[轉錄][外電] 神米嘴砲控訴AI在詐傷

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※ [本文轉錄自 Pistons 看板] 作者: tc89 (StreetRock) 看板: Pistons 標題: [ 王 ] 時間: Thu Mar 26 16:29:33 2009 Reggie Miller accuses Allen Iverson of faking injury Posted by Dave Dial March 25, 2009 19:17PM http://0rz.tw/NiVw6  大 嘴  During the Tuesday TNT broadcast of the Detroit Piston-Chicago Bull game, Reggie Miller seemed a bit out of sorts. Making biting, sarcastic remarks towards Michael Jordan, Vinnie Del Negro, Michael Curry, Rasheed Wallace and Allen Iverson. Miller's comments turned from sarcastic to personal with Iverson, as he accused the Piston guard of faking his injury. 在週二公牛vs活塞的比賽中,負責TNT轉播的神米顯得有些不吐不快。 他開幹的目標包括了Michael JordanVinnie Del NegroCurryRasheed、和Iverson。 他針對Iverson嘲諷說:他認為Iverson只是在詐傷。 March 25, Detroit News: "I've played a lot of games against Allen Iverson when he was with the Philadelphia 76ers, and he is one of the toughest guys I've ever gone against," Miller said. "But having said that and knowing the information we know, what Arnie Kander is saying, it's almost like (Iverson) is holding this team hostage because he cannot accept the responsibility of coming off the bench. That's sad because he is one of the truly great little men we've ever had in the game." 底特律新聞在3/25發布了他的嘴砲內容: 「當AI還在七六人時,我跟他打過很多場比賽, 他絕對是我交手過對手中數一數二的硬漢其中之一,」神米說。「但據我們目前所知的 消息,包含神醫Arnie Kander所說的,怎麼看都像是Iverson把團隊拿來當人質要脅,只 因為他沒辦法接受從板凳出發的責任。他曾是個我們公認貨真價實的小巨人啊,可憐。」 What Kander told TNT's Craig Sager is essentially the same thing the Pistons have been saying all along -- without Miller's commentary. Every test that's been run on Iverson's back has shown no structural damage. The Pistons just last week ran three different tests and they all came back negative. Kander向TNT的Craig Sager所說的,就像是活塞近日公開聲明的一樣 -- 不夾帶像神米 那樣的個人嘴砲評論。Iverson所有背部的種種測試都顯示沒有結構性的傷害。活塞上週 才讓他做了三種不同的測驗,並且結果都是陰性的。 這是Booth的指控! Still, Iverson has complained of pain and numbness, and doctors at Georgetown University have prescribed rest. Iverson told Booth Newspapers on Sunday that speculation that he's sitting out because he doesn't want to come off the bench was false. 至今,Iverson仍主訴他的痠痛與麻木感,喬治城大學的醫生已經要求他多休息。 Iverson也在週日向Booth時報訴說,外頭謠傳他不願意從板凳出發才詐傷是錯的消息。 If Kander relayed the same information that has already been in the press, then for Reggie to jump to the conclusion he did seems a bit strange. It's hard to tell what the exact situation is with Iverson and the Pistons, with no comments coming from Piston management or the Iverson camp in reaction to Miller's accusation. 如果Arnie發布的消息與先前公佈的無異,那神米這次的嘴砲控訴看起來有些strange。 活塞的管理階層,或Iverson那邊都沒有對神米的嘴砲控訴作出任何評論。 很難說Iverson與活塞之間目前實際的狀況是怎樣。 Add that to some recent writings in the Detroit media that the Pistons may not get the services of any of their three injured players before the regular season ends, and the possibility the Pistons may drop out of the playoff race altogether grows. 最近有些底特律的媒體說,活塞傷兵名單上的三個人可能本季例行賽結束前都不會回來, 有可能會使活塞今年沒辦法搭上季後賽的末班車。  引 戰  The next Piston game is Thursday against the Los Angeles Lakers. Allen Iverson and Rasheed Wallace have both been "ruled out" for that game and Rip Hamilton is doubtful. It's hard to believe that Allen Iverson is "faking" an injury, but Piston fans deserve a response to the accusations Reggie Miller made, from both Joe Dumars and Allen Iverson. 下一場活塞的比賽將在週四對上湖人。RasheedIverson已經確定不會出賽。 Hamilton是否出賽仍有待觀察。很難相信神米針對Iverson控訴的詐傷論, 活塞迷應該得到Joe Dumars或Iverson對於神米嘴砲的內容作出回應。 (感謝NBA板的板友amox指正。) --  : 媒體果然是嗜血的,沒話題總要自己炒話題。 活塞迷很乖的,神米想嘴砲自己去慢慢打吧。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/26 16:34,
03/26 16:34

03/26 16:34,
03/26 16:34

03/26 16:42,
不錯阿, 我最喜歡的兩個球員再次"交鋒"了 XD
03/26 16:42

03/26 16:44,
03/26 16:44

03/26 16:44,
其 實 峱 萬 的 本 尊 就 是 . . .
03/26 16:44

03/26 16:46,
03/26 16:46

03/26 16:49,
Iverson到時候舉辦記者會反駁不實指控還硬要拉Prince上台 XD
03/26 16:49

03/26 16:51,
AI: Miller你怎樣,你怎樣阿!(摟著Prince) Prince: = =?
03/26 16:51

03/26 16:53,
03/26 16:53

03/26 16:58,
我看的真不是滋味阿 -_- 雖然我沒因此討厭王子...
03/26 16:58

03/26 16:59,
03/26 16:59

03/26 17:04,
03/26 17:04

03/26 17:07,
X..........我狂笑啊!!!!=_= 我會被米勒迷打死
03/26 17:07

03/26 17:09,
03/26 17:09

03/26 17:11,
當年紀大了,本來就是要一件件穿回來的啊 XD
03/26 17:11

03/26 17:11,
我是因為那個火鍋開始欣賞王子的 >///<
03/26 17:11
※ 編輯: tc89 來自: (03/26 17:13)

03/26 17:12,
03/26 17:12

03/26 17:25,
03/26 17:25

03/26 17:26,
03/26 17:26

03/26 19:00,
季後賽越來越危險 主力們趕快歸隊吧
03/26 19:00

03/26 23:09,
03/26 23:09

03/26 23:12,
來人啊,牽頭驢子來備用! XD
03/26 23:12

03/27 00:06,
出道時是硬漢 難道可以推論永遠不傷不痛的啊 嘴砲米
03/27 00:06

03/27 00:33,
03/27 00:33
-- Only the strong survive- Iverson ═█┘     W ● ●︵ ● ●)) <\ / \\ />>/ ╲> >> ========= http://www.wretch.cc/blog/AWEI3 ========= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/27 12:39, , 1F
03/27 12:39, 1F

03/27 12:54, , 2F
最近真是滿水位啊 水桶快爆了
03/27 12:54, 2F

03/27 14:29, , 3F
03/27 14:29, 3F
※ 編輯: Paraguay 來自: (04/01 00:01)
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