[外電] 萊利賽季結束記者會

看板GoranDragic作者時間8年前 (2016/05/20 01:13), 編輯推噓3(307)
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原文:http://goo.gl/HhMbMs 萊利: 「Dragic會在8月1日開始跟著國家隊做每天一次的培訓,熱火 會送一個或幾個教練過去陪他訓練。他需要在他的打法上的某 些領域做些許的發展,基於比賽如何進行。 去年夏天Dragic沒有打國家隊,他的身心健康、自由、開心, 但回到球隊時身體不在比賽狀態,去年他諸事纏身──被交易、 自由球員的身分、妻子懷孕待產、找房子之類的,一切未安定 下來,但今年一切都安定下來了,沒理由了,不准在發生去年 的狀況,他的首要目標是要在10月回到球隊的時候,身體狀態 要更好以及成為一名更好的球員。 在他的比賽的某些領域他必須有所改善。我看過32、33歲的球 員在他們的比賽的某些地方變得更好……我一直告訴他,投籃 命中率50%,罰球命中率80%,三分命中率40% 。我會給你罰球 10%的折扣,因為你會為了Spo為你製造的空間,去切入或造犯 規被撞倒而變得很累。 這是另一件事。 Come on, 你一定要創造些東西確保他得到空 間,他已經是就算沒有空間也能創造與得分的球員。這也是比 賽的一部份,因為當球隊開始把事從你身上拿走,以及教練製 作的進攻戰術,你該怎麼做?讓你坐板凳,不我們不打算這樣 對你,這是要你去打破框架…他說:『我完全理解,教練。』」 (不清楚最後一段萊利想表達什麼,是希望Dragic跳脫以往的 打球方式?) "He will start Aug. 1 training with his national team once a day. We are going to send a coach or coaches over to work with him. He needs to develop his game a little bit in certain areas based on how the game is being played.... "Last year, he talked about how crazy it was -- the trade, his wife was pregnant, couldn't find a house, went back [to Europe]. It was really unsettling. Now he's settled. I said you can't use that excuse next year. That's over. We already gave you the 'I wasn't settled; I wasn't in shape; I didn't play in the national team. He's got a free summer. He's happy. He's healthy. His No. 1 objective is to come back in October in better shape and a better player. He's got to improve his game in certain areas of his game. I've see players at 32, 33, get better in certain areas of their game.... I keep telling him 50 [percent from the field], 80 [percent on free throws], 40 [percent from the line]. I will give you 10 percent on your free throws because you'll be tired from picking your ass up off the floor from getting knocked down all the time for all that space that Spoelstra is going to create for you. "That's another thing. Come on, you've got to create something just to make sure he gets space. He's got to be a player than can create and score when there is no space. That's part of the game also, because when teamsstart to take things away from you and the offense thatthe coach creates, what are you going to do? Sit you onthe bench. No, we're not going to do that to you.That's up to you to go out of the box... He said,'I totally understand, coach.'" 原文:http://goo.gl/HhMbMs -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/GoranDragic/M.1463677998.A.A13.html

05/20 01:52, , 1F
05/20 01:52, 1F

05/20 01:52, , 2F
05/20 01:52, 2F

05/20 19:04, , 3F
我韋30歲合體後 把無球進化到新的境界 抓雞加油!
05/20 19:04, 3F

05/21 01:38, , 4F
Spo改變進攻模式 讓抓雞失去主導球權也不會讓他坐板凳
05/21 01:38, 4F

05/21 01:38, , 5F
那是抓雞需要去克服的 因為總會有時候抓雞被針對嚴防
05/21 01:38, 5F

05/21 01:44, , 6F
05/21 01:44, 6F

05/21 01:44, , 7F
不過當時下半場 一過半場被包 就失去侵略性
05/21 01:44, 7F

05/21 12:33, , 8F
We'll see
05/21 12:33, 8F

07/02 10:23, , 9F
從今年簽約狀況來看 恭喜抓雞的合約變超值了XD
07/02 10:23, 9F

07/03 00:47, , 10F
07/03 00:47, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1NFVGkeJ (GoranDragic)
文章代碼(AID): #1NFVGkeJ (GoranDragic)