[閒聊] VW考慮進入F1

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (絕望的號角,黑暗的時刻!)時間15年前 (2009/10/10 00:49), 編輯推噓21(21020)
留言41則, 26人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Volkswagen group reportedly considering entering F1 福斯集團考慮加入F1 From Autoblog http://www.autoblog.com/2009/10/09/volkswagen-group-reportedly -considering-entering-f1/ http://tinyurl.com/ykzfthc Automakers appear to be pulling out of Formula One en masse. Jaguar and Ford withdrew a few years ago already, Honda canceled its participation at the end of last season, BMW is leaving at the end of this one, and both Toyota and Renault are reportedly considering canceling their programs as well. But one major automaker is now reported to be closely considering entering the fray: the Volkswagen group. 很多車廠都離開F1,Ford及Jaguar走了、Honda去年走了,BMW今年也要走人 不過仍然有間車廠考慮進入F1,那就是VW集團 Soon-to-be the world's largest automaker, VW stands as one of the largest automakers having never participated in the sport. Auto Union competed in pre-war grands prix, Porsche participated briefly back in the '60s, and Lamborghini provided engines to a handful of teams a couple of decades ago. But that's about the extent of it. 快要當老大的VW集團竟然沒有參與過F1! Auto Union曾經參加過戰前的格蘭披治大賽 Porsche曾在60年代短暫的參加,Lamborghini也當過引擎供應商;但也只有這樣了... As budgets constrict with each passing season, however, a senior VW executive in the Far East has reportedly indicated that the company is considering entering the sport, but that budgets would have to fall even further to make it financially viable for the German auto group. If it did, however, the conglomerate's participation – whether as a constructor or engine supplier – could be branded as Volkswagen, Audi or Porsche. 預算縮減已在今年通過,不過VW某位資深主管表示公司正在考慮加入這場運動 只要預算縮減到公司可負擔範圍內... -- 紅牛:看在你平常有贊助我們,我們的二軍就便宜賣給你們啦~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/10 00:52, , 1F
10/10 00:52, 1F

10/10 00:56, , 2F
10/10 00:56, 2F

10/10 00:56, , 3F
10/10 00:56, 3F

10/10 01:06, , 4F
Audi快上吧 Vorsprung durch Technik
10/10 01:06, 4F

10/10 01:08, , 5F
10/10 01:08, 5F

10/10 01:14, , 6F
10/10 01:14, 6F

10/10 01:28, , 7F
10/10 01:28, 7F

10/10 01:57, , 8F
看到audi就想到那個A8=Altis 1.8
10/10 01:57, 8F

10/10 01:57, , 9F
原文都舉了三個例子了 怎麼還說沒參與過? 然後那個竟然..
10/10 01:57, 9F

10/10 01:58, , 10F
跟既然 意思差蠻多的
10/10 01:58, 10F

10/10 02:01, , 11F
10/10 02:01, 11F

10/10 02:01, , 12F
10/10 02:01, 12F
※ 編輯: metalfinally 來自: (10/10 02:02)

10/10 02:09, , 13F
10/10 02:09, 13F

10/10 03:39, , 14F
10/10 03:39, 14F

10/10 04:08, , 15F
是該出來了 明年會有幾隊恩 具續看下去
10/10 04:08, 15F

10/10 12:16, , 16F
10/10 12:16, 16F

10/10 12:23, , 17F
10/10 12:23, 17F

10/10 13:46, , 18F
10/10 13:46, 18F

10/10 13:48, , 19F
10/10 13:48, 19F

10/10 14:34, , 20F
10/10 14:34, 20F

10/10 15:15, , 21F
人家F1就是規定V8 2.4,還W引擎咧 -.-
10/10 15:15, 21F

10/10 15:16, , 22F
W引擎的缺點→佔空間 在賽車上很致命
10/10 15:16, 22F

10/10 15:29, , 23F
燃油也都統一吧 哪來的柴油
10/10 15:29, 23F

10/10 16:03, , 24F
10/10 16:03, 24F

10/10 17:10, , 25F
10/10 17:10, 25F

10/10 18:33, , 26F
10/10 18:33, 26F

10/10 18:40, , 27F
歡迎燒錢!! \(^▽^)/
10/10 18:40, 27F

10/10 18:41, , 28F
10/10 18:41, 28F

10/10 20:08, , 29F
W引擎應該是為了處理引擎過長的問題? 至少汽缸列長度1/2
10/10 20:08, 29F

10/10 20:08, , 30F
10/10 20:08, 30F

10/10 21:22, , 31F
每年都要講一次,有時候一年講好幾次 XD
10/10 21:22, 31F

10/11 07:09, , 32F
10/11 07:09, 32F

10/11 09:00, , 33F
10/11 09:00, 33F

10/11 09:32, , 34F
10/11 09:32, 34F

10/11 09:34, , 35F
10/11 09:34, 35F

10/11 14:40, , 36F
w8比v8小是指縱向長度 寬度加大 不知可靠度做到高轉如何
10/11 14:40, 36F

10/11 17:43, , 37F
VW 源自對賺錢的熱愛
10/11 17:43, 37F

10/11 23:02, , 38F
W12 Nardo其實已經在耐用度上證明一切了,創下12項世界
10/11 23:02, 38F

10/11 23:02, , 39F
10/11 23:02, 39F

10/11 23:44, , 40F
零件很貴 壞了修要很多$$$
10/11 23:44, 40F

10/12 10:18, , 41F
樓上可以舉看看12缸"轎車"哪台零件不貴的 XDD
10/12 10:18, 41F
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