[情報] McLaren, Ferrari 為著五百萬

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (Duke Hsu)時間15年前 (2009/10/21 14:29), 編輯推噓5(505)
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McLaren, Ferrari to fight for $5m prize About $5 million is reportedly up for grabs as F1 grandees Ferrari and McLaren contest third place in the constructors' world championship at the Abu Dhabi finale next weekend. 法拉拉跟麥拉拉再搶五百萬的獎金 McLaren sits just one point ahead of Ferrari for the dubious honour of second runner-up behind Brawn and Red Bull. 麥拉拉暫時一分領先 But Germany's Auto Motor und Sport reports that the team with its nose in front after the 2009 finale stands to win more than just the race numbers 5 and 6 for 2010. 媒體說 才不光為了56號車位才搶成這樣呢 (關鍵字 56) The outcome of the constructors' standings is how the teams' share of the sport's commercial income is divvied up. "We will have to do all we can to bring home a third place finish in the championship, which we are very keen to do and I am sure that all of us, drivers and team, will do all in our power to try and reach this target," said Ferrari team boss Stefano Domenicali. 多美麗咖哩:我們會盡一切努力拿到第三名 我相信我們可以做到喔!^.< Making the Italian squad's task difficult, however, is the fact that the F60 is clearly not as good a car as the McLaren, and Giancarlo Fisichella is struggling for pace since replacing Felipe Massa's initial substitute Luca Badoer in September. 顯然的F60不像麥拉拉的車那麼優 蔣開鑼還在跟MASSA遺留的三手賽車搏鬥 ( 路卡。駁倒是第二手 ) "Looking at my experience with Ferrari so far, I don't want to hide that I feel a bit upset," the Roman said in Brazil. "我哭哭了" 羅馬人說到 "I will do my very best (in Abu Dhabi) to help the team retake this third place which slipped away from us," Fisichella added. "我會努力幫車隊拿到世界第三的啦!"法拉利控補充 Auto Motor und Sport claims that several million dollars will also separate the prizes enjoyed by teams further back, with Williams, BMW and Renault to fight for sixth place in Abu Dhabi. 威廉斯BMW還有雷諾也在搶第六喔! http://tinyurl.com/yhbfa4u -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/21 14:30, , 1F
10/21 14:30, 1F
※ 編輯: etduke 來自: (10/21 14:31)

10/21 14:38, , 2F
麥拉拉加油 一定要搶下年度第三 希望Kimi明年可以開6號車
10/21 14:38, 2F

10/21 14:44, , 3F
10/21 14:44, 3F

10/21 14:45, , 4F
還好不是在HATE 否則會被噓暴
10/21 14:45, 4F

10/21 16:02, , 5F
法拉利控每場都這樣搞 我看難喔
10/21 16:02, 5F

10/21 17:00, , 6F
這篇是亂翻拉XD 逐句翻功力還不夠 翻不順 所以翻大意而已
10/21 17:00, 6F

10/21 17:01, , 7F
10/21 17:01, 7F

10/21 17:22, , 8F
10/21 17:22, 8F

10/21 19:06, , 9F
56 好聽一點, 78 就 ...... XD
10/21 19:06, 9F

10/21 19:29, , 10F
10/21 19:29, 10F
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文章代碼(AID): #1AtgenKc (FORMULA1)