[轉錄][外電] AI: 底特律,我真的生氣了阿!!

看板IVERSON作者 (巴拉圭)時間16年前 (2009/04/03 00:40), 編輯推噓15(15014)
留言29則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: celestial318 (強尼) 看板: NBA 標題: [情報] AI: 底特律,我真的生氣了阿阿阿阿阿!!!! 時間: Fri Apr 3 00:30:26 2009 http://0rz.tw/8i8YT Apparently complaining about his lot in life will now be a nightly occurrence for Allen Iverson. After missing seven of eight shots in 17 minutes last night, he told reporters that he’d rather retire than accept a bench role next season . 我們可以預見戰神如今大概會每晚抱怨著 "別人的比賽是框金又包銀,阮的先發不值錢 Q_Q"。在昨晚的比賽只上場了17分鐘,並留下了八投一中的難看命中率後,他向媒體表示 "不先發,毋寧退!" “I’m having a hard time doing it now,” he said after his team’s 111-98 loss to the New Jersey Nets. “You think I will try to do it all over again? No way. I wouldn’t do that to myself or the team that I am playing for. I don’t think I can give everything I have to give in that situation.” "這真的是個很艱難的任務。",戰神在活塞以111-98敗給連阿聯都沒上場的籃網賽後表示。 "但如果你認為我會努力從頭繼續嘗試,那大概是你腦袋有洞。為了球隊也為了我自己, 我不會這樣做,這種情況下我根本無法發揮所長。" […] “I’m happy with my career and the things I’ve done in my career,” Iverson said. “I feel blessed that I’ve had the opportunity to accomplish the things that I’ve accomplished, to do the things that I’ve done. I would feel fine if I had to (retire).” "我對我的生涯以及我的所作所為都十分滿意。",戰神說道。"天佑吾身,我很幸運的得到 了能夠完成我目前成就的機緣。若情勢所逼,我也只好揮揮衣袖,不帶走一片雲彩的瀟灑 離開,也省得三天兩頭就被戰。" I penned some thoughts for FanHouse — check those out, and then have fun trying to wrap your head around the hypocrisy: “… it’s harder than I thought it would be physically and mentally. When you have a back injury like I had, and you sit out the whole first quarter. You sit out the last three to five minutes of the second quarter, then the whole halftime. Then another quarter after that, it’s tough to get going. […] He also isn’t using his injuries as an excuse, even though he’s clearly being hampered by a strained right calf. “If I’m healthy enough to get on the basketball court, then I should be able to get it done. And I’m not. And that’s nobody’s fault but mine,” he said. 筆者為FanHouse寫下了一些想法,不妨參考一下並試著去思考這些偽善言論背後所代表的 意義: "在生理和心理上我都遇到了出乎意料的障礙。若你和我有著相同的背傷,整場比賽第一節 、第三節都只能坐著看戲,然後在部分的第二節以及第四節上場比賽,這樣是很難進入狀 況的,戰神啟動是需要足夠的熱機時間的。" [...]雖然右小腿的傷很明顯的困擾著他,但他並沒有把這個當作藉口。"假設我的健康狀 況良好,那麼我在場上便能夠完成我該做的事。但大家都知道我以傷聞名,而這也不是任 何人的錯,所以要怪的話就怪我吧。" Those who feel the Pistons would be better off just severing ties with Iverson right now probably won’t be happy to hear this: Iverson said he is not happy with the Pistons, who acquired him in a trade with the Denver Nuggets in early November. “No, not at all,” he said. “I’d be lying if I said I was. 而對那些認為沒有AI活塞會更好的鄉民們,戰神此番言論無疑是火上加油: 活塞在去年11月跟金塊的交易中得到了戰神,但他卻表示他在活塞隊並不快樂。 "這是真的,如果我說我很開心那簡直是ㄧ個天大的京尤 口丁。" But before you label him a locker room cancer, realize that cancer spreads. Iverson’s bitterness, while not conducive to a happy roster, will likely stay contained to his corner of the room. I’m convinced he has little to no influence over the team’s younger set, who realize they actually have a place in the team’s future plans. As for the veterans, they’re more likely to be annoyed than sympathetic to his plight. For the remainder of the season and playoffs, Iverson is merely a necessary nuisance. 但在把他當成球隊的毒瘤前,你必須要了解惡性腫瘤是會擴散的,但苦澀的戰神卻只是一 個人在他的角落畫著圈圈,喝著走味的咖啡。我相信隊中以新一哥史塔基為首的年輕球員 們並不會受到他的影響,因為他們知道球隊確實有好好的規劃著他們的未來。至於那些老 兵對戰神的困境只會有著厭惡>>>>>憐憫的心態。曾幾何時,在所餘不多的球季及即將來到 的季後賽中,傳說中的戰神竟會被視作球隊中最大的阻力而非主力... ============================================================================== 這篇是上一篇新聞中版友推文所附的連結 標題聳動了些 有些內容有重複 不過看完這篇是覺得AI真的蠻慘的 如果還是沒辦法的話 那我想這個夏天他是走定了 題外話 100篇文章還真難湊... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/03 00:31,
04/03 00:31

04/03 00:31,
04/03 00:31

04/03 00:31,
XD 不差這一次吧 話說到現在還沒有人發政見耶....
04/03 00:31

04/03 00:33,
1樓g大快要100篇了 g大要當板主嗎XDDD
04/03 00:33

04/03 00:34,
04/03 00:34

04/03 00:35,
我看到連阿聯都沒上場的籃網就笑了 XDD
04/03 00:35

04/03 00:35,
04/03 00:35

04/03 00:36,
04/03 00:36

04/03 00:40,
04/03 00:40
-- Only the strong survive- Iverson ═█┘     W ● ●︵ ● ●)) <\ / \\ />>/ ╲> >> ========= http://www.wretch.cc/blog/AWEI3 ========= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/03 00:45, , 1F
AI...難道你真的變成這了嗎... 今天還投八中1...
04/03 00:45, 1F

04/03 00:45, , 2F
04/03 00:45, 2F

04/03 00:51, , 3F
04/03 00:51, 3F

04/03 00:53, , 4F
表現不好有一半可能是AI還無法適應即時熱機的上場模式= =
04/03 00:53, 4F

04/03 00:54, , 5F
AI辛苦了 明明實力依舊 還得忍受被MC無理的亂用
04/03 00:54, 5F

04/03 00:55, , 6F
真的支持他別再上場了 把身體養好 明年再換新東家拼吧
04/03 00:55, 6F

04/03 00:56, , 7F
被這樣使用 還被當成毒瘤 那隊也不會有人感激他吧(攤手
04/03 00:56, 7F

04/03 01:38, , 8F
04/03 01:38, 8F

04/03 01:39, , 9F
04/03 01:39, 9F

04/03 01:39, , 10F
04/03 01:39, 10F

04/03 02:12, , 11F
肚x 很久了,只是在活塞版一直不敢講
04/03 02:12, 11F

04/03 02:13, , 12F
04/03 02:13, 12F

04/03 02:14, , 13F
04/03 02:14, 13F

04/03 02:14, , 14F
04/03 02:14, 14F

04/03 02:14, , 15F
明明季初,實力在、人氣在,現在卻被搞成這樣 超不爽
04/03 02:14, 15F

04/03 02:17, , 16F
04/03 02:17, 16F

04/03 09:14, , 17F
04/03 09:14, 17F

04/03 10:18, , 18F
04/03 10:18, 18F

04/03 11:05, , 19F
04/03 11:05, 19F

04/03 11:07, , 20F
04/03 11:07, 20F

04/03 11:08, , 21F
04/03 11:08, 21F

04/03 11:10, , 22F
04/03 11:10, 22F

04/03 11:11, , 23F
04/03 11:11, 23F

04/03 11:14, , 24F
04/03 11:14, 24F

04/03 11:25, , 25F
04/03 11:25, 25F

04/03 11:34, , 26F
本來就不喜歡活塞了 現在... 哀
04/03 11:34, 26F

04/03 12:54, , 27F
04/03 12:54, 27F

04/03 15:42, , 28F
Sorry, Blame It on Me
04/03 15:42, 28F

04/03 23:25, , 29F
04/03 23:25, 29F
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