[外電] Iverson to Clips still faces hurdles

看板IVERSON作者 (=艾力克斯=)時間15年前 (2009/07/14 13:47), 編輯推噓7(701)
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Iverson to Clips still faces hurdles AI 當快艇人? 還是有點障礙餒.. source: http://tinyurl.com/mwheuu By David Aldridge, TNT Analyst Posted Jul 14 2009 1:04AM =僅摘錄AI相關消息= Can Allen Iverson accept a reserve role in Los Angeles? Allen Iverson 可以接受在洛杉磯替補的腳色嗎? LAS VEGAS -- Yes, the Los Angeles Clippers are having talks with Allen Iverson. But a signing does not appear imminent, because Iverson is still chafing at the idea of coming off the bench. 是的,洛杉磯快艇隊跟 Allen Iverson 正在談。不過看來離簽約還早咧,AI對於 從板凳出發的點子還是不太滿意。 Sources confirmed the Los Angeles Times' report that the team has offered Iverson a one-year deal at the mid-level exception of $5.8 million for next season. But, those sources said, Iverson remains reluctant to take a reserve role, which would be behind incumbent Baron Davis at the point or Eric Gordon at the two, just as he chafed in Detroit this past season playing behind Rip Hamilton. Even though Iverson would like to play in a big city, or, at the least, for a contending team, he's given no indication yet that he'd be any more willing to be a bench player in Los Angeles than he would be elsewhere. 消息來源指出快艇隊提供AI一只一年的中產合約,價值580萬美元。同時消息來源 也指出,AI仍然不願意接受替補的腳色,可能擔任 Baron Davis 一號位置、或是 Eric Gordon 二號位置的替補,就跟剛結束的這球季替補 Rip Hamilton 一樣。 即使AI比較想在大城市打球,或至少是有競爭力的球隊,目前他也沒有露出任何 一絲在洛杉磯他就比較願意接受替補的態度。 One source with knowledge of the team's intentions said that Iverson was not the only player the Clippers were approaching. They also spoke with representatives for Milwaukee guard Ramon Sessions, as well as Indiana's Jarrett Jack, before Jack signed an offer sheet with the Toronto Raptors, in their pursuit of a backup point. Another source said that Coach Mike Dunleavy needed some assurances from Iverson's camp that he could accept a reserve role before getting completely behind the pursuit of Iverson. 了解球隊運作方向的消息指出,AI不是唯一一位快艇在試圖接觸的球員。他們也與 密爾瓦基公鹿隊後衛 Ramon Sessions、印地安納溜馬隊 Jarrett Jack 的代表談 過(在他與多倫多暴龍隊簽約以前),以追逐他們需要的替補後衛。另外的消息指出 ,在有更一步的接觸以前,總教練 Mike Dunleavy 需要AI的陣營確保他能夠接受 替補的腳色。 In the interim, Iverson is still being pursued by Miami, Memphis and Charlotte. 除此之外,目前為止,仍然是熱火、灰熊、以及山貓三隊在試圖爭取AI的加盟。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/14 13:53, , 1F
07/14 13:53, 1F
※ 編輯: unicotexalex 來自: (07/14 13:57)

07/14 15:09, , 2F
乾 要麻山貓 要麻費城咩
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07/15 00:35, , 6F
AI比不上Eric Gordon嗎?
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07/15 02:17, , 7F
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07/15 18:32, , 8F
AI是戰力 EG是未來...以快艇現況看來應該是放眼未來吧..
07/15 18:32, 8F
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