[轉錄][外電] Allen Iverson, we hardly knew ye

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※ [本文轉錄自 Pistons 看板] 作者: Leek ( ) 標題: [轉錄][ 王 ] Allen Iverson, we hardly knew ye 時間: Mon Apr 6 12:18:01 2009 ※ [本文轉錄自 Leek 信箱] 作者: tc89 (StreetRock) 標題: [ 王 ] Allen Iverson, we hardly knew ye 時間: Mon Apr 6 12:04:39 2009 THE TICKER Allen Iverson, we hardly knew ye 我 們 真 是 猜 不 透 你 啊 ,Iverson http://0rz.tw/lo91t BY STEVE SCHRADER ‧ DETROIT FREE PRESS ‧ April 5, 2009 So is it safe to say the Allen Iverson Era is over, finished, in Auburn Hills, now that he's out for the season with a "bad back"? 即使宣告Iverson因「背傷」將缺席本季接下來所有比賽 現在有誰敢肯定地說Iverson的時代已經在奧本山劃下句點? Until -- or if -- the Pistons really cash in on that salary-cap space it will give them, the A.I. deal will go down as one of Joe Dumars' top two mistakes, the other being Darko Milicic. 這筆大交易除了將為活塞帶來薪資空間之外 似乎儼然成為Dumars任內的兩大失策其中之一,另一件當然是指小米粒。 Would you say Joe D's legacy could stand another win pretty soon? 你認為這顆Dumars認賠殺出的棄子能很快重返榮耀嗎? Here's what others are saying about the whole thing: 咱們來聽聽其他人怎麼說。 Marc Stein, ESPN.com: "... will anyone want Iverson next season? The early indications aren't encouraging. We reached out to 10 teams after Dumars announced that Iverson would be shelved for the rest of the season, heard back from seven of them and didn't turn up even a hint of concrete interest." ...下一季有人想簽Iverson嗎? 這個比想像中提早發佈的消息對AI的行情並不是個利多。 在Dumars宣布Iverson本季報銷後,我們探訪過十支球隊的心意。 但是卻只得到七支球隊的回應,並且大家看起來一點想積極爭取的意願都沒有。 Matt Steinmetz, fanhouse.com: "Even if Iverson is ready, willing and able to lower himself a rung on a team's scoring ladder, that doesn't mean he'll do it well or that he's best suited to do it. As a general rule, role players are better at being role players than stars are at being role players." 即使Iverson已經準備好了,願意而且能夠調降自己在球隊得分貢獻上的比重, 也不表示他將會做的很好或者他會很適合做這樣的角色。 大家都知道--- 要求功能性球員扮演好一個成功的功能性球員 總比要求明星球員去成為功能性球員容易得多。 Ken Berger, CBSsports.com: "Iverson in Detroit has been nothing but a pain in the -- for both parties. Now, their brief and stormy marriage is over. Britney Spears has had relationships longer than this." Iverson在底特律的日子對彼此來說都是痛苦的。 而現在這段短暫、卻充滿話題的關係已經結束了。 小甜甜布蘭妮曾有過比這還長的孽緣呢。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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-- Only the strong survive- Iverson ═█┘     W ● ●︵ ● ●)) <\ / \\ />>/ ╲> >> ========= http://www.wretch.cc/blog/AWEI3 ========= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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