Re: [心得] 2017澳網第二輪心得

看板Federer作者 (Arjen Robben is life)時間7年前 (2017/01/20 23:36), 7年前編輯推噓12(1203)
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今天打的那麼好真是太高興了,搬運個R2對手的評論給大家看一下 聽這些新生代的小將談偶像還蠻有意思的XD 以下截取一段,全文請看網址 Rubin had said before the match that he felt especially lucky to play Federer, 35, in what might be the last stages of his career. After their match, he retracted that statement with a smile. Rubin在賽前說他感覺很幸運能和費德勒交手,因為他已經35歲,職業生涯接近尾聲。賽後 ,他笑著收回這句話。 “我收回這句話”,他會永遠在場上打下去。Rubin說“他是不朽的。” “I take that back — he’s going to be here forever,” Rubin said. “That guy is immortal.” Rubin has hit with other top players and listed their strengths: Andy Murray “doesn't miss a ball”; Novak Djokovic “is a machine”; Stan Wawrinka, “ you can't see the ball when he hits it.” Of his latest opponent, Rubin simply said, “Fed is Fed.” Rubin和幾個頂尖球手練過球,他分別列出了他們的特點。Andy Murray“不錯過任何一個 球”、Novak Djokovic“一台機器”、Stan Wawrinka“當他擊球的時候你都看不清楚球在 哪”,而在提到他最近一場的對手,他只是簡單的說道:“費德勒就是費德勒”。 “He took a ball that I swear to God was past him and hit it for a winner,” Rubin said. “You just have to look at that and say, 'OK, that's Roger Federer for you,' and you just move on to the next one.” “他把一球我發誓已經穿越他的球轉化為致胜球。”Rubin說。 “你只能看著然後想”好 吧,這就是羅傑費德勒。然後投入到下一分。 Federer offered effusive praise for Rubin’s performance as well. Roger也給他很高的評價 “I was very impressed by Noah,” Federer said. “I thought he played really well. I feel like he’s going to have a great, consistent career. The question now is how far can he go. It’s so hard to tell with these youngsters because they just need time to mature and to get used to the tour and all that. I think there’s lots possible for him; I really do.” “我對他的表現感到印象深刻,我認為他打得很好,我感覺他會有個很好的職業生涯。問 題在他能有多大的成就。預測這些年輕球員的未來是有些困難的,因為他們需要時間去讓 自己更成熟,並適應巡迴賽的一切,我想他未來會有很多可能,我真的這麼認為。” 下一輪Kei也是面對迷弟請加油>< (今天訪問Roger說他是個nice kid XD) -- Sometimes you're just happy playing. Some people, some media unfortunately don't understand that it's okay just to play tennis and enjoy it. They always think you have to win everything, it always needs to be a success story, and if it's not obviously what is the point. Maybe you have to go back and think, Why have I started playing tennis? Because I just like it. It's actually sort of a dream hobby that became somewhat of a job. - Roger Federer -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: allyp7985 (, 01/20/2017 23:40:24

01/20 23:41, , 1F
Fed is Fed
01/20 23:41, 1F

01/20 23:41, , 2F
Fed is Fed
01/20 23:41, 2F

01/20 23:46, , 3F
Fed is Fed ♡ 我也有注意到nice kid XDD
01/20 23:46, 3F

01/20 23:50, , 4F 圭連Rog孩子名字都知道XD
01/20 23:50, 4F

01/20 23:55, , 5F
nice kid認證影片XD
01/20 23:55, 5F

01/20 23:57, , 6F
01/20 23:57, 6F

01/20 23:59, , 7F
01/20 23:59, 7F

01/21 00:04, , 8F
卡卡也好可愛 !!
01/21 00:04, 8F

01/21 00:09, , 9F
01/21 00:09, 9F

01/21 00:15, , 10F
Fed is Fed 卡卡好帥啊
01/21 00:15, 10F

01/21 00:21, , 11F
01/21 00:21, 11F

01/21 01:58, , 12F
Fed is Fed!!!
01/21 01:58, 12F

01/21 02:03, , 13F
Fed is Fed
01/21 02:03, 13F

01/21 03:53, , 14F
01/21 03:53, 14F

01/21 10:23, , 15F
圭圭好厲害 是真粉絲!!
01/21 10:23, 15F
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文章代碼(AID): #1OWYvWVI (Federer)