[情報] Italian F3 drivers enjoy F1 debut at …

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Italian F3 drivers enjoy F1 debut at Ferrari F3義大利系列賽車手在法拉利車隊享受首次的F1體驗 情報來源:http://f1.gpupdate.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The top three in this year's Italian Formula 3 series were invited by Ferrari to enjoy a day of testing at Ferrari's home track Fiorano as a gift for their performance in Italian Formula Three. Edoardo Piscopo, Salvatore Cicatelli and Mirko Bortolotti got behind the wheel between 10:30am and 4:30pm at the Italian track. 今年在F3義大利系列賽當中的前三名,獲得法拉利的邀請參加在法拉利自家測試賽道 Fiorano所舉辦的一天測試,以當作犒賞他們在F3義大利系列賽的表現。這三位車手在上午 10:30到下午4:30間於這條賽道上進行測試。 The first three drivers in the Italian Formula 3 championship got the opportunity to test Ferrari's 2008 world championship car while Ferrari's team manager Luca Baldisserri and Ferrari test driver and FIA GT champion Andrea Bertolini gave some useful tips. F3義大利系列賽當中的前三名,得到這個參與測試法拉利2008年戰車的機會,同時還有法 拉利車隊經理巴爾迪賽利與法拉利測試車手以及FIA GT冠軍車手伯特里尼給予技術指導。 Speaking about the test of the three youngsters Baldisserri commented: "We were really impressed by the speed of these guys. They are really good while the circumstances weren't so good but they didn't commit any error at all. They have great potential and that shows that Formula 3 is a great school for young drivers." 車隊經理巴爾迪賽利談到這三位年輕人這天的測試時表示,「我們對於這幾位年輕人的速 度感到相當的驚艷。他們的表現真的很棒,當環境狀況不佳的時候他們都沒有犯錯。他們 真的很有潛力,而且這也表示F3是培訓年輕車手的好學校。」 At the end of the day Italian F3 champion Mirko Bortolotti completed the fastest lap in 59.111, while Piscopo and Cicatelli completed their fastest lap in 1.00.336 and 1.01.243. 當測試結束,F3義大利系列賽冠軍車手Mirko Bortolotti的最快單圈為59.111,而 Piscopo跟Cicatelli分別為1.00.336跟1.01.243。 Fiorano Circuit - Italy 26 November 2008 ------------------------------------------------- Pos. Driver Team Time Laps 1 M. Bortolotti Ferrari 00:59.111 40 2 E. Piscopo Ferrari 01:00.336 29 3 S. Cicatelli Ferrari 01:01.243 33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ShowMing1218 來自: (11/27 21:01)

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