[情報] BMW to exit Formula One at end of 2009 season...

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (香腸)時間15年前 (2009/07/29 16:13), 編輯推噓49(50138)
留言89則, 37人參與, 最新討論串1/1
The BMW Group will not continue its Formula One campaign after the end of the 2009 season. Resources freed up as a result are to be dedicated to the development of new drive technologies and projects in the field of sustainability. BMW will continue to be actively involved in other motor sports series. The landmark decision to restructure BMW Motorsport's activities was made at the Board of Management's meeting yesterday. "Of course, this was a difficult decision for us. But it's a resolute step in view of our company's strategic realignment," explained Dr. Norbert Reithofer, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG. "Premium will increasingly be defined in terms of sustainability and environmental compatibility. This is an area in which we want to remain in the lead. In line with our Strategy Number ONE, we are continually reviewing all projects and initiatives to check them for future viability and sustainability. Our Formula One campaign is thus less a key promoter for us. Mario Theissen has been in charge of our motor sports program since 1999. We have scored a large number of successes in this period, including some in Formula One racing. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mario Theissen and his team for this," said, Reithofer. Dr. Klaus Draeger, the member of the Board of Management responsible for development, said: "It only took us three years to establish ourselves as a top team with the BMW Sauber F1 Team. Unfortunately, we were unable to meet expectations in the current season. Nevertheless, our ten years of Formula One experience have had a major impact on our development engineers. We have racing to thank for numerous technological innovations as well as the competitive spirit that drives us to develop mass-produced cars." Possible redundancies in Munich and Hinwil cannot be quantified at present. Says Draeger: "Since we only made this decision yesterday, we cannot provide any more precise information. We will develop and assess various scenarios and do our best to find a solution for the employees in Hinwil and the staff members involved in the Formula One project in Munich. We are aware of the responsibility we shoulder and will inform the staff as soon as we can make a clear statement." Says BMW Motorsport director Dr. Mario Theissen: "Of course, we, the employees in Hinwil and Munich, would all have liked to continue this ambitious campaign and show that this season was just a hiccup following three successful years. But I can understand why this decision was made from a corporate perspective. We will now focus sharply on the remaining races and demonstrate our fighting spirit and put in a good result as we bid farewell to Formula One racing." BMW will continue its programs in a number of motor sports series: BMW will appear on the starting grid in the touring car series and young driver promotion program in Formula BMW. This will be supplemented by BMW's participation in ALMS, the American Le Mans Series, endurance races and close-to-production customer sports. Furthermore, BMW Motorrad Motorsport will continue its campaigns, with the super bike world championship leading the way. BMW looks back on a long track record of success in the field of motor sports: BMW achieved eight Formula One victories from 1982 to 1985 with Brabham. In 1983, BMW won the driver's championship with Nelson Piquet (Brabham BMW). The last win with the legendary turbo engine followed with Benetton in 1986. Ten victories were scored during the partnership with Williams (2000-2005). BMW had a total of 19 grand prix wins and 33 pole positions before the BMW Sauber F1 Team era. In its debut season in 2006, the newly established BMW Sauber F1 Team wound up fifth in the constructor's championship. In 2007, the German-Swiss team came in second after McLaren-Mercedes' exclusion from the points standings. The 2008 season saw the team in the hunt for the world championship until the end of the season, winding up third. Polish-born Robert Kubica achieved the first and hitherto only GP victory in Canada on June 8, 2008. So far, the BMW Sauber F1 Team has taken one pole position (Kubica in Bahrain in 2008) and 16 podium finishes. The BMW Sauber F1 Team occupies the eighth spot in the manufacturer's standings in the season presently underway. http://www.bmw-sauber-f1.com/html/en/index_2.html 簡單講就是明年不玩了.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/29 16:15, , 1F
07/29 16:15, 1F

07/29 16:16, , 2F
!!!!!!!!!!!!! 慢走不送。._.\~/
07/29 16:16, 2F

07/29 16:16, , 3F
07/29 16:16, 3F

07/29 16:16, , 4F
07/29 16:16, 4F

07/29 16:19, , 5F
才爛一季就不玩 紅軍21年沒拿WC還不是繼續玩下去
07/29 16:19, 5F

07/29 16:20, , 6F
連轟打都爛兩季 頭又大爛了不知道多少季還不是照玩
07/29 16:20, 6F

07/29 16:21, , 7F
07/29 16:21, 7F

07/29 16:21, , 8F
07/29 16:21, 8F

07/29 16:21, , 9F
07/29 16:21, 9F

07/29 16:24, , 10F
07/29 16:24, 10F

07/29 16:24, , 11F
07/29 16:24, 11F

07/29 16:24, , 12F
07/29 16:24, 12F

07/29 16:27, , 13F
看來最後車廠退出 又會回歸小車隊作戰 科技競技就降低
07/29 16:27, 13F

07/29 16:27, , 14F
有點難過 看著車隊來來去去 突然對現今的F1感到厭倦
07/29 16:27, 14F

07/29 16:32, , 15F
07/29 16:32, 15F

07/29 16:32, , 16F
07/29 16:32, 16F

07/29 16:32, , 17F
07/29 16:32, 17F

07/29 16:36, , 18F
07/29 16:36, 18F

07/29 16:37, , 19F
07/29 16:37, 19F

07/29 16:38, , 20F
07/29 16:38, 20F

07/29 16:38, , 21F
07/29 16:38, 21F

07/29 16:38, , 22F
Norbert Hung
07/29 16:38, 22F

07/29 16:39, , 23F
07/29 16:39, 23F

07/29 16:40, , 24F
07/29 16:40, 24F

07/29 16:41, , 25F
頭又大2005年以前好像都是廠隊墊底的 這不夠爛嗎XD
07/29 16:41, 25F

07/29 16:43, , 26F
07/29 16:43, 26F

07/29 16:44, , 27F
07/29 16:44, 27F

07/29 16:45, , 28F
07/29 16:45, 28F

07/29 16:58, , 29F
(亂入) 郭董買下來吧! 買個客製引擎 就算跑得跟現在一樣糟
07/29 16:58, 29F

07/29 17:00, , 30F
至少上面要打什麼台灣的廣告應有盡有 弄個一年再退 怎樣算
07/29 17:00, 30F

07/29 17:01, , 31F
07/29 17:01, 31F

07/29 17:10, , 32F
07/29 17:10, 32F

07/29 17:10, , 33F
SAUBER可以考慮再起XD 找VAG合作啦!!!
07/29 17:10, 33F

07/29 17:13, , 34F
車隊名稱Audi-VW Porsche運作車隊 Lamborghini掛名引擎
07/29 17:13, 34F

07/29 17:14, , 35F
還有啥比這個更嗆XD 最好SC權利買下來 讓Bugatti下場當SC
07/29 17:14, 35F

07/29 17:15, , 36F
07/29 17:15, 36F

07/29 17:16, , 37F
BMW不像是因為跑得不好才退 今年退是剛好找到藉口吧...
07/29 17:16, 37F

07/29 17:16, , 38F
07/29 17:16, 38F

07/29 17:17, , 39F
07/29 17:17, 39F

07/29 17:17, , 40F
公司營收有影響 股東當然會對比較燒錢的部分有意見
07/29 17:17, 40F

07/29 17:18, , 41F
BMW是要全部退出嗎?! 還是想回到引擎供應商角色?!
07/29 17:18, 41F

07/29 17:19, , 42F
07/29 17:19, 42F

07/29 17:19, , 43F
噓BMW疼惜威廉斯的 是LAG好幾年了嗎XDDD
07/29 17:19, 43F

07/29 17:21, , 44F
推換名字 可能冠名權+幾個主管換人而已
07/29 17:21, 44F

07/29 17:21, , 45F
威廉斯好可憐????? 你是多久沒看F1了 XDDDD
07/29 17:21, 45F

07/29 17:22, , 46F
威廉斯如果資金部份不解決 也會.........
07/29 17:22, 46F

07/29 17:22, , 47F
07/29 17:22, 47F

07/29 17:24, , 48F
我覺得 Toyota跟威廉斯 一個純出錢一個純管車隊 會強很多倍
07/29 17:24, 48F

07/29 17:35, , 49F
好啦資金拿去砸SBK跟GP啦。 這樣就不玩實在是.....
07/29 17:35, 49F

07/29 17:40, , 50F
07/29 17:40, 50F

07/29 17:41, , 51F
不是這樣吧..... 我好想哭阿...
07/29 17:41, 51F

07/29 17:55, , 52F
07/29 17:55, 52F

07/29 17:59, , 53F
07/29 17:59, 53F

07/29 18:06, , 54F
07/29 18:06, 54F

07/29 18:09, , 55F
07/29 18:09, 55F

07/29 18:12, , 56F
07/29 18:12, 56F

07/29 18:21, , 57F
07/29 18:21, 57F

07/29 18:22, , 58F
07/29 18:22, 58F

07/29 18:22, , 59F
07/29 18:22, 59F

07/29 18:25, , 60F
07/29 18:25, 60F

07/29 18:26, , 61F
當然有關 跑的那麼爛肯定會影響到銷量的
07/29 18:26, 61F

07/29 18:32, , 62F
麥拉拉一天到晚縮缸、掉東西時 MB車還不是一堆人買
07/29 18:32, 62F

07/29 18:33, , 63F
HONDA一天到晚煙火秀時 路上還不是看到一堆人在開
07/29 18:33, 63F

07/29 18:49, , 64F
07/29 18:49, 64F

07/29 19:03, , 65F
隊上兩個這麼好的車手 是要學本田後悔嗎?
07/29 19:03, 65F

07/29 19:17, , 66F
07/29 19:17, 66F

07/29 19:18, , 67F
07/29 19:18, 67F

07/29 19:19, , 68F
乾脆Mario把車隊買下來吧~仿效BRAWN GP
07/29 19:19, 68F

07/29 19:30, , 69F
07/29 19:30, 69F

07/29 19:59, , 70F
Mario GP 中譯 馬力歐賽車
07/29 19:59, 70F

07/29 20:01, , 71F
不意外 今年BMW可以說是被FIA婊得最慘的車隊
07/29 20:01, 71F

07/29 20:55, , 72F
07/29 20:55, 72F

07/29 20:56, , 73F
07/29 20:56, 73F

07/29 21:02, , 74F
這會引起骨牌效應嗎? 豐田會...
07/29 21:02, 74F

07/29 21:07, , 75F
07/29 21:07, 75F

07/29 21:08, , 76F
Cosworth:Williams, Welcome Back!
07/29 21:08, 76F

07/29 21:20, , 77F
07/29 21:20, 77F

07/29 21:21, , 78F
07/29 21:21, 78F

07/29 21:30, , 79F
07/29 21:30, 79F

07/29 21:57, , 80F
NISSAN快進軍吧 哈 我亂打的
07/29 21:57, 80F

07/29 21:58, , 81F
日產雷諾本一家。lol 雷諾已經在F1了XD
07/29 21:58, 81F

07/29 21:58, , 82F
07/29 21:58, 82F

07/29 22:11, , 83F
07/29 22:11, 83F

07/29 23:12, , 84F
先前我烏鴉嘴開玩笑說搞不好BMW會撤,還真的 = =
07/29 23:12, 84F

07/29 23:17, , 85F
07/29 23:17, 85F

07/29 23:17, , 86F
07/29 23:17, 86F

07/30 00:09, , 87F
BMW並沒有把KERS用在市售車上喔.... 煞車能量部份轉存
07/30 00:09, 87F

07/30 00:10, , 88F
但跟KERS差異頗大 簡單來說 效率還不及頭又大的油電混和
07/30 00:10, 88F

07/30 11:50, , 89F
Mario GP、可以開放使用香蕉皮嗎?
07/30 11:50, 89F
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