[情報] Raikkonen: First lap chaos cost podium

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (Kimi go~~~~)時間15年前 (2009/10/19 05:46), 編輯推噓21(21015)
留言36則, 23人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/79594 Kimi Raikkonen says his first-lap clash cost him the chance of finishing on the podium at the Brazilian Grand Prix. Raikkonen had a very troubled start to the race, first making contact with Adrian Sutil and later with Mark Webber when trying to pass the Australian. The Ferrari man was forced to pit for repairs and was later involved in a bizarre incident with Heikki Kovalainen in the pitlane when the Finn tore off the fuel hose when leaving his pits. The accident caused a big fire right in front of Raikkonen's car and got fuel into the Finn's eye. Raikkonen recovered to sixth position, but reckoned a top three finish was possible. "What happened on the first lap ruined my race," said Raikkonen. "First I was hit at the first corner, then when trying to pass Webber, I was hit and lost the front wing. "At the pitstop, I ended up with some drops of petrol in my eye, from the fuel line stuck on Kovalainen's car and then I was engulfed in flames and blinded: I was going to stop, but luckily the flames soon went out. "Even now, my eyes are still burning, but I'm alright. After the restart, I could only try and use the strategy to move up the order and at least I brought home a few points. "I am disappointed because today I'm sure we could have made it to the podium. There is one race to go: let's see what we can do in Abu Dhabi to get back that third place." Kimi說比賽第一圈發生的混亂碰撞,讓他喪失登上頒獎台的機會 先是和梳頭擦撞,接著試圖超Webber時又撞掉前翼 為了修復車子進pit時,還倒楣被捲入科科拖油管跑而引起的火燒車意外 大火燒起瞬間Kimi說他眼盲啥都看不見,甚至有幾滴燃料跑進他眼睛裡 ( ̄□ ̄)||| 本來想停下車子的,幸好大火很快就熄了 直到現在他還覺得眼睛"燒燒的",但冰人輕描淡寫的說他沒事 (聽起來粉可怕耶...= =|||||) 他們本來預期可以跑進前三,這結果讓人失望 總之下一場阿布達比let's see他們可以做什麼,希望可以重回車隊總積分第三名~~ (目前紅軍被麥隊追過一分) ------- 感想: 火燒車那一幕真的滿凶險的 一個弄不好說不定視力受損,就虧大了 Kimi回家去拜個拜收個驚吧~~~~(龍山寺歡迎你~~~~) 還有 現在車隊第三名之爭儼然成了火腿 pk 滷蛋了(兩支車隊的另一個車手都dororo化= =) 對照最近的一堆紛亂轉會消息 他們之間的競爭真是越看越妙.....XDD 無奈紅軍目前的車比起麥隊似乎還有段差距 Kimi也只能還是那句老話"wait and see"了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/19 05:57, , 1F
10/19 05:57, 1F

10/19 05:57, , 2F
沒差就是了 (茶)
10/19 05:57, 2F

10/19 06:02, , 3F
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10/19 06:39, , 4F
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10/19 11:52, , 8F
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10/19 12:07, , 9F
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10/19 12:40, , 10F
龍山寺歡迎你 這句才是重點XD
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10/19 14:17, , 11F
"Webber" 不是 Weber
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10/19 14:37, , 12F
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10/19 15:06, , 15F
我也覺得 不用去懷疑什麼煞車點..靠這麼近那個也是風險之一
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10/19 15:18, , 16F
Webber是紅牛車隊的車手, Weber是某人的經紀人...
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10/19 16:27, , 17F
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10/19 17:58, , 18F
燒起來瞬間,KIMI也是嚇到方向盤也是撇了一大下啊 = =|||
10/19 17:58, 18F

10/19 18:03, , 19F
推火腿PK滷蛋 滷蛋又可以冰鎮又可以火燒 勝出XDD
10/19 18:03, 19F

10/19 18:42, , 20F
我好擔心他的眼睛 雖然他說沒事 可是我還是擔心
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失火正確的示範要看IndyCar的Tony Kannan...#1ATGqJsc
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10/19 22:48, , 35F
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10/21 21:45, , 36F
應該不是液狀的燃料 而是油汽進去安全帽 所以眼睛中招
10/21 21:45, 36F
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