[情報] Berger: Toro Rosso will lose ground

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (阿哈哈 真爽)時間16年前 (2008/11/26 20:19), 編輯推噓4(403)
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Berger: Toro Rosso will lose ground 伯格:小牛將會衰退 By Matt Beer and Gerhard Kuntschik 情報來源:http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/72253 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gerhard Berger says he decided to sell his stake in Scuderia Toro Rosso because he feels the team are set to lose ground under the 2009 rules. 伯格說,他之所以決定要將他手上的股份賣掉,原因在於他覺得2009新賽制的導入將使得 小牛退步。 Toro Rosso announced yesterday that Red Bull boss Dietrich Mateschitz had bought back Berger's 50 percent stake of the team, giving the drinks company total control of STR again. 小牛昨天宣布,紅牛老闆梅特舒次已經從伯格手上將百分之五十的小牛股份買下,這讓這 家飲料公司再度全權掌控小牛車隊。 The team had enjoyed a spectacular 2008 season - taking sixth in the constructor's championship (ahead of the senior Red Bull Racing team) and winning the Italian Grand Prix. 這支車隊在2008年享受了一個漂亮的賽季 ─ 獲得了車隊冠軍排行榜年度排名第六名(這個 成績超越了大牛),同時還贏得了義大利大獎賽。 But Berger thinks it will be hard for the small squad to maintain that level of progress after the major regulation changes this winter. 但是伯格認為,在面對接下來賽季這麼大規模的規則改變,小車隊很難維持那樣的進步幅 度。 "The new rules leave no room for improvement for a small team as STR," Berger told autosport.com. 伯格對autosport.com表示,「新規則將大大壓縮像是小牛這樣的小車隊的成長空間。」。 "I don't want to decline, that is not in my nature." 「我不喜歡退步的感覺,這並非我的本性。」 But Berger emphasised that he was leaving Toro Rosso on good terms. 但是伯格強調,他在氣氛相當良好的狀況下離開小牛的。 "Yes, I will be out of STR, but the split with STR and Dietrich is completely amicable and there was no rift between us." 「是的,沒錯我將離開小牛,但是我跟小牛還有牛老大分手絕對是好聚好散,我們彼此之 間完全沒有嫌隙。」 He also denied speculation that his departure had been promoted by a disagreement over Toro Rosso's 2009 driver choice. 他同時也否認外界推測說,因為關於2009賽季的車手人選內部僑不定才促使他離開小牛。 "It has nothing to do with that," Berger insisted. 「這跟那個一點關係也沒有。」伯格強調。 Autosport.com understands that Toro Rosso are leaning towards Sebastien Buemi and Takuma Sato as their line-up for next season. Autosport.com認為小牛目前頃向以賽巴斯汀‧布米與佐藤老大為他們下個賽季的車手陣容 。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 看來情況對於眼鏡哥越來越不利,不過看樣子佐藤回到F1場上的機會不小。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ShowMing1218 來自: (11/26 20:23)

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11/26 20:24, , 3F
另一個則是STR的試車手Brendon Hartley, 紅牛青訓產品。
11/26 20:24, 3F

11/26 20:24, , 4F
有傳聞紅牛要把鮪魚賣掉 說不定收回股權就是要準備
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11/26 20:26, , 5F
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11/26 20:35, , 6F
記得眼鏡哥之前有說紅牛老闆明年會減少對小牛的投資 是因為要
11/26 20:35, 6F

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