[情報] Diffusers legal, confirms FIA

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (Think Tank)時間15年前 (2009/04/15 17:20), 編輯推噓14(1404)
留言18則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
The FIA has confirmed that the radical and controversial diffusers as used by the Brawn, Williams and Toyota teams are legal and able to continue in this year's World Championship; the confirmation came from Paris following Tuesday's hearing after a protest was launched by Ferrari, Renault, Red Bull and BMW. With a full statement from the International Court of Appearl (ICA) expected from the sport's governing body in due course, a short initial annoucement stated the following: "Based on the arguments heard and evidence before it, the Court has concluded that the Stewards were correct to find that the cars in question comply with the applicable regulations." ------------------------------------------------------- http://f1.gpupdate.net/en/news/2009/04/15/diffusers-legal-confirms-fia/ 轉貼一下gpupdate原文... FIA確認 分流器合法了!!@@ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/15 17:21, , 1F
本來就該合法不是嗎= =
04/15 17:21, 1F

04/15 17:21, , 2F
各隊:B Type Go...
04/15 17:21, 2F

04/15 17:21, , 3F
不然以後都統一賽車好了 這樣有什麼好看= =
04/15 17:21, 3F

04/15 17:25, , 4F
科科 不意外 果然先準備Plan B才是上策
04/15 17:25, 4F

04/15 17:25, , 5F
不合法就囧了,像Brawn GP和Williams這種小車隊,現在來
04/15 17:25, 5F

04/15 17:26, , 6F
04/15 17:26, 6F

04/15 17:29, , 7F
04/15 17:29, 7F

04/15 17:34, , 8F
#19ttTT5t 有提到其他車隊可能完成的時間
04/15 17:34, 8F

04/15 18:15, , 9F
04/15 18:15, 9F

04/15 19:33, , 10F
然後Ferrari要快點打洞 修改Diffuser了!
04/15 19:33, 10F

04/15 19:34, , 11F
04/15 19:34, 11F

04/15 23:16, , 12F
04/15 23:16, 12F

04/16 00:23, , 13F
04/16 00:23, 13F

04/16 00:56, , 14F
walcome to formula 1
04/16 00:56, 14F

04/16 06:48, , 15F
Welcome to the Piranha Club.
04/16 06:48, 15F

04/16 11:02, , 16F
FIA好不容易婊到大車隊 怎麼可能隨隨便便放棄這個機會 XD
04/16 11:02, 16F

04/16 12:56, , 17F
04/16 12:56, 17F

04/16 13:52, , 18F
04/16 13:52, 18F
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文章代碼(AID): #19vQR6tW (FORMULA1)