
看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (小星)時間4年前 (2020/11/19 22:32), 4年前編輯推噓6(606)
留言12則, 9人參與, 4年前最新討論串4/5 (看更多)
在ZeitMagazin的採訪,幾個有趣的(?)問題分享,沒有逐字翻,有誤麻煩指正,感謝。 Do you believe in Guardian Angels? Vettel: "Yes and no, I have a few quirks. For example, on race day I put two coins in my shoe. I'm not overly superstitious, but still somewhere I think they could help me". 在問他相不相信守護天使這類的東西。Vettel的回答是「信也不信」。 他不完全相信這種東西,但他有個怪僻(?), 他會在鞋子裡面放兩個硬幣,他不太迷信,但他仍然認為它們會幫助他。 【看來你的硬幣小精靈不太喜歡法拉利(?) X Vettel about critics: "It's nice when people write nice about you or say great things, and less nice when they do the opposite. But my guiding principle has always been: You are never as good as people say, but you are never as bad either". Vettel面對批評的原則一直都是: 「你永遠不會像大家稱讚的那好,但你也不會像大家所批評的那麼差」 X Does your wife understand when you go back home with problems? Vettel: "She has a lot of understanding! You have to go through such a time together". Vettel: "When you come home after work, you don't leave everything behind. Especially if you really care about your work. And one more thing: I have 3 children at home, there is already enough going on, my problems are not the only ones and the most important". 大概是問遇到問題時,妻子了解嗎? Vettel他老婆很了解這些問題。 不過在家他還有三個孩子,所以他的問題在家裡不會是唯一的、最重要的。 【大概就是家人更重要的意思拔(?) X What do you tell your kids that you do when you're away on weekends? Vettel: "They know that. Well, the youngest is still a bit small, he doesn't talk a lot, we don't know how much he understands yet either. My work has no special status". Vettel: "To say it simply, I'm more at home during the week, and I'm away more often at the weekends, but with other parents it's the other way around". Vettel: "I'm also very unreasonable in many things and have no problem playing the clown or making fun of myself, especially myself. When I play with my children, I notice that I am sometimes more playful than them". 當你在週末外出的時候,你會怎麼跟你的孩子說? Vettel的孩子們都知道這個工作,不過最小的孩子還很小,不太清楚他了解多少。 然後他也說他有時候比他的小孩還愛玩(?)或者說幼稚(?) 【感覺是那種沒事會被小孩笑: 老爸你好傻R的傻爸爸XDDD 可愛.jpg X For how longer do you want to keep racing? Vettel: "I'm 33 now, by 40 I don't want to race anymore. So anything between three and seven years could be realistic". 在問他還打算開多久的賽車。 Vettel的意思差不多就開到40歲吧,所以可能再開個3~7年? 【AM八成就是最後一站了,且看且珍惜?QQ 以上~有錯誤麻煩指正。 -- 全世界都在下雨 而我在裡面走著 我喜歡你 喜歡到要淹沒的感覺    -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FORMULA1/M.1605796355.A.307.html ※ 編輯: hosichin ( 臺灣), 11/19/2020 22:33:03 ※ 編輯: hosichin ( 臺灣), 11/19/2020 22:38:24

11/19 22:42, 4年前 , 1F
11/19 22:42, 1F

11/19 23:16, 4年前 , 2F
11/19 23:16, 2F

11/19 23:16, 4年前 , 3F
11/19 23:16, 3F

11/19 23:23, 4年前 , 4F
車手退役還有研發 技師 領隊等職務,不用擔心
11/19 23:23, 4F

11/19 23:24, 4年前 , 5F
11/19 23:24, 5F

11/19 23:30, 4年前 , 6F
11/19 23:30, 6F

11/19 23:30, 4年前 , 7F
謝謝分享:) ※ 編輯: hosichin ( 臺灣), 11/19/2020 23:32:44

11/20 09:48, 4年前 , 8F
所以之前在巴西有東西在腿旁邊 該不會是硬幣吧
11/20 09:48, 8F

11/20 10:13, 4年前 , 9F
不是XD 那次是真的有東西掉了,印象中後來有說是是螺絲
11/20 10:13, 9F

11/20 10:13, 4年前 , 10F
11/20 10:13, 10F

11/20 13:12, 4年前 , 11F
第二個回答滿滿正面能量 XD
11/20 13:12, 11F

11/20 17:30, 4年前 , 12F
11/20 17:30, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1Vje83C7 (FORMULA1)
討論串 (同標題文章)
完整討論串 (本文為第 4 之 5 篇):
21年前, 05/05
12年前, 03/28
5年前, 10/28
4年前, 11/19
1年前, 06/14
文章代碼(AID): #1Vje83C7 (FORMULA1)