[情報] No plans yet for F1 return, says Kimi

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者時間15年前 (2010/02/05 21:07), 編輯推噓15(1504)
留言19則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.wrc.com/jsp/index.jsp?lnk=101&id=6798 Former F1 World Champion Kimi Raikkonen has no firm plans to return to circuit racing beyond the end of his 2010 contract with the Citroen Junior Team, and has underlined the seriousness of his bid to make it as a top level rally driver. 芬蘭人,拉力魂~ Talking EXCLUSIVELY to wrc.com about the appeal of the WRC and his hopes for the season ahead, Raikkonen revealed that his progress during the forthcoming 12-round programme with Citroen would determine his plans for 2011 and beyond. 2011年的去留要看今年表現 Ahead of his series debut next week in Sweden, the Finn hinted that he could stay in the WRC if things went well this year, but denied he had a firm date by which he had to commit one way or another. 下禮拜WRC 2010開幕站瑞典!2/12~14,請鎖定... "I have set no deadlines on myself," he said. "Let's see how things are going. I really enjoy it here now, and if it's like this then maybe I stay or maybe I try something else. I have no plans, no deadlines yet. Let's see what happens." 今天的我,沒有極限! Asked about whether he was serious about rallying Raikkonen said: "Yes. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't serious. Anytime I start something new I want to learn, and try to do the best I can. It’s something that's going to be a big challenge and I'm looking forward to it." 場面話。不過真多虧Kimi幫WRC吸引了一些目光呀~ -- 姜濤:以我FIA主席的名字發誓,全力發展Rally運動 Developing rally is a priority, says Todt http://www.wrc.com/jsp/index.jsp?lnk=101&id=6793 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/05 21:12, , 1F
姜濤 + Kimi 無敵啊~~~
02/05 21:12, 1F

02/05 21:15, , 2F
只是robin大哥還不確定衛視今年會不會播wrc (嘆氣)
02/05 21:15, 2F

02/05 21:27, , 3F
是啊 節目表還找不到 ~_~
02/05 21:27, 3F

02/05 21:44, , 4F
開玩笑 kimi離開F1所造成的損失是連老舒回鍋都彌補不了的
02/05 21:44, 4F

02/05 21:49, , 5F
Alonso一個人不就補回來了嗎 何況還有某人的天賦啊XD
02/05 21:49, 5F

02/05 23:33, , 6F
4樓是說反話啦 XD
02/05 23:33, 6F

02/05 23:33, , 7F
4F說的我倒沒有感覺到耶~ 倒是大舒回來讓我很期待^^
02/05 23:33, 7F

02/06 08:02, , 8F
02/06 08:02, 8F

02/06 08:17, , 9F
難說,今天大舒沒回來,一定又是一堆:Kimi 〒△〒
02/06 08:17, 9F

02/06 10:49, , 10F
02/06 10:49, 10F

02/06 12:03, , 11F
02/06 12:03, 11F

02/06 20:18, , 12F
kimi人緣真好 幾個月了還有人在酸 好多現役的都沒人理
02/06 20:18, 12F

02/06 23:09, , 13F
巴頓:都沒人酸我 我也是WC阿
02/06 23:09, 13F

02/07 00:05, , 14F
02/07 00:05, 14F

02/07 01:37, , 15F
02/07 01:37, 15F

02/07 11:15, , 16F
02/07 11:15, 16F

02/07 12:10, , 17F
02/07 12:10, 17F

02/07 14:11, , 18F
02/07 14:11, 18F

02/07 16:06, , 19F
悟空他們都回來了 撒旦單然就被忽略了
02/07 16:06, 19F
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