk too much, and wait for some mistakes from the others. 要有一個好的起跑很難,畢竟各個車隊都身懷絕技,但要有一個壞的起跑卻滿容易的 所以要做的事很簡單:別冒太大的險,然後等著別人失誤(這句真是超中肯 XD) Q. Will it be difficult to get prepared for the start with the noise from the other cars? 起跑時會因為其他車的聲音而受影響嗎? FA: No, I don't think so. We control more or less the wheelspin with the feeling of the throttle, and the revs. So, we see on the display the revs. Even if it is noisy being with the other cars, it will not change much. 不會吧(throttle和revs這句請見下方c大的詳盡解釋^^) 我們是憑油門和輪胎的感覺來控制起跑的,就算其他車很吵也不會改變什麼 -- 好長喔~這篇...XD 還麻煩板上的大家指正了~ m(_ _)m 滾上床睡覺去,睡醒就可以看賽前了~真期待!((>(▔︶▔)<)) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/16 01:51, , 1F
辛苦哩 不過Alonso越來越不Alonso了XD
03/16 01:51, 1F

03/16 01:51, , 2F
03/16 01:51, 2F

03/16 02:49, , 3F
03/16 02:49, 3F

03/16 02:51, , 4F
03/16 02:51, 4F

03/16 02:51, , 5F
03/16 02:51, 5F

03/16 02:52, , 6F
03/16 02:52, 6F

03/16 02:52, , 7F
03/16 02:52, 7F

03/16 02:52, , 8F
03/16 02:52, 8F

03/16 02:53, , 9F
觀念沒錯的話F1不會有確切的轉速表 只有轉速指示燈
03/16 02:53, 9F

03/16 09:06, , 10F
03/16 09:06, 10F

03/16 09:18, , 11F
c大轉速好像有耶 是電子顯示的說
03/16 09:18, 11F

03/16 10:00, , 12F
03/16 10:00, 12F

03/16 10:28, , 13F
03/16 10:28, 13F

03/16 10:59, , 14F
喔! 感謝兩位c大的解釋! 原來是這個意思啊(筆記)
03/16 10:59, 14F
※ 編輯: koichi0711 來自: (03/16 11:05)

03/16 12:47, , 15F
剛剛去翻資料 方向盤有液晶顯示的話會有
03/16 12:47, 15F

03/16 12:48, , 16F
03/16 12:48, 16F

03/16 12:49, , 17F
03/16 12:49, 17F

03/16 12:50, , 18F
轉速有很多方式可以去感受 身體 耳朵 眼角瞄到的LED
03/16 12:50, 18F

04/29 05:27, , 19F
希望對您有幫助 http://Now.to/1l1
04/29 05:27, 19F
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