Re: [外電] Miami Heat make long-shot inquiry ab …

看板IVERSON作者 (小克)時間15年前 (2009/07/03 13:45), 編輯推噓5(507)
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大概翻一下而已~~ 正在加強自己的英文而已, 所以翻不好請多見諒!! ※ 引述《teddy8989 (熊吉)》之銘言: : 標題: [外電] Miami Heat make long-shot inquiry about Allen Iverson : 時間: Fri Jul 3 11:54:13 2009 : : By CHRIS PERKINS : Palm Beach Post Staff Writer : Thursday, July 02, 2009 : : MIAMI — The Heat's process of free agent due diligence agency has led it to : inquire about Detroit guard Allen Iverson, according to a NBA source, but the : source said the Heat is probably far down on Iverson's list of preferred teams. 根據消息指出,熱火對AI有些興趣 但是熱火在AI的名單中是排較後面的。 : Miami, which routinely asks about a large number of players early in the free : agency process, also inquired about Houston forward Ron Artest, but Artest, : an unrestricted free agent, said Thursday he'll sign with the Los Angeles : Lakers. 熱火之前就已經聯絡過不少自由球員,其中也包含了火箭隊的阿泰, 但是這位非受限自由球員在周四宣布了將與湖人隊簽約。 : "I'm definitely going to L.A. - to sign, yeah," Artest told : "Lakers, Lakers, Lakers. I'm in L.A. right now." 「我 會 去 洛 城 !!」 阿泰向表示:「湖~人~湖~人~湖~人~哈哈哈,俺在洛杉磯啦~~~」 : Teams were allowed to begin negotiating with free agents Wednesday. Teams can't : sign free agents until July 8. 周三開始,各隊都陸續的與自由球員接洽,在7/8之後,各球隊可以簽署球員。 : Heat president Pat Riley has insisted the Heat isn't likely to be active in : free agency considering its financial constraints. 熱火總裁萊里表示以熱火隊的財力狀態,在今年的自由球員市場應該不會有大動作出現。 : "This is not our year," Riley said recently. 「今年實在不好過呀!!」萊里哭哭!! : Miami's projected payroll for next season is already around $70 million, which : exceeds the projected salary cap of $58 million and is right at the projected : luxury tax. The Heat only has the mid-level exception, which is projected to be : around $5.5 million and the $2 million veteran's exception to offer without : going deeper into the punitive dollar-for-dollar luxury tax. 熱火下季的團隊薪資將近七千萬美金,已經超出薪資上限(五千八百萬美金), 且必須支付豪華稅。 熱火頂多只有一個大約五百五十萬美金中產條約,還有一個底薪老將條款能夠使用, 並且不會增加豪華稅的負擔。 : The Heat's chance of signing Iverson would rely largely on two things: other : destinations for Iverson becoming unavailable, and whether the future Hall of : Fame player would be willing to settle for the mid-level exception, which is : estimated to be around $5.5 million. 熱火隊簽下AI的機會取決於以下兩件事: 1.AI想加盟的球隊沒簽下他,(←這怪怪的,請好心人賜教!!) 2.這位未來名人堂成員能夠接受一個中產合約。 : Iverson, who earned $20 million last season, still has hopes of signing with a : team that has money or having Detroit work a sign-and-trade deal with another : team. AI去年賺了兩千萬美金,當然,他希望能加入有薪資空間的球隊, 或者是與活塞先簽後賣的方式來完成交易。 : Miami is thought to be primarily seeking a veteran point guard, a reserve : shooting guard and a forward-center. 邁阿密主要優先選擇是一個有經驗的控衛老將,一個替補SG,還有一個中前鋒。 : 連結: : : -- : : ○○○○○ □□□ ⊙⊙ ◎◎ ☆ ☆ : ○ □ ⊙ ⊙ ◎ ◎ ☆☆ : ○ □□□ ⊙ ⊙ ◎ ◎ ☆ : ○ □ ⊙ ⊙ ◎ ◎ ☆ : ○ □□□ ⊙⊙ ◎◎ ☆ : : -- : ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( : ◆ From: : → teddy8989:有人要翻一下嗎?如果沒有我晚點再翻,要出門@@ 07/03 11:54 -- -------- B.Sura:「如果要我在防守Iverson和看牙醫之間選擇的話, 我寧願選擇後者,因為那樣至少不會有上萬人欣賞你的痛苦表情。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/03 13:53, , 1F
應該是熱火對AI有些興趣 但是熱火在AI名單中是排較後
07/03 13:53, 1F

07/03 13:53, , 2F
07/03 13:53, 2F

07/03 13:53, , 3F
07/03 13:53, 3F
※ 編輯: wsx456 來自: (07/03 13:56)

07/03 15:01, , 4F
AI無法加盟想加入的球隊 這樣翻你覺得咧?
07/03 15:01, 4F

07/03 16:13, , 5F
翻譯辛苦啦! 熱火只出200萬 夠瞎...
07/03 16:13, 5F

07/03 16:18, , 6F
07/03 16:18, 6F

07/03 16:44, , 7F
07/03 16:44, 7F

07/03 18:19, , 8F
第四段應該是"從 7/8 日開始,才能開始簽署球員"
07/03 18:19, 8F

07/03 19:07, , 9F
07/03 19:07, 9F
※ 編輯: wsx456 來自: (07/03 19:10)

07/03 19:10, , 10F
07/03 19:10, 10F
※ 編輯: wsx456 來自: (07/03 19:11)

07/03 22:37, , 11F
可以接洽但不能簽約。 現在都沒有任何自由球約簽約啊!
07/03 22:37, 11F

07/03 23:23, , 12F
07/03 23:23, 12F
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文章代碼(AID): #1AJPhtPD (IVERSON)