Re: [外電] Knicks should grab Iverson?

看板IVERSON作者 (寄託於超越的現實)時間15年前 (2009/07/05 01:38), 編輯推噓4(400)
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※ 引述《Paraguay (巴拉圭)》之銘言: Source: ********************************************************************* Knicks should grab Iverson on the rebound By Frank Isola on July 3, 2009 5:38 PM ********************************************************************* Let's assume Jason Kidd decides to re-sign in Dallas. (One of his former teammates laughed when I asked him if the Knicks had a chance of getting him.) What is the Knicks next move? 假設Jason Kidd想要留在達拉斯,那麼尼克隊的下一步該做些什麼?(我詢問了一個 Kidd的前隊友關於Kidd是否可能來尼克隊的問題,結果被他笑了一番) How about Allen Iverson? If you can get him for one year he would generate some buzz and upgrade the Knicks backcourt. Yes, we all know that Iverson has lost a little. Okay, he's lost a lot. But just because Detroit made a bad trade after making a bad coaching hire, doesn't mean Iverson is totally to blame for their season. 來個「戰神」如何?給他一年的機會,他可以給你幾個絕殺好球,也能夠升級尼克 隊的後場。好啦,我們都知道戰神退步了一些。好嘛好嘛,他退步了不少。但這是 因為Detroit在僱用了一個糟糕的教練之後再做的一筆糟糕交易,這並不表示戰神該 為了Detroit這個失敗的球季遭到徹底責備。 It's also worth noting that Iverson and LeBron James share the same agent. 你該注意的是,戰神跟小皇帝的經紀人是同一號人物...... ********************************************************************* If Stephon Marbury is really about winning championships like he says he is - his lecture on Donnie Walsh and Mike D'Antoni this week was an all-time classic - why doesn't he just take the Celtics offer of the veteran minimum? 如果馬不理真的像他所說的只在乎ㄗㄍㄐ,那他何不接受Celtics在季後老將最低薪 的合約?(中間略) If Boston signs Rasheed Wallace and Kevin Garnett is healthy next season, Boston has as good a shot as anyone in the Eastern Conference. 假如Boston簽下了溪蛙,並且與KG在下個球季都保持健康!Boston將可以先在東區 搶得先機。 I'm convinced that Morris Almond - a free agent on the Knicks summer league roster - is destined to be this year's Anthony Roberson. And that's not a good thing. 我相信Morris Almond(一個尼克隊夏季聯盟的球員)已經註定要成為今年的Anthony Roberson(誰啊?抱歉我跟尼克隊不熟)。這不是什麼好事。 I'm all for signing Grant Hill if the Knicks believe he can help them on the court. But I'm not buying this nonsense that adding Hill gives the Knicks leadership in the locker room. In fairness, Hill's teams have never been out of the first round. So for all that so-called leadership, he has notched zero playoff wins. 我非常期待能夠簽下Grant Hill,如果尼克還認為他能夠在場上幫助球隊。但是我不 期待Grant Hill能夠帶來良好的休息室氣氛。坦白說吧,Hill的隊友還未曾度過季後 賽第一輪。如果有所謂的領袖氣質這種東西的話,Hill在這個項目將拿不到什麼分數。 What does it say about Eddy Curry and the Knicks that Curry can't stay in shape during the basketball season but during the off-season he's working out regularly with the help of an independent trainer? There's something wrong about that. 該如何解釋Eddy Curry與尼克隊的關係呢?Curry無法在球季內保持身材卻又在球季 結束後乖乖的聘請訓練師自主訓練?這一定有些問題。 And every time the Knicks tell you how great Curry looks I always have the same response; let me see it for myself on Nov. 1. 每次尼克隊又在說Curry有多好多好時,我只有一個想法:咱門球季開打時走著瞧 XD The fact that everything is quiet on the David Lee front is not necessarily a good thing. Lee's agent, Mark Bartelstein, will get a deal out there from someone. He's too good and Lee has too much value. Lee is going to get paid. 事實就是安靜的David Lee才是尼克前場的全能球員。但他的經紀人將會讓他得到他應 該得到的。...... (好像都在談尼克隊?不再翻了...) ********************************************************************* -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: yester 來自: (07/05 01:39)

07/05 02:17, , 1F
07/05 02:17, 1F

07/05 04:17, , 2F
推熱心翻譯 最近AI板外電很多 哈 真開心
07/05 04:17, 2F

07/05 07:51, , 3F
07/05 07:51, 3F

07/05 09:42, , 4F
07/05 09:42, 4F
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文章代碼(AID): #1AJvENOc (IVERSON)