[情報] GM Rich Cho關於簽約林書豪電話採訪全文

看板Hornets (夏洛特 黃蜂)作者 (ColinH)時間9年前 (2015/07/10 16:37), 編輯推噓10(1007)
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http://www.nba.com/hornets/gm-rich-cho-transcript-jeremy-lin-signing GM Rich Cho Transcript on Jeremy Lin Signing Posted: Jul 09, 2015 The Hornets signed free agent guard Jeremy Lin on July 9, 2015. The following is the transcript from General Manager Rich Cho’s conference call with the media after Lin’s signing. Cho opening statement: 開場白 We’re really excited to add Jeremy to our team. He gives us a different dimension to our point guard spot. He has experience in the league. He’s a good ball-handler. We’re really excited to add him to our lineup. 很高興有林書豪加入陣容 在控衛位置可以提供提供不同的特點 他有聯盟比賽經驗 是很好的持球者 On what makes him different as a point guard: 林作為控衛有什麼不同 One thing he can really do is get into the paint. I think with our second unit that’s important because he can create shots for others. We’ve got several guys in our second unit that will benefit from that whether it’s Jeremy Lamb or Spencer Hawes, Frank Kaminsky, Marvin Williams, all those guys will benefit from a guy who can get in the lane and create shots for others. 他可以切入突破禁區 我認為對我們的第二陣容很重要因為他可以位其他球員創造機會 我們有一些球員可以因此受惠 不管是Lamb, Hawes, Kaminsky, Marvin Williams 他們都會受惠於一個可以突破禁區並能為別人創造機會的球員 On the importance of getting this deal done on the first day of free agency: 自由球員簽約第一天搞定這個簽約的重要性 It was important. We’ve been looking to get more depth in our backcourt and we feel really good about deciding to do this. I think he’s going to bring some energy to our backcourt and our second unit. He’ll be a great addition. 的確重要 我們一直想增加後場深度而且對做了這個決定感覺很好 我想他會為我們的後場與第二陣容帶來一些能量 他會是很好的補強 On if there is any concern that by getting better offensively, the Hornets might be sacrificing defensively: 簽約林是否有任何考量到為了強化進攻, 黃蜂可能會犧牲防守 One thing that Coach Clifford and our coaching staff do a great job of is getting our team to play great team defense, and coach has always had good defensive teams. He’ll get these guys to play good defense. We’ve made an effort to upgrade the offense and there’s probably always going to be a little bit of tradeoff, but I’m confident that our coaching staff will get our guys to play good defense still. 我們的Clifford教練和教練團做的很好的一件事情就是讓球隊做好團隊防守 教練一直都能讓球隊防守表現良好 他會讓球員做好防守 我們在努力升級我們的進攻時也許會有一點點犧牲交換 但是我對我們的教練團有信心 他們還是可以讓球員繼續做好防守 On if the Hornets are done in free agency now: 黃蜂在自由球員市場是否已經收工了 There’s still potential to do something else. We’re still looking at a couple of things. We’re not entirely done yet. 還是有一些機會可以做其他事 我們仍在關注一些東西 還沒有完全收工 On what part of Lin’s game he thinks will improve the most under Coach Clifford: 林的比賽中有甚麼部分是在Clifford教練下可以改善最多的 I think a couple of things: one, I think his defense will improve because Coach Clifford is a defensive-oriented coach who has had a lot of success with his team in the past defensively. Coach has also worked with a lot of really good point guards in the past, like Steve Nash, so I think that background with coach on the defensive end and offensive end will help Jeremy. 我覺得有幾個地方會進步的是 我覺得他的防守會進步 因為Clifford是個防守導向的教練 並且過去曾在他的球隊中成功的打造防守許多次 另外教練他也曾和許多優秀控衛合作過 包括Steve Nash 所以我認為教練在防守端和進攻端執教的經驗可以幫助林書豪 On if he expects to wait for the market to settle down before jumping back into free agency: GM是否想要先等自由球員大戲都演的差不多了才回去自由球員市場 We’re still looking around right now and we aren’t going to wait a long time. I think if the opportunity presented itself then we’ll do something. 我們仍然在四處觀望並且不打算繼續等太久 我覺得如果有好機會我們還是會行動 感想: 以GM的講法沒有把Batum放在第二陣裡 所以先發MKG和Batum可能會一起上 加上Big AL和Kemba Walker 剩下一個先發位置還會是選秀前有傳出想交易掉的Zeller嗎? MKG是控球前鋒 Batum也是有控球能力的 這樣好像也就Batum和Walker能投三分 還是Zeller/MKG本季會練出三分線(?) RealGM上討論有說Biyombo是去年球員中打擋拆擋人最好的 林過去合作良好的Tyson Chandler, 奶油手Asik, 上一季湖人的Ed Davis 特色都是可以保護籃板和禁區防守 加上擋拆禁區接球 目前我不知道有誰有類似的特色(?) 因為Rich Cho提到Clifford帶過Nash 以前Nash和快艇的CP3 在場上的防守位置似乎都不是去頂防外線持球者的球員 印象中反而是放在弱側邊兩翼比較多 如果不要林去頂防的話 防守上的問題應該也會減少 我是覺得林的防守沒那麼差 除非球隊每個位置都是單防大師 防守應該還是要看整個團隊怎麼運作 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hornets/M.1436517423.A.F97.html

07/10 17:13, , 1F
07/10 17:13, 1F

07/10 17:17, , 2F
07/10 17:17, 2F

07/10 17:45, , 3F
林防守沒那麼差啦 只是常常要守很多個
07/10 17:45, 3F

07/10 18:34, , 4F
07/10 18:34, 4F

07/10 19:23, , 5F
林連一打五的紀錄都有過 而且還成功了XDDD
07/10 19:23, 5F

07/10 19:25, , 6F
07/10 19:25, 6F

07/10 21:15, , 7F
林防守就普通 不是洞但也不到很好 但很努力
07/10 21:15, 7F

07/10 21:16, , 8F
基本上要過林也不是那麼容易 就算真的被過了林也是緊
07/10 21:16, 8F

07/10 21:16, , 9F
跟著 所以還要小心林的火鍋
07/10 21:16, 9F

07/10 21:17, , 10F
07/10 21:17, 10F

07/10 21:17, , 11F
07/10 21:17, 11F

07/10 21:23, , 12F
想到希爾,真假 bo就覺得會進步的
07/10 21:23, 12F

07/10 21:44, , 13F
07/10 21:44, 13F

07/10 21:45, , 14F
假設和林搭配的C 有確實執行擋拆 林也可以過KI
07/10 21:45, 14F

07/10 21:46, , 15F
也就是就單防來說 Lin其實不差 雖然不是鎖
07/10 21:46, 15F

07/10 21:46, , 16F
07/10 21:46, 16F

07/10 22:00, , 17F
07/10 22:00, 17F
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